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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Here is my latest eye-volution pic collage. The difference between the last and previous eye is that the previous pic i still have stitches in the corner of my ear and the last one i didn't. Still plenty of healing to go ~ :smile:
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opp!~ here is my email shanekenji77 at yahoo dot com.
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Actually if you use 2 clinics and have the operations separately V line is performed under general anaesthetic and the eyes is IV sedation so you would not have GA twice, Shane is referring to Rhino and Zygoma, operations you are not considering. Of course if you have both procedures at the same clinic at the same time then it will be under GA but if you do choose to use 2 clinics be prepared for a lot of running around for check ups, you will need at least 3 at one clinic and 3 at the other and this is time consuming.
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I wholeheartedly agree with all the points HongKongPhooey made above. Shane has in-depth knowledge and inside scoops on most procedures and clinics and has been a tremendous help to forumers here!
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Your eyes look amazing! I'm completely sold on Dr. Shin :biggrin:

I don't mean to rush you, but have you had a chance to look at my email yet? I'm meeting with Dr. Shin next week and can't wait to see what he thinks can be done :biggrin: Thanks again, Shane!
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I'm glad to hear that ID has such a generous revision policy! Along with everything I hear about their great after-care and service, it seems like ID adds more of a human touch to the whole process. I think it's crucial that you should be able to trust the clinic to have your best interests in mind, especially when considering procedures that could potentially be life-changing.

I totally understand where you're coming from about the swelling. After I had my wisdom teeth extracted, I didn't leave my house for 5 days. The swelling distorted my entire face and I avoided mirrors and cameras like the plague.

I'm considering V-line, zygoma, and whatever procedure is necessary to deal with mouth protrusion. I'm flying to Korea next week! My relatives in Korea tell me it's unbearably hot there right now :sad:
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Thanks for clarifying, dan4me! I love how they modify the procedures to suit your individual needs. It makes me feel a lot better that it's not a mass cookie-cutter process!
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actually i will be going under G.A twice even if i do revision rhino cause my rhino involved osteotomy which mean breaking the bone. but you're right, normally if you're doing rhino, you wouldn't be going under G.A. just IV sedation and L.A will do.
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I just want to share this small experience with you. My face is still quite swollen and I want to try everything to reduce it quicker so apart from taking loads of tablets I decided to use my facial sauna. Ahhh..... it was bliss, it loosened up my Alvin Chipmunk cheeks a treat, I could open my mouth wider, do big O's and E's with my mouth, I thought I had finally found the solution. 10 minutes after my facial and my face is like an ironing board!! So let this be a lesson to you kids, don't sauna your face after surgery. LMFAO
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thanks again for your back up my dear :smile:
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glad that you going with dr shin. i know you're going to love his work just as much as i do and please keep me updated on your result. i would love to see another eyelid made by dr shin other than mine :smile:

just reply to your email. btw, you look very beautiful my dear :smile:
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Hey guy,

I remember small face was also mention as a good choice for v line with dramatic result but don't seem to have any body talking about it anymore. It is on my consultation list for v line too, anyone have any information or had done procedure with them can give some advise?

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Shane I will be in Seoul till 26th aug so maybe we can meet up , really like to see your before pic and get more advise for future ps information. From what hkphooey and Spartan warrior mention ,I am sure you are good fun to hang out with :smile:
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hi gingercandy.

thats great!~ i look so forward to meeting with you. where you from btw? and what are you planning to do while you're there? i will be doing zygoma reduction revision while i'm there. so we can hang out while we're healing :smile: when exaclty will be there? i will go there on the 15th most likely. you have whatapp's or LINE or Viber?
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