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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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It's been 3 mths since my upper n lower Blepharoplasty w Dr Kim of BK. my eyes keep improving n looking better as e mths pass. E swellings r most gone. But sometimes when u r tired or sick. Some slight swellings may occur. , but it will go away eventually. Final results 3 the fr now. Going to do fat grafting w BK to remove e ugly nasolabial folds around my mouth. Miss Seoul n all e great shoppings there! Can't wait to go bk. m very happy w my results! Luv my new eyes! [email protected].
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Can anyone tell me how to take Sinnech n Bromlin (to reduce swellings)? Do u take both at e same time ( how many at a time?). Or either one or e other (whc is better?). M preparing for my fat graft procedure.
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Ahhhhh I look forward to your site launch then...
I hear you'll be in Korea sometime in August and through early Sept? (I heard from a forumer who I was emailing about bunking together, but she decided to bunk with you... LOL) Perhaps I can see yo face then :3
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i will be sure to inform everyone here when my blog in launched. i will make a short trip to india next month to meet with my developer, after that i will be making plan to return back to korea for my zygomatic reduction revision. plus i will be caring for one of the forumer here who is considering having 2 jaws. so i will just be there for moral and mental support. so yeah, if you're ever decided to visit korea between the 15th to early sept, then we can meet up and share with you my pre-surgery photo of my face and my current face. not sure if you can distinguish what i look like from the side profile pic that i loaded as my avatar. but you'll get a chance to see it once we meet up in korea.
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aww, you're making me blush, shane!
thank you for your detailed email--it answered a lot of questions. i think you have a real talent for being able to tell what people need to get done, you could freelance as a consultant! after seeing the amazing things Dr. Shin has done with your eyes (they look really exotic! my friend who is euro-asian has similar eyes), it's hard to not want to go for revision.

anyway, i'm flying to korea next week! i'll keep you posted on what Dr. Shin advises :smile:
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I have a similar question. I've been browsing online, and I'm not sure which pills I should go for.
Have any of you ordered them online? I'd love to know what brands and combinations of pills worked for you.
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Nope, I had my tube coming out from my mouth after surgery. That's why I had no scar on my face. :smile:
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I'm glad that it helped you :smile: but yeah I agree, it made me feel so much better as well before surgery when I heard from the doctor explaining about the procedures.
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Hey ,susan ! good to hear from you and so excited that you are getting our fat graft finally ! Let me know how everything goes !! When is your surgery ?
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good luck !! I'm interested in eyelid surgery, too. Let us know how everything goes !!
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well its the truth my dear :smile: you're one beautiful looking lady and thats no lie :smile: well compare to a surgeon, my knowledge is still pretty limited, but i got people telling me the same thing that i should work as a consultant and i think you and them are right. i do have a knack for telling people what they think they need and what look good on them. even dr shin was impress by the sheer knowledge i had when i was with my friend for her eyelid consultation :P i sincerely hope that dr shin can produce for you a set of eyes that is just as beautiful and exotic as mine. i have no doubt about that he is one of the best surgeon when it comes to eyelid and eyelid revision, thats just my opinion. please do keep me posted.
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to be honest, i'm don't see any benefit or the need of either one of these medication. i have met those who have used both without much effect at all, especially if the procedure is extremely invasive. i am not knocking the pill since i haven't tried them. but i have seen other people took them religiously before and after their surgery and to me there's very little if any changes to their condition. swelling and bruising is actually a good thing as blood is flowing to the area of treatment to heal and repair the damages made during surgery. you better off applying cold pack and warm pack everyday, which is what i did and still doing for my swelling. walking is equally as effective to counter the swelling. you will be provided with a prescription of all the essential medication you would need during your recovery. so i would save my money and put it toward my medication instead. again, this is just my opinion. if anyone here care to correct me on the effectiveness of sinnech and bromelin, i would to love to hear it. i am not always right you know :graucho:
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done that already but will need to renew it again once i had my zygoma reduction and rhino :biggrin:
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