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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi, i am a singaporean. thinking of going to Taiwan or Korea for plastic surgery.

Went for a face to face consultation with Dr Kim today, he is in singapore till tomorrow.

Was quoted USD 5k for rhinoplasty(including shaving my bump and tiplasty) and also chin implant for USD 3k or genioplasty for USD 5k...
The mix reviews about BK is making me very confuse....do you guys think that the price he quoted is expensive?
He suggested boobs implant for me, but i declined.

Initially i wanted to go to thailand but i think its not safe now. So i have email a surgeon in taiwan(Dr. Kao)and he quoted USD4k for nose and USD4.5k for sliding genioplasty

anyone know do korea plastic surgeons conduct any pre operation examination like blood test, x ray before the surgery?
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Just replied. Yes, we are taking the same flight. What a coincidence :shocked:! There will also be another member from Singapore. Wow! So many of us going to Korea together at the same time. It will be g8 meeting up with all of u as it is very bored being alone at the airport for so many hours..
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Hi Acadabra, I've just pm you:smile:
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:smile: yes im meeting acadabra in kl on the 13th oct at kl airport :smile: anyone frm sg??:smile:
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Dear All,

Just to share a good news for those in Singapore & Jakarta friends here,
those who wish to have chance to meet up plastic surgeon from Korea should be delighted to hear this.

Dr Oh Min of ITEM Plastic Surgery clinic will be visiting :
Singapore on 7-October-2011 (Friday)
Jakarta on 8-October-2011 (Saturday)

He will be giving free face-to-face consultation for those who wish to have more information about the surgery procedures.

And Doctors from ITEM Plastic Surgery Clinic, will be take turn to visit Singapore & Jakarta every month.
(Dr Kim Jin Sung / Dr Chung Woo Jin / Dr Oh Min)

Their reservation email : [email protected]
website : www.itemclinic.com
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Hi everyone, i'm new to this forum.

Want to see if anyone is going to Korea for surgery in Nov?

I'm still decided between bandoeyes, banobagi and dr kim.

I did the first surgery with Dr Wong few years ago and it was horrible! Left me with deep scarring and i think i really cannot take it anymore.

Does any knows if there are any consultant in SG that represents Dr KIM? I'm more interested to go BKDY but just found out the previous consultant Elaine is not with him anymore...

Pls help : (
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Hi Starjumper,

How do you know Dr Kim is in Sg and have you decided on your trip?
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it not coincidence JuicyMe ^^
just wanna share with all here that not only BKDY doc visit Singapore,
there are other surgeon from korea visit Singapore too.
Just to let them have more option to decide which doctor will be their best choice to go for it.

I did my surgery in 2007(eye&nose), 2008(revision Nose) & 2009(redo nose)
of all the nose surgeries i did before only my 3rd nose job turn out to be good!
There is a story behind it.

That's why I'm here to share some bad experience i had before & now i wanna aware all here to be more careful about choosing the right surgeon for ur enhancement.

Mostly important to make sure that the doctor who consult u is performing ur surgery.
for example for eyelid surgery:

1) surgeon will discuss with you which kind of crease (Infold/Outfold) u prefer & height as well and if u decide to take the surgery, he would first do a mark on the crease height and let i see if u are happy with the height.
beware of surgeon who ignore ur concern & just kept saying ok i can do it!

2) follow on u will get change for surgery & proceed to operation room to be prep for the surgery.

3) before u are sedated, the surgeon will re-check & design your crease height in balance again.
if u being sedated before u see the surgeon, u should know what i wanna say already....is too late to regret & just pray hard that the result gonna be fine.
4) during he surgery, u can hear the surgeon calling you to open up your eyes to check the crease balance, but not to worry u won't feel pain.
if u hear some unfamiliar voice calling u to open up your eyes to check the crease balance, that's it! i shall not say more cos it may offend surgeon out there that former here is planning to go

Hope that those tips i share will be helpful to those planning to have surgery aboard ;)
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Thanks!! Were you unhappy with your results from BK?? I'm going for eyes revision. This winter.
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maybe i should say half yes & half no.

Only thing is know is i made a right choice on my 3rd Nose Job by appointing one of the Doc in BKDY to redo it for me. As now he already left & no longer with BKDY since last May2011.

As for my Eyes, i'm happy. The doc who did my eye also left BKDY in 2008.
1st nose job in BKDY, turn out to be not bad but unfortunately i got infected & implant remove in 3weeks time. 3months later i redo it again & this time is by Dr XXX and the result is not ideal, cos it look short! that's why i did my 3rd nose job again. And this time no regrets cos i pick the right surgeon in there.

I do not wish to comment more on BKDY, online here.
u can email me at : [email protected]

U should decide after u have consultation, keep ur option open.
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@ alice2011: Pls check ur mail yea. Wud like to seek ur advice. Btw, how do I find u at the airport? i only know dat i will be meeting 4 pretty ladies (incl. Crystalong) and i m the ugly duckling :biggrin:
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