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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey! Would you be able to send your b+as to me also? My email is [email protected]

Thanks ^_^
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average looking? nonsense. your profile is perfection. i can't wait to see the frontal view!

please keep us posted on the progress on your blog! after all your experience and research, i think you have the equivalent of a phD in terms of your knowledge of clinics and procedures :biggrin:
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Lucky you! I've also heard about how humid Seoul is right now. I'm dreading it because I hate, hate, hate sweating but summer vacation's the only time I have free from school. I hear cooler temperatures are better for the healing process too. Lessens the chance of infection and scarring, apparently :smile:

Have you decided what type of implant you want for your rhino? The more research I do, the harder it is to decide!
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Hi Dear member is anyone ever replace your silicone implant with Goretex? Is there any visibility on implant of goretex? I had finish consult Dr Jung Shimmian he said my implant really too high cause skin thinning, advise me to go for Alloderm to repair my skin & goretex to give me a bridge volume cost of it is $6.8k usd! Pls do not go jewelry clinic their clinic is over promise and no confident in revision if u wanna revise it within 6mths! I'm really lost now... :sad:
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Hey worries, can tell tt u r almost at yr wit end n little panicky. I believe I'll probably be like u or worst, freak out completely. But if possible, pls chk w 2 more clinics for opinion or even write n send pictures to the Seoul clinic for consultation. Dun rush for Next surgery w fresh wound or u might subject yrsekf to other problems?

Hugs :choochoo::hugs:
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I agreed with u Emisa.. I ask Dr Jung my nose skin thinning can wait? He mention so far extrusion is still early but my skin sure gets thinner n implant will
Be more n more obvious! However Dr Jung's director mention in asia there is 3 rhinoplasty good ENT surgeon: 1st is Dr Jung Shimmian , 2nd Dr Tornori ( I don't know I get the right spelling) 3rd is Dr Kao from Taiwan! I was like so regretted! Initially I wanted to go Dr kao, now It's a bomb to me to turn back to dr kao too... :sad:
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I have not had a forehead implant I did consider it but I have got paranasal implants each side of my nose and so far this has ironed out all wrinkles and got rid of the Nasal Labial Lines as the skin is slightly stretched. I am sure this would be the same for you so you probably won't need any type of filler for a good few years but by that time it will probably be in a cream not injections as non surgical cosmetic surgery is a faster growth area than surgical procedures.
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Haha, smoking hot lol!!! I can see you are whipping up quite a crowd for your next visit, nice one it will be fun for you!

Good idea, I think you should post a current photo on here of what you look like right now so people can identify you when meeting up in August. Your avatar photo looks like your younger brother and if I was to meet you for the first time I would not be able to identify you from that photo as you've probably had several more procedures since. I think you've come a long way since that 'before' photo and you should be proud to post an up to date photo.
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dear hongkongphooey

me too want to see your b/a picture.
btw thanks for all the information

i will also going to idhosital
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thank you for your kind comment my dear. you know what there say, the hardest critic to please would always be your own self :biggrin:

personally i don't think my knowledge equal that to a qualfied surgeon, not matter how many procedure i had done before. i would consider myself to be an aesthetic artist. i can tell by looking at their face their imperfection and suggest ways that might help improve their look. the experience that i had having done so many surgeries does help to add credit to the advice i give. so i kinda have that going for me :smile: but l would never consider myself an expert in this field. like everyone else, i am still learning as much as i can about all the different types of procedure that are available and have questions of my own which i am still seeking answer for :smile:
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