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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hongkongphooey, do you mind sending me your b/a pics of your eyes and nose.
email is (incase you want it) xuelin4ever@gmail.com
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Oh.. that's weird. In my last email with her, she said she's leaving Seoul on the 7th, so I assumed she booked her tickets.

NOOOOO I really want to meet you in person. 1. you're probably really good looking. 2. advice/tips for my surgery/recovery. 3. I really want to see your before picture! :P HKphooey has made it sound soooo intriguing! hahah... oh and you probably know the town pretty well, which would be very helpful for me :smile:
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I would love to! My email address is waffle.enthusiast@gmail.com.
I'm excited to see the before and after photos since ID is #1 on my list!
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i personally have never had any procedure done there, but when i was in korea back in april, i know a girl who went there for consultation, 2 actually. and their feedback about them weren't all that positive. Teuimp are known for their epi, apparently they were either the pioneer of this procedure or the first to introduce it in Korea. whichever it is. that seem to be their go to solution for everything. 2 of my friends went there for consultation and they share with me what Tieumps suggested them to have done. apart from double eyelud, they also insist that both girls required for medial and lateral epi. i personally have examine the proximity of their eyes for both these girls and it doesn't make any sense to me since both girls has naturally long eye and the distance between their eyes are quite narrow. so don't be surprise if there recommended the same procedure when you drop by Tieump for a consultation. epi seem to a staple at this clinic, which could be a good or bad thing. a clinic who does epi on a regular basis should know alot about the procedures, so you would expect a certain level of expertise when it comes to fixing bad epi done at another clinic. but then again, skill set required for primary epi and revision epi tend to be different as revision epi may require more advance skill that Tieump may not poccess. just because you pioneer or introduce the procedure doesn't mean you likely be the most experience clinic to perform such a procedure. eventually both girl went to MIGO for their eyelid job. there is this one girl that went to Tieump for her eyelid whom i never heard back from again. how her eye turn out i guess i will never know.
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my pleasure tracy. i had my first 2 eyelids job done at thailand, the thrid one by dr shin of BK.

my blog/website is coming along nicely. i am heading to india on the 10th to meet with my web developer. its not going to be just a blog, but a full database website. by the time i return from india, i should be able to do a soft launch on the site. i will keep everyone inform on the progress.
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really? when was the last time you corrosponded with her? well if that's the case, then i see no reason to fly on the 15th. but i will give her a few more days to response to my email since i did make a promise to her first. when are you flying to korea again? i know gingercandy is departing on the 28th july, so i will most likely fly off around the same time or a bit later than she is, but will still meet up with her once i arrieved in korea. so please let me know when you're heading to korea. if you had already mention it, please let me know again. so many date to remember :biggrin:

well i probably can provide you with plenty of advice for your surgery and i will definetely let you have a peak at my before picture when you see me, but i'm not sure about me being really good looking :smile: i'm just average. spartan warrior is good looking in my opinion. even hong kong phooey would eventually be smoking hot once all her swelling come down. hmmm... maybe i could post my after photo here first for people to judge :smile: what you think?
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i agree whole heartedly :smile:
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Hi HongKOngpooey,

Can you please email your b/a pics to my email address: kiwii_tang@yahoo.co.uk

I am also considering Dr Gim for my surgery.

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haha! I think you'd be fishing for compliments from the forumers who are all very sweet! Just teasing. If nothing else, all the forumers who are planning to meet up with you in Seoul will have a face to the name :smile:

I received an email from Y(what is her username here?) on the June 28th. And she said she's departing Seoul on September 7th... So I'll be meeting up with her on her last few days...

My flight lands in Seoul on September 4th, so I plan on running around and visiting clinics to consult clinics regarding a nose job.. But I figured I can meet up with Y and you if you're still around, in between and go have lunch/dinner at some place yummy :smile:

It seems no one's planning on going to Seoul in Sept.. D:
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i am not really fishing for compliment here. just that i recieved so many email and PM requesting for my before and after photo that i might just give in on the after photo, and not the before :graucho:

yeah she told me the same that Y is departing korea on the 7th sept. but i still haven't recieved any confirmation as to when she would be departing for korea. i haven't book my flight ticket yet, so anything is still possible at this point. even if i kept with my original plan to go on the 15th august without Y, i probably still won't be able to meet up with you, cause i'll need to return back before the end of august. if i decide to depart earlier then the 15th, then my return would be much earlier than the end of the month. i really hope you could join us in august. cause it does seem like there isn't many people going to korea in sept and i would love to meet up with you there and hang :smile:
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Oh, bummer....
My flight's been booked already, and the ticket prices for Korea in August is soooo expensive! On top of that, I keep hearing about how awfully hot and humid the weather is in August... I can barely keep up with the heat where I'm at, I don't think I can bear heat+humidity.. I'd probably die the minute I land. LOLs.

Well, since I won't be seeing you, I REALLY hope your blog goes up asap so all the forumers (me included) can see your unbelievable b/a pictures :P And an explanation of the 44 procedures you've done. It sounds like there must've been a lot of revisions...

If I have any questions regarding the clinics or my rhinoplasty, I'll just reach out to you via this forum :smile: I still haven't decided where I'm going.. but I suppose, times aplenty :biggrin:
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Congrats!! you are healing well :smile: Do keep us updated on your condition , I think I will have the numbness myself when I do my v line.
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a real bummer indeed. i was really hoping to meet up with you in august, i really am :sad:
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