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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi Anna,
I will do consult with ID, BK (Dr Shin), Migo, Grand and Dream (Chinese consultant told me she was busy and refered me to someone but she never answered phone.)

What about you?
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Oh! have you tried eating spicy food during your recovery? HKPhooey said that you're not allowed to... But if you've shirked the rules w/o complications... I might have to risk one bowl of Jjambbong! LOLs

If it's an open procedure, I'd have a visible scar right? Oh bummer...

Dude, Shane... You're like a freaking plastic surgery encyclopedia. I can't say enough how much I'm anticipating the launch of your blog!

And please answer Ooh_la's and my question regarding your skin! haha
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i'm always setting high standard for myself in everything that i do, including plastic surgery. i'm pretty satisfied with the way that i turn out, but of course there are always room for improvement. yup, i am getting my zygoma revision in august, and maybe my revision rhino if there's time:cool:
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Thanks for the advice honkingphooey and shane! i just went in for my consultation at ID with dr park and theres an opening on thursday. The only thing holding me back from putting down my deposit is I've seen the price of vline at id range between 5.5 mil kwon to 7.5 mil on this forum and cozycot, but i was quoted 8.5 mil, and that doesn't include meds...

Am i getting ripped off because i didn't hire zoe?
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thanks for your compliment. actually i do have visible pore. maybe you just can't see it. i seriously doubt that my skin is better than yours. but its a huge improvement to how my skin use to be. i would say for an average guy, my skin are pretty good. but i can never compare myself to that of celebrities :smile:
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I am now only flexible +-2 days from these dates. Let's hope your friend will stick to the planned date and you will go to Seoul after mid Aug.:graucho:
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yes, i have tried spicy food during my recovery and paid the price with an infection. it was only about 2 weeks since i had my first rhinoplasty. my stitches has been removed so i figure it was safe to start nibbling on spicy food. my first attempt at spicy food were a deadly combination of spicy and seafood. the consequences were an infection and my implant has to be removed immediately. i had to wait 6 months for my infection to clear up before i could go do another rhino job.

an open technique does leave a small V shape scar underneath your collumela, it is visible for the first few week. but because it is a surgical cut made with a sterile instrument as oppose to normal tear and cut made with a blunt object, the wound won't develop scar tissue thus be less noticable and would eventually fade over time. and let's not forget that your collumela is facing downward which makes it impossible for people to see the minute scar from the front.

i really don't recommend the close technique for anyone who is considering dramatic changes with their nose. close technique involve insicision made through one side of your nostril. even though the incision is made on the inside and there would be no visible scar externally, there is a high risk that you will develop huge scar tissue which might deviate the size of your nostril. and what you're end up with with is a one nostril bigger than the other. with the close technique, the surgeon is limited to what he/she can cachieved through the tiny incision made on one side of your nostril. unless your only intention is to remove a hump on your nasal bridge, i really don't recommend anyone going for the close technique for a more detail work with their nose. a surgeon who is working through a small incision made up one side of the nose cause unintentionally case a lot of wear and tear to the incision area. that why you risk scar tissue formation once the wound is stitch back up.

believe me when i say i speak from experience. always go for an open technique rhinoplasty unless the procedure is a simple one like nasal hump removal.
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do let me know what dr shin say :smile:
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Hey Shane77,

If I were you, I will not pursue more surgeries coz that is good looking enuff. For the nose, yes, it might not be slim, but the shape is nice. Chinese believes that such nose would bring and retain wealth. :cool:
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LIke what the forumers cfmed, your nose really look almost identical to Megan Fox's. Very nice!!

YOur eyes are pretty too esp without the false eyelashes. Did you draw eyeliner over the incision part? If yes, how does it look like if it is not drawn? Obvious? I am considering lateral epi but not sure if it will leave an obvious scar.

LIke kkim120, prefer friend to say "hey u look prettier" but not sure why, instd of "where did you get your eyes done"
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its easy for people to make negative remark without first providing some solid evidence to back it up. one should never heed the advice from those who only speculate but never try themself. don't knock it until you tried it is my advice.
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Shane and KK :smile:

sorry about the confusion and late reply! u guys know I'm juggling 4 jobs, so just been really busy :sad:

Joanne told me to come on the 7th if I wanted to do it along with my two jaw, but after talking to shane, i decided to wait with rhino.

I'll be in Seoul from the 15th as planned! :smile:

kk did u decide on a clinic yet??

nanxy: can I see ur b&a too? shouislove at hotmail dot com
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hi Shane

you were mentoning that your skin was bad before
what have you done, cause i have a bad skin myself

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even if is stick with my orginal plan to go in mid agust, i wouldn't be able to stay past the end of the month i think. so lets hope we can come to some kind of an arrangement where we can still meet each other even if it is for only a day or 2 :smile:
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