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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Are you still staying the whole time in Seoul? Are your tickets already booked?
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anytime :smile: u look fabulous!
hope ur luvin the new you!

KK yup :smile: tickets and everything already okay.
no changes in my dates, so I'll be in Seoul august 15th - sept 7th
seeing u on the 5th!
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Thanks !! I do love myself now. I know I could be a bit narcissistic. haha
That is awesome !!
I wish I was there in Korea to join you guys !!!
Where are going for your consultation ? :smile:
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Did you look up ulzzang? I found this tumblr for you: http://****yeahuhljjang.tumblr.com/
It's a compilation of lots of different ulzzangs, who I imagine are all a bit narcissistic as well LOL.

I wish you could be there with us too! With your face, we could probably get into clubs without paying cover! Except... all of our faces will be in bandages.. and no alcohol.. hahaha!
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Wow. That's a long stay for just rhino! I bet you'll be all patched up by the time I see you! I hope your nose turns out lovely!! :biggrin:

Who did you say you were emailing/consulting again?
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DUDE... what a bummer. I hope your results start showing soon! Good luck on your recovery!
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I am willing to pay for dr park as well, it's just my mum is also decided to get a few extra procedures done at Id which totally took us over budget. I did express this to Joanne and she was able to discount the procedures by a little more. I ended up canceling all my other consultations and put my deposit down because I wanted dr park for my vline and dr gim for my mums revision nose based on your experience :smile:. We are both booked in for Thursday so we can share the same recovery room.
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They don't charge any fee at all. I'm a foreign student in seoul. last week I went to Grand clinic for eye consultation. They didn't ask for any money.
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OMG they are so pretty !!!!! Are they all koreans ? dang...
Seriously !! we'll be in the club without drinking alcohols and plus bandages. very sexy. LOL
you guys have fun for me though !! :graucho:
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yup, let us all meet together again next year april. i am contemplating to do my nose along with my zygoma this august so that by the time we come together in april, we get to enjoy the spendor and beauty that seoul has to offer :smile:
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i would love you too if i were you ^^ :roflmfao:
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good luck with your V line surgery this thursday. Dr park did my revision V line and it turn out great. so i am very confident that you and your mom surgery will turn out equally as great as mine. good luck and god bless.
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Hi all! Just a non-member lurker from another forum following hongkongphooey over for the information, and i wasn't disappointed. This is a lot more active than the one i was lurking on, and curiosity has got the better of me.

I've been thinking of mandible reduction for a long time, ever since i got into kpop and the whole Korean entertainment wave. I unfortunately got the short end of the family genes so i have a rather wide face whereas my younger brothers all got the small faces. My concern is, will they start telling me i need this done and that done as well to make me good looking when all i'm looking for is to have my jaw done?

PS. hongkongphooey, if your brother is planning on teaching in Korea, he best get on his bike and be quick about it. SK is phasing out the foreign nationals teaching English in the next couple of years, so only the ones already there will be able to carry on teaching English. They'll start employing Korean nationals with fluent English instead (which is what they should've done in the first place IMO).
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sorry to hear of your concern. the consultant were one of the reason why i axe bano from my list when i was consulting for my 2 jaw back in april. the one thing that turn me off about bano is their biase toward other clinic. when informed the consultant that i was considering between, BK, ID and Bano, their immediate reaction response were less than positive. they were saying how great Bano were and the number of complaint they heard about ID and BK. if it weren't for the consultant, i just might consider to my 2 jaws at bano. but after recieving a few feedback from those who have had their procedure done there, i kinda glad that i didn't choose bano for my 2 jaws. it could be decision that i might regret. but i sincerely hope that you would eventually be satisfied with the result you gotten from bano.
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