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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey babe !

How many days u get to stay in the recovery room? Did u requested for it or they just offer you? What are the days after op u need to go back for follow up. I know I will get a run down when it is my turn but just want to have before hand...

A mil thks :smile:
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Shane do you get good discount charming those girl ? LoL ..... If that work you will be every girl best friend when they need a job done in ID!

Keep up the good job ....hhhhh
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With the permission of my friend, i've uploaded an eye-volution collage of the eyelid procedure that she had with dr shin of BK. we went to 3 clinic to consult about her eyelid, BK, ID and Regen. We went to Migo as well but due to language barrier, we couldn't communicate with the staffs there. So decide to drop them off our to visit list. She eventually decided to go with BK even though They weren't the cheapest choice. But my friend were so impress with dr shin detailed diagnosis and knowledge that she chose to have dr shin perform her first ever plastic surgery procedure. Although i highly recommended dr shin, but i told her that it was her choice and that my recommendation shouldn't influence her decision. She should feel comfortable with whomever she choose to have her eyelid procedure. But i'm glad she chose dr shin. Dr shin suggested full incision, inside fold eyelid procedure with mild ptosis correction as well as medial epi and lateral 2D epi. Her 2D epi is somewhat similar to my lateral 3D, except there is no lowering of her corner. Just lengthening and raising. She is about a month since her surgery and thus far everything seem to be on track with her recovery. The first photo show obviously her pre-surgical look. Second photo was taken about 2 week into her surgery and the third was a pic she sent me recently. She is still experience mild swelling symmetry if her eye is not quite yet even. But so far so good. Will keep everyone here updated on her progress.
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Hi everyone ^^

I'm new here and I have a few questions, will be extremely grateful if I can get some help on them!

1. I am thinking of doing Epi & Lateral (I have inner double lids so if medical epi with blepharoplasty don't help in bringing the inner lids out, I will consider double eyelids surgery too) at either IDhospital or Banobagi from the many reviews I've read at different forums. Anyone here done them at those places and might want to share some input with me? If there are other recommended places, do share with me too!

2. I'm thinking of going for Rhino as well; narrowed the choices down to ID, Banobagi & BK hospital. However, I haven't seen much pictures on nose surgeries thus I will really appreciate if I can get some input on them with some of your B&A pictures (:

@hongkongphooney : Hi there! I've seen quite a few forummers here commenting on how great your eyes and nose look, mind if I request for a B&A picture from you as well? My email is mizukihimeko@gmail.com , Thank you ^^
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Got your email thanx. No need for a tourist visa if you carry a British Passport unless you intend staying more than 3 months. If you carry more than $10k USD about £7K GBP you will need to declare this money with customs both UK and Seoul, it's just a simple form you download and fill out, it's so they don't think you are laundering money. I took £11K GBP with me so had to declare it, if not they have the legal right to take the excess £4k off you, I think you can collect it on the way back though but not too sure on this, I didn't risk it.

As I said on another post, don't not choose Banobagi based on other people's experiences, see for yourself. Yes on Cozycot many are raving about them while others are not. If you can save faster, I am heading there next April, maybe you will be in a position to join us.
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ID offered me a measly one night, I requested for two nights but I also know I could have probably pushed for 3 as I didn't go in peak season, for me 2 nights was sufficient, I wouldn't want to stay another night I wanted my privacy, other fellow V Liners only stayed one night. My follow ups were 4, 7 and 12 days later (should have been 14 if I stayed longer) this may differ person to person. If you click on hongkongphooey above my photo on the left then select 'find more posts by.....' go to page 4 and start reading my blogs from June 7th titled 'So here I am in Seoul....' I have meticulously detailed my journey including all the check ups so you will know exactly what to expect.

A mil oks
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Im thinking of getting surgery. Can i see your pic too. I would like a nose job.
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Hi Hongkongphooey,

Thank you SO MUCH for the quick reply and pictures! After seeing them and going through all your post [your ravings on ID's aftercare], I have to say I am so convinced to go for IDHospital and go with Dr. Kim Junesung! Your eyes and nose after the surgery are AMAZING, really similar to MF, especially the nose!
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Understood. Thanks for the info again. I was completely befuddled by whether or not i'd need a visa. So i'd only actually need one if i intended on staying longer than 90 days? I'd actually consider staying longer if it meant getting the best aftercare.

Don't know about April, will have to wait and see though it would be nice to be there with other people. Last time i was in SK was with my Aunt via Hong Kong on holiday with a Chinese tourist group for 5 days. Couldn't talk to anyone cos my cantonese is pants, couldn't share anything. If it wasn't for my aunt i'd have been sulking for all those 5 days. Can't imagine getting PS on my lonesome. Think i'd go nuts.
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LOL~ now i wouldn't say that i have much infuence over at ID, but mention my name and you just might get a little more discount...maybe. personally i get discount for my own surgery. but those who have brought in to see joanne has gotten a good deal. my advice is for those who wish to bargain is to not bring a translator with you. no offense to zoe, but unfortunately translator does earn a cut from those that they bring in. usually the commission is about 10 to 15%, so if you can manage to consult without hiring a translator, the clinic won't have to pay a share to them thus the clinic will be able to pay on the saving to you. this information is base on a very reliable source that was brought to my attention just recently.
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Sure thing, let you know when I find out.
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Hi Dan4me,
Can I see your b&a pics? Everyone is raving about your new looks and your avatar is gorgeous! thanks in advance!
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Thanks so much for sending me your a&b. everyone is right, you're so beautiful now! hope you're recovering well!
I emailed ID but they refuse to let me stay even 1 night after op. that's okay i guess I'll just go back to my hotel then.
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I can't see photos yet as I don't have the full account yet :sad:.
You should totally feel great about yourself!! To have the balls to go through everything by yourself, then share your experiences so thoroughly and answer questions as well as give advice, using an iPad... You and Shane should both demand fees and commission! I couldn't choose between regen and id but after following your posts extensively, I decided on Id, even before I got to Korea.

I'm super duper prepared, been cutting seafood and alcohol from my diet for a while (really hard cause I just came from a holiday in Europe), and got all my pineapples (fresh and juices), supplements, creams, pumpkin soups, baby foods, bottled water and tv shows ready!! Now the count down begins.

Ps my mum is getting rhino, but your tips are still as valuable as ever. :smile:
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That's strange. Zoe actually left the consultation room when I was negotiating. I also have emails from other girls that have used her saying the same thing happened to them. How much money a person pays is a personal matter between the client and the clinic. Zoe does NOT haggle, she does exactly as her title, she translates. I don't know if she gets paid commission, if she does then good for her, well done Zoe. If you read the price others are paying for V Line at ID right now and they are not using Zoe versus the price I paid for V Line having used Zoe then you can clearly read it's exactly the same price, so I beg the question, what 10-15 percent increase? I think I know why you post so many negative words about Zoe I have stayed quiet but your last post is in very bad taste for someone simply making an honest living and helping bridge a language barrier. When I first met you you said next time you come don't hire Zoe I have a friend that is about to embark on the same thing and she is much cheaper, hire her.

No disrespect Shane but you really shouldn't slate an innocent person just to help a friend, it lacks integrity. This forum is mainly about actual experiences not hear say, not rumours, that's why I bang on about consulting with lots of clinics not just on what you read and I have personally used the services of Zoe and have first hand experience of the level of help and service she gave me for a very small amount of money, you have not personally hired her I have, dont go by what he said or she said then pass it on I left that in the playground years ago.

As I said many times before, without her I wouldn't have gone to Korea for PS and neither would many other girls, she exceeded all my expectations and would book her again in a flash. You will find her name mentioned over and over again on many forums, each person posting praise after praise for her kind nature and superb service, surely we can't all be wrong or have we all been tricked, I think not. All of you that have followed my journey will get a feel for what I'm all about, I'm very black and white, tell it how it is, warts and all.

Shane, I dont want to fall out, let it go, stick to the facts, you are a great asset to this forum, let other people decide for themselves if the want to hire Zoe don't get side tracked by hear say.
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