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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hongkongpooey, I enjoyed reading you and Shane's blog,/post, not only because it is detailed, you guys are able to put it across in a humorous way and the choice of words are simply fantastic. High language proficiency, so to speak. By the way, what is meaning of "gandhi's flip flop"? I am learning lotsa new words here too!!
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I forgot to mention that in regard to the cheaper translator i mention to you, i want to make clear that she is not a personal friend of mine but that of a friend of forumer whom i met back in april. I have no association or ties with this individual. This translator that i mention isn't even full time. At the time when i met her, she was only there to help out the former who happen to be a personal friend of her. I was fortunate enough to witness her good will and gesture. She spend every available time she had with her and even giving up her own lunch break to pay her a visit in the clinic. At the end of her service, she never ask for any fee but the forumer insist she compensate her for her service. I only recommended her because i remember you say her fee were a bit expensive but worth the price. I only suggested her in that basis. And i did mention that there's no guarantee that you would be able to hired her since she doesn't do this full time. I'm not getting any kick back from her. And she doesn't even know that i recommended her to you. Never once i recommended her here in this forum. So please don't accuse me of slating an innocent person for the sake of a friend. If i had known recommending her would offend you in any way, i probably would keep my big mouth shut :smile:
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Hey Hongkongpooey,
Could you pls further elaborate about drawing blood to hv a baby skin complexion? What is that procedure?
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i have to agree with HKP. even though i had a not so good experience with ID clinic and Dr Park, and maybe Zoe was part of the reason of misscommunication, but as a person, she does try to help as much as she can and make you comfortable.
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Well I'm not sure if any other surgeon would agree with the use of LA to remove the tube and inserting the stitches. If you really concern about the tube, you could try BK. apparently their tube is inside the mouth and no pain when it is removed. The stitching is not that bad. There only sew you up twice. So you will feel 2 tiny pin prick on each ear. Its very tolerable in my opinion.
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Thanks :smile:
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OMG your description is so epic and over the top *hits 'like' button*
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Shane, you've undergone 44 procedures. I can only imagine what your pain threshold is... I can only assume its higher than average..well, mine at least (which also happens to be lower than average... lol). Do you suppose the pain of rhinoplasty will be my death? hahaha.
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Don't worry. I'll definitely post a b/a picture of my nose on the forum! :smile:

Although, it seems that all of the online consultations are telling me that I have to/strongly recommend an implant. And I don't want to get a nose job if I have to get an implant. If something happens, I won't have the funds to seek revision until probably much later... If no one can tell me confidently that they can do tiplasty for my nose w/o an implant, I may end up not getting anything done.. :'( A lot of the consultants just get frustrated and tell me "we can only know for certain after a face-to-face consultation" with broken English of course...

If no surgery, then at least I can eat all the spicy food I want! :biggrin:
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I'm definitely not knocking zoe as mean spirited person. It is my personal opinion that zoe is a great translator and i consider her a dear friend of mine. And it is my belief that a person should be entitle to what she's worth. All i'm saying here is is if you have a limited budget to how much you
can spend, then its might not worth hiring her since she will be compensated separately by the clinic. So if the clinic has to pay her a commission while still remain profitable, there're limited to how much discount they can give you. On the other hand, if money is not an issue and you have problem with zoe taking her share then she is indeed an excellent choice to consider hiring. I have absolutely no Spate against zoe. I would've hire her myself if i had known of this forum before i had my eyelid revision surgery back in january. She is terrific translator and as a former ID consultant her self, she has an excellent knowledge in the of field of plastic surgery.
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Having had 44 different procedures certainly does increase your tolerance toward pain a little a little bit, but trust me when i say its not a whole lot. Its the anticipation of the pain that make its bearable. An example would be the tube. The first time the tube were yank out, i haven't experience the pain before. So there were no anticipation cause i had never experience what it felt to have the tube yank out of you. The second time when the tube was removed, i anticipate and experience the pain before so i was able to prepare my body for it. So its always going to be a scary event to think of the kind of pain that is able to happen to you. But it is something we all have to go through when undergoing elective surgery. The pain doesn't change just because you had 44 procedures done or a high tolerance to pain. So someone like you who have never had rhinoplasty done is going to be difficult to anticipate how painful it cause you had never experience it before. All you have is verbal reference other people who had the surgery done before. And in my opinion its never accurate. I agree that having the tube pulled from behind your ear is not a pleasant experience but what is unpleasant to you might be a cakewalk for me. So who know, the tube might not be as bad as you think it is.
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hahaha I think u did a great job describing it!
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thx for the great feedback, from you and hkphooey
it doesnot mather you and hkphooey has a differtent opinion
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and we are all entitle to our own opinion whether other people agree with it or not :smile:
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I think its good that you both share your opinion, its good to get both sides etc. And then make an informed decision
I am considering Zoe's services because i am going with one other person who doesnt know korea well and is also getting surgery, so i need someone there to help so i hope i have a similar experience as HKP did!
But again money is somewhat of an issue so if there is a cheaper alternative i would gladly consider! Haha

Have to say Shane though you are looking great from your B+As and most recent picture.
Your side picture you look very charming but your second picture you so mysterious! So different but very handsome nonetheless :P i think maybe no more surgeries otherwise its not fair on the other men!!

I am looking forward to your blog though!
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