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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Studying your words you are quite a diplomatic person. It's up to you if you want to expose the clinic on here at the end of the day they tricked you and stole from you and even tried to deny it even though the other clinic took X Rays of you to prove it. Personally if this happened to me, I would make sure everyone would know. I don't know if you know this but it happened to another girl too at the same clinic, I have read her story also. It's not up to me to pass on this information but as this is your story you might want to share it, something good could come out from it but I totally understand if you don't want to. I will however, keep following you as you are one brave and determined lady!! High Five to you.
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thanx :smile: i posted the link. if my experience will save others from being ripped off the so be it
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"All you need to do is search this forum, there are countless quotes of Zoe helping others reduce their surgery prices, she will stay in the room if you ask her. Now you tell me, how does this benefit her? Seriously, I rest my case, I can prove you wrong over and over.

Originally Posted by Resona
My Seoul Journey Part 2

I have been in Seoul since Mon, 24 Oct and will be here until Wed, 9 Nov. Having benefitted from past contributions in the forum, I would like to share my experience these few days. I sincerely hope it will help you (to some extent) in your decision making process.

My original plan was to consult 7 to 8 clinics on 24 and 25 Oct before making up my mind on which one to go for my eye (revision), nose (revision) and cheekbone surgery on 26 Oct. The clinics in my list included ITEM, OZ, Shimmian, Banobagi, Regen, Migo, Real and Dream.

In the end, I only visited 5 of them mainly because I felt very comfortable with the doctors and staff at Regen and decided to proceed with them. I had my eye operation on the evening of 25 Oct and my nose and cheekbone surgery on the afternoon of 26 Oct.

Consult and Ask
During my trip, I came to realize it is very important to consult a few doctors. Some of the doctors gave different diagnosis of my eye condition, hence divergent treatment methods as well. It is frightening to imagine what would have happened if I had listened to only one or two doctors.

You should also ask all the questions you have and clarify your doubts from their answers. It is your face after all, and you have a right to know.

Thank God for Zoe
Zoe was probably the best thing that happened to me in Korea. Would have been totally lost without her! She was such a blessing during the time I was there... by the way, she speaks very good English, Chinese and Korean.

She planned my schedule, brought me to the clinics and translated for me there. With her 6 years of medical experience in ID and other clinics, she also gave me great advice. Finally, she bargained with the clinic consultants at Regen and managed to get me a discount (which was much more than what I paid her).

She was also genuinely nice and concerned about me, taking care of me like a friend. After each operation, she will check on me, bring me back to the hotel, help me buy things, etc. Felt sooo grateful to her!

Will be writing about the clinics in my next post. Jus need to organize my notes a little bit.
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Hi guys, this thread is great, always has several new posts. I was actually thinking of hiring Zoe but not sure as to when to actually notify her, is a month in advance ok? This is just for future reference.

Also, i think i understand what Shane is trying to say with regard to Zoe, or at least i hope i do. The prices you get quoted from clinics will be the same regardless of whether or not you have a translator its just that without a translator, they'd be able to give you a much bigger discount if you know how to haggle because they wouldn't have to pay commission to the translator. If you take in a translator, you're much more likely to pay closer to full price because they can't give you a decent discount because of this commission which the translator gets. Correct me if i'm wrong with this interpretation.
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you have your opinion and i'll have mine. let's just stick with that move on.
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I fully understood this from the beginning, but I used Zoe 3 weeks ago and haggled hard, another girl on here having surgery this week with the same clinic didn't use Zoe and also haggled hard, the outcome, price for the same surgery at the same clinic remained exactly the same. This is my question not being answered.

See my quote I just posted from another forumer about Zoe, I think we overlapped. Yes book her early so she can schedule you in, she's very busy so give her as much notice as you can. Please report back as to how you found her services,
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Hello, I finally got a price quote from Chloe at VIP. What do you guys think? Are there alternatives to rib cartilage for rhinoplasty? I already have a bridge and was just looking at refining my nose tip.

eyelid/ptosis correction US$3,500
rib cartilage rhinoplasty US$9,500
paranasal augmentation with rib cartilage US$2,000
geniolasty US$5,000

What do you guys think?
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holey cow. thats too much for a nose job
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"prove me wrong nanx and i will admit its my mistake"

Errm Ben..... I proved you wrong, lived up to my end of the bargain where's yours?

At least we are all clear now, thank goodness for that. Your surgery price and haggled price is the same whether you use Zoe or not. Zoe's fees are extremely reasonable, she will help you haggle if you ask her to, she will take care of you the best she can (God knows how she does it, while I was there one girl had bad 2 jaw surgery and coughed up blood all over Zoe's clothes, not once but twice) she felt so sorry for her she visited her every night after work in her own time, now that's what I call over above and beyond the call of duty.

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Oh i see, it does seem peculiar. Guess we'll never know unless Shane reveals his source or you ask for an honest answer from Zoe herself.

P.s. finally got round to looking at your nose! Looks amazing, the resemblance is uncanny.
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