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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey Multitess,

I will be there on 27 Aug. Hope you will take care of me when I arrive. Hahahaha. Not forgetting Shane.:roflmfao:
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love the slogan, hate the brand :smile: (i myself drive a Beemer Z4) but yeah, i'm always in pursuit of perfection, no matter what the cost or how painful its going to be. the worse pain i felt is back in april when i had my 2 jaws surgery and i feel that was the definition of pain when it comes to plastic surgery. if you can survive that, you could easily survive anything. some would say that i'm addicited to the plastic surgery or that i have a body dismorphic syndrome. well if perfection is an addiction, then strap me up in a straight jacket and send me to therapy :graucho:
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HongKongpooey, can you start a thread on this? I want to know more from your personal experience and how to care for the derma roller after use. Results, where to get it, frequency, :idea:etcc
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I sent it. check your email. Thanks for your compliment ! :smile:
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Me too!! I prefer Beemer, but I drive 5 series instd of Z4. So, tt reflects my personality. I will go for nice things and will stop for practical reason.:cool:

Btw, how did you manage to have a huge group going for consult altogether? Did you join medical tour? I am contemplating of that channel.
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base on personaly experience and the experience of my friend, i would say dr shin of BK is the man for the job. i posted my eye volution photo and that of my friend here recently. you can see for your self the difference that it made. my eyes weren't always my best feature, infact, it was my worse. 2 eyelid surgery help to improved the overal appearance of my eyes, but it was dr shin of Bk who perfected it. i just had lateral 3D done by dr shin last month and i love it. i know there are alot of negativity that surround BK, but i believe that that dr shin is the exception. but don't take my word for it. go and speak with him yourself. you maylike him or you may not. but if you're to drop by seoul, you owe yourself to at least drop by for a consultation.
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Woohoo, so cool!! I will start using this "Gandhi's flip flop" just so I won't forget. Some of the phrases are not new, but its how you put together to make it funny and cool. I'll not be able to emulate.

I live in Singapore where English is our first language too. I am a Cantonese and so I speak Mandarin and Cantonese. But..(sigh) I read books too!! Books and schools dun teach you to phrase creatively. If you start a thread on this, I will be a faithful follower.

Yeah, how cool is that for me too. Learn English while I learn about plastic surgery.!!:biggrin:
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Hey Shane,
Do you know anyone who's done their nose at Migo? Did they like it? what was the post/pre op treatment like? THANKS~! I really appreciate you answering all of my questions :P
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its true that when it comes to plastic surgery, we are both reasonably knowledgable, and we both share the same desire to help other people. but it that same knowledge and pride that has put a wedge in our friendship. unfortunately things between us would never be the same again, but it certainly won't put a glitch in our effort to help out newbie here. we might agree on certain issue but not everything we say we would agree with one another. its up to everyone else here to decide who's right and who's wrong.
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Is this a British idiom? It's the first time I've heard it.. And I listen to "A way with words" which is an American radio talk show where people call in with strange words/idioms and the hosts track down the roots.. (nerdy I know>.<)

I don't know. Just wanted to know if this is what people say on the other side of the pond...
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This is a major bummer... I looked at you guys like the mom and dad of the forum. And Spartanwarrior as an uncle who drops by occasionally... :'(
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whenever I saw your avatar I thought.. "wow so pretty"

And now, after our exchange over PM, I now think "and nice too..." LOLs
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Hey Shane77, I was thinking of correcting my slight ptosis too. But after seeing your friend's pix, I am thinking twice. Dr Shin has no doubt created a very nice double lid for her, I could still see tt there's a slight difference to the size of the eyes after surgery (if this is what ptosis is all about). THis is exactly the difference between my both eyes, except that my eyes are bigger and slightly longer.

I gather that if a good doctor like Dr Shin can't rectify this entirely, I doubt if I could find or know how to find another one who could.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
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cool, i am considering upgrading to a more spacious vehicles myself. most likely a mercedes E class.

actually the gathering were made here in this forum. we all settle on a date to travel to korea together. since 70% of our group are singaporean, the majority of them arrived at a time differently than the rest of us.
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