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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Thanks for the link!

I chatted with the online consultant there she says that a rhino is around 3mil KRW. But discounts may be possible. I didn't understand what conditions would have to be met...
Maybe I'll see these people too... My list grows longer and longer...
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actually one of the doctor does speak pretty good english. unfortunately he is the eye doctor. the nose doctor doesn't speak english nor does any of the consultant that work there. there is one that could speak a little bit of english, but i wouldn't brag about her english. if you are going to pop in make sure you have some one with you that could communicate in english, even if it is a translator.

unfortunately i have no idea how much she paid for her nose. but from what i heard, their price is quite reasonable.

BK is indeed a good clinic if you can by pass all the negativity that surround them. i think dr kim is the reason why so many here are so anti BK. i have personally met him when i was escorting a friend to see him for her V line and zygoma reduction and dr kim were too damn busy looking over his note then to look at my friend in the face. i don't care how famous or well known he is, he is giving the clinic a bad name with that kind of attititude he display. if it weren't for dr shin, i wouldn't even consider going there again.
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Well, I don't need a translator so I'll consult Migo as well :P

As for Dr. Kim at BK... I've never heard of him. If I end up going to BK, I want to work with Dr. Hong who did Dan4Me's nose... But at this point, all of my options are wide open. It seems like a lot of forumers will be getting rhinoplasties in the coming weeks, so their experiences will probably influence who I eventually end up consulting. So far, I have like 8 clinics in mind. ahaha.

There should be a national registry where patients can post their level of satisfaction and the data can be collected to rank all of the plastic surgery clinics in Seoul. That way, plastic surgery clinics will strive harder to produce better results and patients can help each other pick the most reliable plastic surgery clinic. It'll be like capitalism at its best! As opposed to now.. where only the ones who market aggressively can be discovered. And as Adam Smith noted, successful marketing does not necessitate good products.
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if you can get around without the use of a translator, that would be terrific :smile:

well from what i heard from a forumer here when she was over at BK, the consultant were suggesting dr hong for her rhino as well even though she wanted to see dr shin base on my recommendation. but yea, keep your option open at this time. it doesn't hurt to ask around and doing a little more research. i am pretty much settle with ID for my zygoma, but as for my nose, i wanted dr shin, but if he can't faciliate my need to have my nose done in august, then i might seek a different opinion with other clinic else where. this would be the third time i do my nose and hopefully with any luck, the last time as well. i always say that whe it comes to plastic surgery, the first time should always be the last time.

its funny you mention a registry for pastic surgery in korea as this is the project that i am currently working on right now. i will be heading to india next wednesday to work with my developer on this site. it will have listing of all the clinic in seoul, including ranking, review, and journal entry to document personal experience. it will also have accomodation listing, buddy up program and an open case function. the site will solely be dedicated to plastic surgery in korea.

i already have the rough draft in hard copy. i will post a picture up here for everyone to see.
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As I've said multiple times... I am really looking forward to the launch of your website. Best of luck in India :smile:
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Emisa, I'll probly be a couple days op by then! I hope we can meet up and hangout. I'm thinking of going to a skin clinic too! hoping to get rid of my sunspots and small scars.
Shane, if you would be too kind and suggest a few skin clinics? Thank you so much for your informative posts so far! :smile:
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Thank you for your support my dear as always ;)
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Well the only skin clinic that i know and been to is hushu. I went there with a pair of vietnamese sister who have heard about the clinic through another forum. The clinic apparently is very popular with the local there and the clinic seem very well equip and there were plenty of patient examples available for viewing. I attached a few photo of the clinic here. The clinic is prepared more like a plastic surgery clinic then a skin clinic. Very professional and you have doctor is scrub and nurses wearing mask walking around the place. You might wish to check it out. I would've had something done last time i was there but some of the treatment required several session to be effective. One of the sis almost went in for a PRP session until i reminded her that she could probably have it back in the states for a lot less money.
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That would depend on the extend of the procedure. If getting in and out of bed is going to be to be an issue for you after surgery, then a catheter is going to be used. I had a catheter when i did my 2 jaw back in april since i couldn't get out of bed for the first 1 or 2 days. Usually the catheter is removed after the third or second days.
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hi shane,

im planning to do zygoma, mandible and forehead augmentation. do you think they will put in the catheter? i had some surgeries in thailand (rhinoplasty to remove hump and forehead lift) which took about 4-5 hours. taking out the catheter hurt like a b****!
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Yes, definitely there going to put a catheter in you. Its not about how many procedure you're doing. It has more to do with how long you were under the influence of GA. And how well your body is able to recover from it. Something like a calf reduction procedure where you won't be able to walk for a few days would required that you wore a catheter until you're able to start walking yourself to the washroom. The length of my 2 jaws were about 2 and half hours. Considered a short procedure, but still there put a catheter in me knowing that i won't be able to get out of bed immediately after surgery.
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