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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I was just wondering, did your Mum bring in pictures or did Dr Gim create a nose to fit her face as he is so skilled? Don't see my lipo blogs on here, sounds painful, wishing her speedy recovery too.
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i think it would be a lot easier for me to tell you what i haven't had done rather then share with you what i had done :smile: i had a lot of repeat and revision procedure done in the last 3 years. you can imagine with over 40 plus different procedures that the face you see before you is not what i use to look like. those who have seen my pre surgery face can verfied that my before and after photo look completely different. you wouldn't believe they're the same person. i originally did not intend to pursue 44 different procedure. i started like anyone else would, looking to make an improvement on my look. but because i was naive back then, i didn't do enough research and end up in the hand of one bad surgeon after another. having 44 procedure is not something you want to brag about. if given the choice, ofcourse would prefer to do less. but a lot of the number has more to do with revision than anything else. i have had 3 eyelid revision, 2 V line revision just to name a few. and soon i will under go my third nose revision as well as my second zygoma revision. thus far i've been fortunate that all the procedure i had done in korea were satisfying and doesn't required any additional revision, but then i come along way since the first time i went under the knife. i am smarter and more savvy when it comes to plastic surgery. i know all the questions to ask and i know how to tell if a surgeon is pulling a fast one on me or if they're being honest. its pretty hard to pull a fast one on a guy like me who been through so much in this field. and i hope that i can pass on the same savviness to those who needed it so they can make an inform decision before beeing operated on.
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since you're fluent in korean, i advice that you simply drop by MIGO instead of waiting for them to response to your email. i really doubt there would be able to response back to your inquiry in english, unless you email them in korean.
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make sure you come join us since we will be there around august as well :smile:
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Kain, where are you, come back! Since your amazing transformation, your celebrity status must have led you to another dimension lol. Come back worthy one, I need to pick your brain. :biggrin:
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Hi again!
I'm actually looking to do Epicanthoplasty & Lateral Canthoplasty first; see if the epicanthoplasty can correct my mongolian fold and make my slightly inner double lids more obvious. If it will not help make my double lids more obvious, I will go for double eyelid surgery too!
As for Rhinoplasty, I do the kind of nose I want in mind but will have to see how the consultation goes!

I'm actually saving up now, hopefully I will be able to head over early next year! May I ask which time of the year is the off-peak period? I didn't know there is a "off-peak" period for PS too!
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Sorry to double post but just wanted to request from dan4me her b&a pictures!
my email is [email protected]

Also, is it possible to share which clinic you went to? I tried to go backwards in this thread but my eyes started going crazy around page 190+. I tried to check out all the post by you by going to your profile but I can't seem to know how to navigate the site well enough to find them, still very new here. I will really appreciate it!
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The clinic told told me peak season is July to August and November to December. I am not sure if clinics raise their prices it wouldnt surprise me as it's supply and demand but I do know hotel prices go up, I remember reading this when I was in Seoul. Plane tickets from here are really pricey during July and August as its the long school break. Also my doctors advised me to not get too hot, this can slow down recovery, so if you are heading over early next year it will be perfect healing temperature and not so busy. I will be going again with friends next April.

Which clinics are you considering?
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Her photo is post #2625 on page 175. She is a very pretty girl indeed!
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I agree, she is a very pretty girl!

Was just wondering, is it better to figure out what i want done before i go into a consultation or does it not matter? Like if i told them a general description of what i want to look like could they tell me what surgeries i would need?
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Hey Shane

Thanks for replying with the simulations and the detailed post! I am truly amazed at how small my face looks!!

I really like the side simulation of my face. My chin looks exactly how I would want it to look. Small with the chin dent! Would mini v line and genio create that?
And also my top lip in the side profile looks good too like it curves up which is nice.. I assume that is lip fillers?

I normally have a a fringe. Be it side or full ! But recently havent had time to go to hairdresser ^_^"" but I will be getting my fringe back in due course :smile: i do notice my face looks smaller with fringe :smile:

I know people have suggested zygoma before. I am unsure about it still not cos i am scared but because of money. I prob could only afford rhino plus one other surgery sonitd either be chin or zygoma... Which do you think be most best for me??

Thanks ^^
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Is this a serious question?
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If 44 total surgery is 40 surgery for revision? You make very very wrong choice a lot, too much. Still you make too many wrong choice no you not smart you revision again this August yes?
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No, i never had 40 revision. You would have to be brain dead to make that many mistake. 44 procedure include both major, minor, revision procedure as well as alternative treatment such as skin and jab. There's only so much you can do to your face. So i try to work around my face instead. The procedure that i'm going for in august will most likely be my final major procedures. After that, i'm starting treatment of my skin.
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shane who did your v line and revesion v lines?

one surgeon told me that its IMPOSSIBLE ( in caps) to do v line revesion because it will end up paralysing your face, which i found very weird since i only asked to get my chin done and my chin bone were never operated on before i only had an implant.
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