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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Yeah, it is. I don't really know every plastic surgery procedure there is, like i'm reading some posts about nose jobs and eye surgery's that i've never heard of. So was just wondering if, like you for example, brought a picture of Megan Fox's nose and asked for yours to be made to look like it with a few adjustments to suit you. Did you know what surgeries you would actually need to accomplish that?
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Yes 40 revision is guess, how many revision you have? Before you say student and patient, do not understood why say student if you no medical expereance?

What you mean around your face, your ears and hairs nothing else there.
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You have to remember that 80% of the improvement i made to your face has to do with me fixing your long and narrow face. If you fix that problem, you would've had fix a lot of problem without the need of additional surgery or even the need to camo your discrepancy. Whatever changes you make to your face, it doesn't change the structure of your vertical proportion. As long as you acknowledge that

Yes, a mini V and sliding genio would definitely help create the chin as close to my simulation. But remember the changes may not be that dramatic unless you get to the bottom of your problem. But of course no doubt a genio with mini V will benefit your look.

Quite honestly, i did nothing with your lip. Because of the shortening of your face. Your lip would naturally have that curve. But if you like what you see, then you might want to give fat graft on the lip a try.

Due to the structure of your face, i would go with the chin first as it reduction to your zygoma would only increase the overall length of your face. Your face is quite narrow now base on the natural proportion of your face now. if maxillary treatment is not an option for you in the future, then yes, fixing your chin should be a priority right now. A rhino would help create the illusion of a narrow face.

Hope this help.
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I had my first V line done in thailand. The issue i had with my V LINE is the surgeon took off very little from my mandible cause he want to maintain an angle reminiscent to that of a man. But what he fail to take into account were the width of my forehead. The V line did narrow my lower face but u knew improvement can be achieve so when i spoke with dr park of ID, he agree that further reduction can be achieved without damaging the major nerve ending. So he revise my v line while he did my 2 jaw at the same time.
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I should not say i'm a student, i should say i'm more of an apprentice. I have stated this over and over again in my previous posting that my advice should not be a substitute for professional opinion. I always encourage everyone to seek professional advice after there have consulted with me.
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temples still hurt though only when i put pressure on them. hope you are feeling better. =)
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my celebrity status has lead me to ... an internship! :biggrin:
having a job is like being in a completely different dimension

but yeah, i'm really busy nowadays. i planned on posting for one year before stopping, and only doing yearly updates on my rib nose (it was hard for me to find long term results on rib cartilage so i decided to post my own) but somehow i keep getting dragged back here lol. i still get private messages every week or two
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your question, paraphrased, is this:
"is it better to do my due diligence before ungergoing surgery, or is it better to let a stranger (with a vested interest in my money) decide which surgeries i should get?"

even if you did find a completely honest and skilled surgeon in korea, he will likely have many customers and won't have time to explain all of your surgeries to you in detail so you will not know what he did to you. he can give a general overview, but most of it would go right over your head anyway. this could obviously make for complications in the future.
maybe if you went for surgeryi in a country where the doctors are less busy, then you could rely more on your surgeon to explain things to you. i know somebody who talked with a highly rated surgeon in baltimore for over 5 hours. but even the best clinics in korea will not give you more than half an hour of your doctors time in most cases.

and if you don't find an honest surgeon, he could easily recommend a procedure simply because it has a higher profit margin than the alternative procedure.
ie. getting double eyelid surgery with only sutures when you are more suited for an incisional surgery
or getting a silicone chin implant when it is less suitable than a genioplasty

and if you had that same laissez faire attitude in the china, thailand, the philipines, etc, you would likely end up with an L-shaped silicone implant instead of I-shaped. any decent surgeon in korea has not used L-shaped implants for over 10 years. but surgeons in other countries still use it because it is so easy and takes no time at all.

if you don't think its worth your time to find out more about your surgeries, then you are putting a lot of faith in a complete stranger
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great take on this issue kain. a good offense is a great defense. do your research prior to seeing your surgeon. its essential that you know what you really need and not what you really want. cause a lazy surgeon surgeon will by pass all nessesasary examination and simply give into your request. a caring surgeon will take the time to explain to you why the thing you want may not nessesasary compliment well with the rest of your face.
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Well, I want to know what procedures they recommend and how much their services will cost in advance... I mean, even if they don't reply to my email, I'd go visit them, but... yeah.

So far, the simulation photos I've received from BK and Opera (no one else has sent me a photo..) looks REALLY unimpressive. I know that the pictures are not an exact representation of my results... But what should I take away from the pictures?
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i really doubt emailing them would be very productive. even if you did send them some photos and they email you back with recommendation, most likely their analysis of your case might be different from that of email. but you i'm glad you still considering them even if they don't reply back to your email. i just recently recieved some not so pleasent feedback from one of the girl who had their eyelid surgery at MIGO back in april. she complaining about scarring and odd line formation that on her right eyelid. so far its only one out of three who is complaining. the other 2 seem pretty content with their MIGO made eye.

if you send me some photo of your self, i can take a crack at simulating your picture for you. would love to see how my simulation skill measure up to that of a professional :smile: anyway, what you should take away from the simulation photo clinic created for you is just reference to what that clinic could achieved for you. every clinic will have different idea and definition of what looks good on you. you should personally have some idea on what you want to achieved and how closely the simulation provided get you to where you want to look. point out certain trait about the simulation that look good on you and if its possible to have the clinic change aspect of your simulation that you don't like. simulation is agreat reference tool to have before going under the knife,especially if there is a language barrier. having a simulated picture of YOU with your simulated look will save yourself the burden of having to explain everything to the consultant and to the surgeon. this avoid possibility of mistake and misunderstanding which can be costly. when i was in seoul last month, i presented my picture with my simulated nose to all the surgeon that i consulted with and ask simply can this look be acheived after the surgery. you can bring picture of celebrities as reference. but i prefer to use a simulated photo of myself with my desire traits and feature impose on it. that way the surgeon can evaluate whether it compliment well with the rest of my face.
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