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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I don't know if he is well known, as I said many times before I chose him because of his in depth knowledge and he is a really nice person as well. I know others have had rhinos with him recently because of my blogs and they are also happy with the outcome.
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Kain, thanks for the link and your very detailed private message, wow you really know your stuff I am super impressed, I can see why you are the Godfather of so many threads! Thanks again.
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I didn't lose my voice even with rhino and v line but I did lose a lot of weight and produce a mountain of mucus and phlegm, hmm nice lol. Rest assured, your voice will still be good enough to belt out your favourite songs in the shower!
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Hey Egg Girl. What's the update on you and your Mums recovery, had that awesome 1st facial at the Face Diet clinic yet? Oh and thanks for the number.
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So now you read minds too? :biggrin: You don't fail to amuse me, because "co-incidentally" I have a haircut appointment scheduled for tomorrow, possibly a top flat mullet! :cool: Okay no, but short hair nonetheless because I just NEED an improvement ASAP. I'm on summer vacation, and I have nothing better to do than to obsess over my appearance, and a haircut that goes at war with my chin is exactly what I need right now.;)
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ahh too bad I just saw this! I didn't have internet access when i first arrived in seoul. anyway, hope you're recovering nicely now. My swelling has gone down a little more. except for two slight bulges on my jaw and looking a little chubby I'm almost normal cheek-wise. Qn though! did Dr Gim do any external work on your alar? If so, hows it recovering? I'm worried mine will be scarred.
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Oh and Shane, I'm sorry I'm full of questions, but on *average* how much does a mini V-line cost, and how is it different from a standard v-line procedure. Again, sorry if you've already answered this question on here before.
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Hello Friends :cloud9:

I have been away for a while because ive been busy trying to narrow down what procedures I want most. I'm a 'candidate for all of them but deciding which to prioritize is hard!!

I need your assistance and advice. You ladies are so knowledgeable!! I posted this on the CozyCot Korea thread too, because I need as much opinion as I can get ;)

This is me now :upsidedown:


The things I want to achieve

1. A slimmer smaller more defined oval face : I want a cheekbone reduction, I hate the width of them, I really want them
slimmer, however people constantly compliment me on them (mainly European people). However I personally find them too wide.

I was also thinking of v-line mandible reduction, but realistically, I think maybe my face isn't that too wide enough to do both,
seen as they are both very invasive!

Which should I prioritize ? Also is Buccal fat removal an option ?

2. Rhinoplasty : I am getting my rhinoplasty but I'm torn between just slimming my bulbous tip vs thinning the bridge,
an implant and tip, I have dark skin so alarplasty will leave scars for me

Judging by my photo what procedure do you guys think I should prioritize :smile:

BTW at Regen they have recommended I make my lips abit smaller which I will also be doing.

Here is my surgery goal

Can anyone tell what she had done?!?!


Please help me decide which procedures to prioritize
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i actually lost my voice for 2 days, but i think its cos i had a fever for 5 days
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imo just get lip reduction and slim your nose bridge.
possibly nose tip reduction and buccal fat removal.

you have very nice cheekbones imo. you don't need cheekbone reduction or v-line

its hard to tell what she had done (the nose job is obvious though) since she is smiling in one pic and not smiling in anoth
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Im under going invisalign treatment now. So good but was expensive. I was a hardcase and mine cost £2439 altogether which also included two teeth being pulled out. Takes about a 2-3weeks from initial consult to getting trays as have to take impressions then show you then confirm. :smile:
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Ooh, I had a chat with my cosmetic dentist but not done anything yet. How many trays do you need? I think he's too pricey as another clinic quoted 2.5k max price and that is for really difficult cases, I need two front teeth moved slightly and about 4 bottom teeth. Which tray are you on and how are you finding it, good, bad, indifferent?
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Zoe told me you had arrived and she was looking after you. Yeah too bad never mind. Yes I had alar reduction and yes had external stitches, why do you ask? As for swelling we are probably the same size, I think your op was 4 days after mine.
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