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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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You change story you say you student then you say you wrong you not real student so change again to apprentice now you say you wrong again not apprentice I confused you anything? Degree for real doctor after many many years study and hard work you are same as inexperience doctor you not qualify you guess no real knowledge, real doctor not play with people lives. I very angry you say you deserve!

I not understand you have many many revision you not tell me how many I ask many times your face wrong your picture wrong you make too many mistake and you still have more revision this year again but you give advice people desperate they take advice make same mistake as you to have wrong surgery this is wrong you must stop. Share experience yes not pretend doctor.
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Along this line, this is a chat forum, take the "medical advice" here with a grain of salt. They're just OPINIONS without sound evidence to back it up. Go see your PHYSICIAN/SURGEON if you need advice.

Additionally, deviated septum cannot be diagnosed from pictures. Plus, doctors diagnose, lay person assume/opine/coin toss/etc... Deviated septum rarely cause any health issues.

And, you can be hoarse for a brief period of time from general anesthesia or even permanent damage to your voice.

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You are taking my words out of context. I never portray my self to be a real student of plastic surgery. And i stated time and time again that the advice and suggestion i give should not be a substitute for professional advice. If you were reading my post, you would've take notice of that. I don't randomly give advice unless i am ask to do so. And even then i am extremely careful with my diagnosis. I see no reason why i should share with you in detail every aspect of the 44 procedures that i had in the past. And even if i am in someway required to, i am not obligated to share them here since i about to launch my own blog/website related to plastic surgery.

So if you have an issue with my advice, look past it or view the one before mine.
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My sentiment exactly. Even if i am qualified to give out advice (which i don't) the chances of another surgeon dishing out different advice to mine is still a possibility. Some surgeons will see eye to eye on something while other may see things from a different perspective. At the end of the day, it all comes down to what you think you really need base on suggestion given to you by the surgeon. A lot of the advice given to us by surgeon are either mandatory or optional. When i consulted for my 2 jaws back in april, just about every surgeon that i spoke with said that i needed 2 jaws to FIX my problem. When i was in BK last month to consult with DR shin, he suggested lateral 3D which he says will help IMPROVED the aesthetic of my eye, but he added that it is optional. So define your problem, whether it need to be fix or just improved upon. Then seek the opinion of a qualified surgeon. Making the right choice required that you first know what is wrong with you. Otherwise you're going to end up being just as confused as before you consulted with any surgeons.
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Hey Multitess, which clinic are you going and what surgery?
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Thank you so much, Eightbelow!:smile:
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Thanks, Angel906 and Eightbelow! :smile:
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Hi Iloveegg,

Does your mummy like the new nose? Is it natural? Hope everything is going on well. :smile:
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It's now 3.5 days since my mum and I have had our surgeries.
My mums nose is pretty blocked and her arms and hands are really swollen which she says is a bit uncomfortable, but other than that, she's doing really well.
I'm doing a lot better too, I think my swelling peaked yesterday as i'm not as swollen today but I am bruising up quite badly :sad:. Did you bruise up Nanxy?
Also, my throat is no longer giving me hell, thanks to the warm lemon honey and ginger drinks I've been making.
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The thing about plastic surgery is different people have different ideas of what's beautiful including surgeons. One has to find a surgeon that suits them and is in line with your idea of beauty. However, people who go under the knife with unrealistic expectations will be disappointed. You have to know when is good enough good enough. Perfection won't happen. Even those celebs you idolize will have something about themselves they don't like. Hence you often see people who are "pretty/handsome" getting surgery making one question why did they do it. If one relies too much on others opinion of themselves, they will never be happy. Do what makes YOU happy and know when to stop. Remember, when a scar heals, it has only 85% of the strength of the original skin. Having too much done now will limit what can be done as gravity has a stronger hold of you eg., OLD. Good luck on thy journey.

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Having gone through 44 operations, I'm sure you know a thing or two about the process. You've taken the same "class" again 43 times :smile:. Overall, good advice. Thanks for sharing.
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Good luck with you and your mom recovery my dear:smile:
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Hi hongkongphooey,
I'm interested to have a double eyelid & rhinoplasty.. and after reading your detailed postings, I've an inclination to have them done by dr Gim of ID Hospital.
If you don't mind, could you please send me your b/a pics to tooneylooney2000 at yahoo dot ca.

I'd appreciate it very much. Thanks so much in advance.:smile:
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Thank you. I'm glad someone here appreciated my effort rather then questioning it. I'm not a shame to admit i know a thing or two about plastic surgery base on my research and own experience. But i will never claim to be an expert in this field. Like everyone else here, i am still learning about the fine art of plastic surgery, thus the reason why i say i am a student of of field. But not to be taken literally:smile:
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Be nice, Kim.Jim
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