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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Yes I did bruise up but you could only see it the day after I peaked and it was yellow in colour not black and blue as I thought it would be. It only took a few days to go away, it was mainly in my lower cheeks, behind my ears and down my neck but there was no bruising for my rhino which also surprised me. I never had a bad sore throat only where they put tubes down I guess but it didn't bother me too much after a couple of days but it would have been nice to have the warm lemon and ginger.

You said you had pain in your ears after surgery, I had a really bad pain back of my neck and couldn't understand why. When Zoe asked the nurse, the nurse said when she had V Line she had a pain in her foot! So it seems some random pain will happen and it could be anywhere but no one can really explained as to why this happens not even the doctor could.
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Well thus far all those who have requested for a simulation photo are female. So i haven't had the need to create a male simulation photo. But regardless if the recipient receiving the simulation is a male or female, my simulation will always be base on 3 things, golden ratio, aesthetic proportion/landmark and my own definition of beauty. It is my belief that everyone is different thus required a different set of simulation. I always define where where the aesthetic landmark is on a human face and base my PHI calculation around those landmark. One of the most common land that i use when making measurement on a human face is the width of the forehead. This is known as a static landmark and can't corrected or alter even surgery. So my calculation will start from that point. Its important that those who send me photo to be simulated give a description of the feature which they don't like and feature that there do. I would then use their given description to map out which aspect of their face is consider a static landmark and which one is consider a mobile landmark. In your case, you mention that you like face with a square jaw. That would be consider your static landmark. So when i create a simulation photo for you, i would work around your jaw line to make sure that everything aspect of your face conform with your jaw. After all the calculation and measurement has been made, i turn to my own judgement. Having live in both the west and the east for and extended number of years, give me a rough idea on the definition of beauty from both perspective. It is my belief that westerner who carry certain asian trait and asian who carry certain western trait are beautiful. The combination between the east and the west create an exotic appeal that both side would find either attractive or beautiful. So i try to blend a bit of cultural mix when i create my simulation photo. I don't aspect everyone who received my simulated photo to always be satisfied with what they see. But then again i don't charge for my time or effort when creating these simulation, so they can't complain :smile:
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I did not have double eyelid with ID I only had lateral epi to bring my left eye down slightly at the corner and also a little lengthening. The double eyelid fold I had done in the UK 4 weeks before I went to Korea but I wish I had the operation in Korea as it was much cheaper.
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Thanks for replying..
What about the rhinoplasty done by dr. Gim? would you please share the b/a with me..
Thanks again :smile:
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Ha ha your post reminded me of a conversation I had with Spartan Warrior and Shane when we were all together in Korea, I was telling them what type of man I fancy and why I fancy them and one of my reasons was a strong masculine angular jawline, they didn't agree with me lol apart from Spartan Warrior said Demi Moore's strong jawline was appealing. I like the lines that goes down the side of the face like long dimples, Tommy Lee Jones have them as an example. I personally don't fancy men that has a round 'almost feminine' jawline as I am too brought up in the UK so that is what I am used to so I really understand where you are coming from and as a girl in the West I agree but if I was brought up in maybe Hong Kong, I would most probably disagree, funny how the people around you and the TV influence your take on beauty. If there were more men in my life like Gabriel Macht or David Beckham I would be a very happy girl indeed!
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Exactly. I always stated before that if i have a choice, i wouldn't under go the knife so many time. But the fact is i made my fair share of ps mistake before and is now attempting to correct them. There is a saying that you learn nothing from winning. So my experience is the culmination of failure after failure in my desperate attempt to look relatively normal.
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My bruises are black and blue. They outline my chin so I look like one of those puppets with moving chins/mouths (if you know what I mean). I'm also getting weird sensations around my chin and jaw area, like little tingles. I'm imagining that it's all my nerves trying to reconnect and heal.

On the upside, swelling has decreased even more as of today, I can actually close my mouth now YAY (although drooling is still a major issue).
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Funny how we all heal different, puppet ha ha, I felt like a cartoon character when I was all swollen and spoke with a little lisp. Yeah, the tingle thing is good, means he didn't cut your nerves lol so your feelings are coming back but I am still a little numb on my chin and it can get itchy. I am really keen to see your Mum's nose as it was created from scratch, when the cast comes off would it be possible for you to email a photo to me?
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Your eyelid crease is nice. Which doc in UK did it for you?
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Yea, I also find the k pop guys too girly looking...it is not that eastern people find them attractive...it is the younger generation, because i heard of older women complaining why their teen daughters like those girly boys...they don't look the type who can protect you, hahahah!
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that's correct. which is why some time surgeon suggest multiple procedure as oppose to just the one that you request for. sometime surgeon must take into account the other feature in face to make sure that it still compliment well with your new chin. usually surgeon who suggest more than what you wanted is not trying to sell you on a whole bunch of other surgery. some time there suggest it with good intention, not because they want to make more money off you.
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the answer is not really. i have had both medial epi and lateral epi done and in the hand of a skilled surgeon, you shouldn't expect any scarring or odd line to form. if done properly, the inner epi should fold along well with the eyelid, so i wouldn't be too concern about it. i'll be more concern is the surgeon cut my inner epi too much causing the fleshy part of the inner to show more than it should. againcan be preventable in the hand of a skilled and experience surgeon. thus far i have no issue with scaring on either my medial or lateral part of my eyes. dr shin did a great job and i am very satisfied.
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dr shin will only do high crease if he feel that it will look natural for you without looking like a freak :smile: there are alot of factor that determine whether you suited to have a high crease double eyelid. if there're not enough orbital space around your eyes, dr shin would not suggest it. fortunately when i ask for a bigger eyes, my oribital region is big enough for dr shin to acommodate to my request. my friend who went with me for her eyelid weren't as fortunate. but dr shin still give her an eye as big as her orbital space would allow it while still looking natural at the same time.
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LOL~ i agree. go get a job so you can start saving up for plastic surgery :smile:
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