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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Yes, i am in india now working in my project. I should have a soft launching hopefully before the end of this month. My developer estimate that he can have 70% of my site up snd ready during my stay here and the rest done by the end of the month (finger cross) :smile: i'm not big on curry or any spicy food for that matter. Luckily there's a KFC, mcdonald and dominos pizza near where i'm staying :smile:
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I'm inclined to agree with Emisa, dan4me could definitely pass as a Korean entertainer ;).

Hehe, same here, i can't do spicy food or curries, they mess with my skin way too much. This reminds me of my last holiday to Korea before any PS inclinations, i'd just seen my dermatologist in Hong Kong cos the skin on my face had just started itching like crazy and he told me i had an allergic reaction to the sudden climate change (was cold in the UK at the time but hot in HK). But he basically said i had to stay away from spicy food, alcohol and seafood whilst on my medication and creams. And all this a day before leaving for Korea which, as we all know, Korea's food is all about. And because it was a tourist holiday where they take you to different places to look and eat, i quite literally only had 2 means of Korean BBQ over 5 days cos the rest of the meals were composed of spicy food and seafood :nogood:.
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I agree with the other forumers. You.could pass as a kpop star :biggrin: seeing your pictures makes me want to consult with Dr Hong now! I didnt even consider them before for rhino because I heard they arent aa good but I will now!
J/w - are you Korean? From your picture I would guess you are but cos I can't see your eyes I dont wanna assume lols
And also wow. Three years to save up?! Definitely worth the wait as you got great result after :smile: - I'm saving for mine now literally being as stingy as hell!

Also, i saw you want to go back to Korea next year for eyelid? Let me know when :smile: im thinking going march or april time so be cool if you are going similar time to meet and hang :smile:
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Hv u heard of dr shin Hyun deok fm Samsung Line? I sent email to the clinic regarding the (what else) tube. Their reply is tt there's no need to drain blood hence no tube. Dr shin is highly specialized in this area w 20 years of experience? I am so tempted.
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Oh ya, thought I'd post here too. I will be doing eyelid surgery consultations in Seoul on 4th September and I'm urgently looking for a translator because Zoe is booked :cry:

Please PM me asap if you do have any translator to recommend. I don't mind a chinese-speaking one too, as long as she is reliable :smile: I'm almost desperate :sweatdrop:
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I heard of dr shin of BK, not of samsung line. It would seem you develop a tube-phobic. LOL honestly speaking choosing a clinic base on whether a particular clinic uses a draining tube after is not a good idea. You should base your decision on skilled and experience of the surgeon. I personally would Never take that kind risk. I mean the little pain that i'm going to feel when the tube is removed is pale in comparison to the consequences of selecting the wrong surgeon. I hope for your sake that dr shin of samsung line is as well experience as you make him out to be :smile: if he is, you going create a new wave of interested individual who share your fear of the tube choosing samsung line them self :smile:
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I have been to Korea twice and Zoe has been a great help both times. She has become a dear friend to me and we continue to keep in touch via email, etc.

I am sure many forum members here feel the same way. Like Hongkongphooey, I felt compelled to say something in fairness on her behalf.

Shane77, the real reason why the manager at Jewelry is able to give you a better discount than the group led by Zoe is because one of the ladies in that group told Jewelry she is bringing a big group and hence insisted Jewelry do hers for free. It has definitely nothing to do with Zoe.

Although Zoe was very bothered by what this lady was doing, she did not want to embarrass her in front of her friends so she only told the truth to a few of us. So you see, there is always a different side to the story.

My advice is if you want to share anything in the forum... please share it based on your personal experience, not hearsay. It’s very unfair to the other party if you do not know the real picture.

So let me say it for the LAST TIME... Zoe does not get any commission from the plastic surgery clinics. Thank you :smile:
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Well i was told differently. Regardless of what is true and what isn't, we all are entitle to our opinion. I won't attempt to get you to see it my way so i'll expect the same courtesy from you as well:smile:

I know of the girl whom you spoke of. And i was part of her group, But i wasn't aware that she was demanding that she get her procedure done free of charge at jewelry. It make a lot of sense to
Me now. Thank you for sharing that little tidbit with me.
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I am here in my developer office now and here is picture of my team assign to work on my website/blog. We are making excellent progress with the site in just the first day. I have a great team of highly experience IT specialist who really know their stuff. I am confident i should have everything up and running before the end of the month (finger cross) ;)
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I like the right amount of spice in my food. I just had my first bowl of fried rice here in bangalore. And even though i specified that i didn't want any spice in them, they still add them Anyway :smile: luckily its a tolerable amount. Skin is the reason why i avoid spice as much as possible. It can do real damage to your skin. The 3 times that i was there, i hardly gotten near them. I'm not bug on kimchi so it wasn't all that difficult. But i love their BBQ chicken. Couldn't get enough of them. I only wish i can still have them after my revision rhino and zygoma come this august ;p
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What? I hope not your first bowl of fried rice ever. I can't imagine people having not had fried rice when i've had it so much throughout mine. Also are you from Thailand Shane? I only ask cos i can see Thailand in one of the pictures :P.
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LoL~ don't get me wrong. I had fried rice before. Just that its my first serving of indian fried rice , and might i add its quite appetizing :smile: no, i am
Not from thailand. The picture you see is another website of mine. I use that website as a template to create this new one. Overall design will remain intact with the exception of the name. All the thailand words you see will soon be replace with south korea or seoul. I'm keeping the name of this site my little secret for now ;)
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Time for me to ask a question:smile: i would like to put out a question to anyone who know. Is plastic surgery well known to other part of south korea beside just seoul? If its just seoul plastic surgery is well known for, then i see no reason to focus the registry on other district other than seoul.
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As far as i know all of the plastic surgery clinics are based in Seoul. I've not heard of any existing outside of Seoul.
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