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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Yeah thats what i thought as well. I have not heard of people going else where other then seoul to have plastic surgery. I heard there are well over a thousand plastic surgery clinic in south korea. I figure that number account for the whole of south korea, not just seoul.
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No curry for you? What about the amazing Indian fooooooods?!? :O
Now I want lamb curry... and it's only the morning...
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I can get curry where back home. So i can do without it. But i can't get dominos pizza. Thats something i want to sink my teeth into soon LOL ;)
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Hmm... I figure it can't only be just seoul where there are plastic surgery clinics. Maybe there're not as well as some of the clinic in seoul. I want to cover as much ground with this website then just seoul. But if there aren't much ps clinic in other part of south korea, then its really not worth the time of the effort to create a separate registry for it.
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Funny Shane how i think the opposite of yours. Whenever i travel i love to sample the local foods and cuisine . i feel like i can always get pizza and KFC back home in the states but to try real authentic Indian food now that is a treat. By the way i love Indian food and Thai food. Maybe i think it's because i love all the spicy and curry stuff they put in it :P
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there are some regional clinics outside of seoul which r held by some locals. once they get famous or earned enough money, they would eventually move to seoul or estabilish a new clinic here. thus, clinics need to have a certain capability to be settled in seoul. that is why most medical toursim here are looking for as clinic as "big" as possible then they feel insured, although its not 100% the case, but mostly, yeah. to sum up, i do believe there is good clinic out seoul, but chance is small, so why not to just wait they move to seoul, or you are confident with your lottery bingo rate lol. even in seoul, you need certain amount of luck if you didnt do any researcg about it since here is thousands of then @v@ dizzying
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Domino's Pizza?!!! lol, I haven't had Domino's in YEARS.
I hear that fastfood is different abroad (outside of the US).. but when I travel, I'm not exactly inclined to eat at McDonalds, Domino's, and other chain fast food places when there are so many local restaurants with local foods to try! But if you don't have it where you're at...

BTW, if I'm considering Zygoma and rhino... I don't suppose it's feasible for me to budget 6mil KRW right? I mean, I can spend more... but I really like having a lump of money in my bank. What's the cheapest, feasible budget I should set do you think? I don't want to shave off a ton, just a tinnny little bit...

Reading this forum makes me feel like I want to change everything, because so many forumers have done so with really amazing results... but money.... :'(
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DUDE! Me tooo!!! I've never had a chance to travel in southeast asia... but I LOVE thai food and indian food!!! I'm lucky to live in a city where there are a lot of options... but AUTHENTIC IN THAILAND/INDIA foood? (mind implodes from overload).
I'm soooo excited to eat like a crazy person when I go to Korea~!
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getting plastic surgery to look natural is the best way. Top clinics in the Gangnam-gu district is usually where the K-pop celebs go to. and their "surgeries" look so natural and fits into their facial profile so well.
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dude - you wanna stick to the big guns - yeah those ones in Seoul may cost more $$ but at least they're accredited and licensed. Don't want to regret the outcome :smile:
I guess you've checked out those in the Gangnam-gu district?
When you planning on getting it done?
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Of course, we are all entitled to our own opinion. Honestly, I have no interest to get involved... but in this case, an opinion has been voiced here and it affects a friend of mine.

I know this lady friend of yours when she contacted me for some advice. We kept in touch before, during and after her trip. She even shared my advice with your group in an email dated 22 Mar 2012, 5.17 am... if you remember, your email is on the list.

There is actually more to the story coz it’s not her first trip and her cousin is involved. But there is no need to elaborate. I only felt obliged to clarify since I know both parties and what happened, even though Zoe has kept quiet out of respect and confidentiality to her client.

I believe almost everyone here in the forum who has used Zoe before knows her professionalism and trusts her integrity. More importantly, she really cares for you as a friend and has no motive whatsoever :closed:
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I think it would be good to have a section for for south korea, another for asia in general (or seperate sections for china and japan), and yet another for misc countries. a number of people have been inquiring about surgeons in the uk or usa.
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Well i never really gotten to involved with her even when i decided to join her group back in april. I felt a little a little uncomfortable when she try to negotiate the price of the group in privacy with zoe in the room. I felt even more suspicious when i ask to step out side when i attempted to stay and ease drop during their conversation. I was offender but kept my feeling to myself. At that point i knew there were trying to score some kind of a person deal for them self at the expense of our group. And i don't think that's right. Me and a few other felt the same so decided to leave that group and fend ourself. She made many attempt to try and lure us back to jewelry but by then we had pretty much settle on ID. I knew this weren't her first trip. She was very upfront about her previous procedure done at BK which she distastefully unsatisfied with. Even talked about pursuing legal action. I'm not sure if she just saying that my benefit because BK was one of my clinic of choice, cause from what i can see, BK did a great job on her. After Her trip back in april, she was briefly seen here promoting hard for jewelry and trying recruit a second group for next year. But after the majority of her first group suffer some kind of complication or setback, she stop promoting for them. Till now i have yer to hear from her.
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Most would focus on Seoul than any parts of Korea.

1. It's challenging enough to choose one clinic for ourself in Seoul due to many choices.
2. No compelling reason to explore other places unless Seoul clinics are not adequate.
3. Seoul is the heart of trend.
4. Assume tt they hv the most up to date know how n technology to deliver.
5. We hv only one face n would strive to get the best than risk a cheaper unknown.
6. Easier to seek recourse in Seoul due to reputation?

Like what Kain suggested, u cld explore other countries for the benefit of pple who dun travel in time to come. But meanwhile, due to time n limited resources, just focus in building the best Seoul ps website. Traffic is gonna be unbelievable!
Two cents worth..
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