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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I had mine done in Korea and am not satisfied as my high crease was brought down too low and my London filler doc told me that he noticed that there seems to be a difference in cut in Korea. Now I am desperate to have revision since it is 6 months. I would really appreciate if you could let me have the name or clinic of your doc for double eyelid. I do not mind if it is expensive as I rather not to travel abroad for redoing the eyes.
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Maybe I could be wrong but I noticed that for fixing ptosis and canthoplasty or for nose, Korea could be good but not for creases, because in my opinion, their creases seems too close to the eyes.
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Whaaah, I can't remember the name of the doctor nor the name of the place. It was such a long time ago. The clinic was located near central festival in Bangkok. There was an a adjacent hotel used for recovery connected to the clinic . I paid $500 for a matching eyelid and thats what I got. After the surgery there was a sliding door across from the operation room to your hotel, where you would stay for a night.

The next day the doctor would send the nurse to request you back to his office where he would grab you by the head and play with your eyes, pushing them up and down and side to side. And then look you in the eyes and say you are good to go. And than the nurse smiled and walked you back to your room.

I am quite please with the results.
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Well you did have 3 revisions done to your eyes. And undergone Dr. Shin's 3D eye procedure. So I would guess it would take all 6 months to heal. You most definitely have more experience than anyone here.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's nose. Ouch that must suck. In his or her case...Patients is a virtue.

All I had was a simple double eyelid procedure done to match my other.
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Hello house,

I have been too embarrassed to post here again. Due to family commitment and job interviews, I had to cancel my flight to Korea. I'm mad at myself for not being able to fly over there. I'm rescheduling it right now.

Dear Shane, I couldn't find Highland hotel website to book it. Would you mind helping me out with this?

Dear Hongkongphooey, Zoe wasn't available the week after I initially booked my ticket either. I just emailed her again and asked when she is available. She didn't answer. She probably thinks that I wasn't serious. I'm honestly sad that making this trip has been so hard for me. =(
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i think i may know which clinic you refering to. it could be yoskarn clinic and the adjacent hotel which also belong to clinic is called Aphoridite (spelling could be wrong) the head surgeon there is a dr somyos kunachak. the reason why i know is he is the surgeon who did my second eyelid revision as well as my nose revision back in mid 2010. the room asign to me had a surgical type bed where you could lift the front and foot the bed up and down via a controller. its pretty comfortable but cost about a hundred buck a night. the nurse are pretty cool. the head nurse held my hand and made me feel really comfortable throughout the whole session.
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Shane, are you in Seoul for only until the 26th?
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actually, i didn't have all three of my revision within 6 month. i had my promary eyelid done in sept 2009. i did it along with my nose. i wasn't please with the result so when my nose were infected, i was told to wait 6 months before there would redo my nose and eye for me free of charge. but i decided to go else where. thatys when when i found yoskarn. i email them 4 months into my recovery from the nose and ask if there would do my nose and my eyes. and i was told to wait it out another 2 months. so between my first and second eyelid surgery, i gave it 6 whole months to heal and let the swelling in my eye subside. when i met with dr somyos of Yoskarn, the first thing he ask me when i told him that i wanted to redo my eyelid and nose were has it been 6 months already. when i say yes and show him the medical certificate that i gotten from the first clinic, only then he agree to revise both my eyes and my nose. my third eyelid revision were january of this year by dr shin. so if you do the math. between the second and my third eyelid revision, it was more than a year. even my lateral 3D that i did with dr shin, was done exactly 6 months after, only when i am totally satisfied with the result that i gotten from dr shin. so you see, on each occasion when revision is needed, i gave it the appropriate time for my body to heal. my second nose revision that i did with yoskarn was back in april 2010. and my primary zygoma reduction was done in sept 2009. so both i've given plenty of time to heal. so i have no reservation about going for my third nose revision and my second zygoma reduction :smile:
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usually surgeon in korea opt for the inside fold as oppose to the outside fold. outside fold is rare in an asian and some time doesn't look very natural. inside fold are more common among asian, which is why a lot of surgeon prefer the inside fold for their asian patient. before my revisional eyelid surgery at BK with dr shin, one of my eye were inside fold while the other were outside fold. and i kinda prefer the inside fold over the outside fold. if you choose to go with a outside fold, you probably need ptosis correction to fix your levator muscle so that when you open your eyelid, the fold will open wide enough to meet the crease. since most asian has a smaller eyes, an inside fold will look more natural and it will fold inside the crease giving you a more impression and depth in your eyes. other factor include your orbital spacing. if your orbit size is small, then the height of your crease will be limited. you can still insist that the surgeon create a higher crease for you, but it will look out of place and unnatural. just a personal opinion.
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i'm not sure if highland has a website or not. when i was there in june, we just walk in and book our room. there usually have plenty of room there. so i doubt you really need to reserve online. i will most likely be staying there my self. so if you want, i can help you reserve a room there. but i would need to know when you're coming. and i can't guarantee you that there is going to be any room. i personally can't guarantee my own room :smile: but since i will e sharing the room with some one, even if we have to change to another hotel, it wouldn't be so bad since i am splitting the cost.
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This link from Dream will outline what is available to you including rib and dermis, most clinics will offer a variety of choice not just Dream. My primary and secondary rhino is both with silicone, if I wanted to I could have left the primary silicone in my nose for eternity, there is no life span and it gave me no trouble for many years.


I also chose silicone as silicone is easiest to revise as tissue doesn't grow into the prosthesis the same can not be said about rib, dermis, gortex, medpor.
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Sorry to hear you had to delay your trip, what a bummer! Zoe doesn't have a single bad bone so to speak so I doubt very much she didn't think you were serious, she's quite busy and sometimes takes a while to reply. Just send her another email and hope she's not booked up for when you do travel. If you don't hear back within a few days drop me a private message.

Also Hotel Highland does have a website I stayed there for a week in their Grand Room, they can get booked up quick during the busy period so don't risk it and book a reservation online

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Of course not, that would be bananas! I meant having Dr. Shin's 3D surgery done would probably take longer to heal. Added with all the past numerous revisions may cause a prolonging recovery factor.

LOL not the initial surgery and revisions all within 6 months.

Words of fact, when an eye get cut it will heal quickly the first time. When it gets cut over & over again. Will cause scare tissue and will take longer to heal. Agree?

Your friend, if that is her first eye surgey. I'll give it 2-3 months to heal. Before BK forgets about her like are quiet reader that finally came out. Where BK Hospital / Dr. Shin left her with a botch job and no compensation. Hung out to dry.

But everybody have their own preference cant judge it.

Enjoy your weekend buddy.
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yup true, scar tissue is always going to be an issue when revisional surgery is involved, especially when it comes to liposuction. its a lot easier to avoid scar tissue formation with eyelid surgery. infact i haven't heard of a case thus far on this forum about scar tissue forming after an eyelid surgery, i could be wrong though.

i'm pretty confident that if all didn't goes as well as she had hope for, i will personally demand compensation or revisional surgery for her. i am commited to my friend welfare and bore some amount of responsibilty since i recommended dr shin to her.
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