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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I'm looking for the same thing. Just refining my tip, maybe lengthening my nose a tiny bit... When I consulted VIP, they gave me the same consultation: I needed rib cartilage rhino and a paranasal augmentation. When I pressed that I didn't want an implant and that $9,500 was too expensive, they offered me $5,000 silicone rhinoplasty. which still isn't what I wanted.

When are you going to Korea? If you end up getting just your tip done, please let me know where/how it turns out!

I'm going in September so mine's a long way yet. I have been searching on Asian Nose Job 1, 2, and 3 threads and this thread for someone who's done only their tip, but so far no luck... Please keep us all updated! and good luck with all of your procedures!
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WOw... I'm shocked as well..
Eightbelow and I were both seriously considering BK.... But Shane and Dan4me has had really great experiences with their respective surgeries... I'll still consult them, but I'm seriously reconsidering where I want to go now...

I read somewhere that I should go to a clinic that was well known in Korea, which may not necessarily market to international clientele. Since my Korean's very choppy, i'm slowly doing research..

But I'm really sorry to hear about your awful experience! I hope whatever clinic you end up working with, if you should decide to go through another procedure, gives you spectacular results! You deserve it, after everything you went through...
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Hi dan4me, can you send me your b/a too? your display photo looks pretty! my email is [email protected]

Hi HKP, can you send me the b/a of your eyes and nose?
I saw everyone complimenting your megan fox's nose! must be gorgeous! :smile: my email is [email protected]

Thanks !
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Thank you so much for letting me know and for trying to get some clear information on the forum.

I have read the comments and they're just disappointing and make me really angry.

I would say he doesn't really know me and has never used my services so I don't know why he is trying his best to rude my reputation.

He also says he knows for a fact but can never point to any evidence - just hearsay as you said.

In fact, he met me for the first time on April 2012. He was with my other clients. He got to the clinic earlier than the other, so when we arrived, he had done his consultation.

When he was saying he liked the Dr, but the clinic requested 26 million for two jaw surgery, so he couldn’t do it.

I was shocked with that price and asked another consultant to confirm the price and check for him again.

Then a few minutes later, the consultant came back and said sorry, but the girl who did the consultation with Shane was really new and she made a mistake.

So at the end, that clinic gave him it for about 18 miliion KRW for two jaw and mandible reduction (re-vision surgery).

I’d like to say:

“Shane, if you say I increased the surgery price by 10-15 percent, why would I even bother to confirm the price for you and get that much done for you????

You are not even my customer, I did this because I thought it was wrong and I want the clinic to be fair to you and you can make your decision for choosing the clinic. Have you ever thanked me for that?????

You had no place to stay that night, I took you and my other clients to a hotel and found rooms for all of you. Have you ever thanked me for that too??????

I would never think that being nice to a person means they would be mean to me for no reason!!

If you want to start surgery business, do it and do it right. Competition is good for business and also good for customers. Because they have more choice and can get better service.

But trying your best to ruin my reputation is not what you should do to keep a good business running.

I am the one trying my best to help everyone as much as I can. I am earning my money honestly‘’.

I know there are many agents in the market. I won’t say anything bad just because I want more customers. I will just make my service better.

Also all the customers who have undergone my service, they are not stupid and they can tell who is good and bad.

And the surgery price they paid is the same price as people who went to the clinic alone. They can easily tell, because people talk online and always keep in touch by emails. They know all the information.

Also, some small clinics don’t have their own English or Chinese translator, Drs even hire me to be their translator. Because Drs trust my knowledge, language skills and experience.

If I increased prices, it’s so easy to find out. I think the truth talks, even you can compare your price with people who went to ID alone. Was that higher??

How can you say I increase the surgery price by 10-15 percent????

Nanxy, for me, in the beginning, this job is just my job. I think I told this to you. Then more and more people came looking for me.

The greatest thing I earn from this job is I met so many amazing people. People like you, a sweetheart and honest friend.

It’s not my style to talk behind people’s backs, but Shane really crossed the line.

I will keep doing what I am doing, because it makes me happy and I really appreciate those people who trust me and treat me like a friend. That’s why I really appreciate it and was so touched when I heard that you came to Korea because of me!

For people who trust me I will do my best to help them as much as I can.

For people don’t trust me, then please help themselves.

Take care and sorry for the long e-mail.

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after reviewing your photo, here is my diagnosis. from the picture you sent you, from the front, it is obvious that you have an issue with your chin as it is flat, wide, and without any contour. whoever recommended V line and cheek bone reduction is crazy. however, your angular curve is a bit flat with no volume. usually such feature would look very pleasing on a man as oppose to a woman. and you have a strong mid facial projection and forehead recession which narrow the appearace of you face. from the front your profile look ok, but at an angle is where these descrepency become very obvious. i would say suggest a cheek agumentation as oppose to a cheek reduction, or atleast a bit of fat graft around the paranasal region would really help to improve your aesthetic.

as for your chin, i agree with using a smaller pointier implant as oppose to a sliding G. but it really depend on the makeup of your chin once the implant has been removed. since you currently have an implant over your existing chin, i can't tell from looking at your picture if a sliding G would really help with your profile. you don't seem to have a receeding chin. you have a perfect S countour which connect from the bottom of your lip to the tip of your chin. so if you have a small chin to begin with, i would not recommend sliding G. if your natural chin is big and wide, then you might benefit from a mini V-Line instead. from what i can see, you seem to have a wide chin. i don't know if that's the reusult of your implant or you're naturally born with wider chin. if you have a big wide chin, then it is recommended that you opt for a T cut method. but if you were to ask for my opinionm here is what i suggest.

wide, big chin - mini V line, T cut chin with angular contour.
small chin - a small pointed implant.
normal size chin, receeding - 3 step sliding G.
small size chin, receeding - sliding G with implant.

as for your nose, you seem to have a wide nasal body and base which is made worse by the bulbousness of the tip of your nose. a simple tip plasty should do the trick. if you really concern about the overal size of your nose, i suggest a nasal osteotomy to narrow the bridge of your nose. but sometime a custom made narrow impant is equally as effective. it really depend on your preference.

hope this help
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i'm sorry to hear of your experience with BK. but would you mind elabrating as to who was the surgeon who perform your surgery. i certainly hope it wasn't dr shin. spartan warrior always teasing me about supporting dr shin. but i have my reason for doing so. and i even gotten a friendly lecture about this when i was over at BK last month. it is my personal opinion that as much as skill is important when selecting the right surgeon, a little luck does go a long way as well. people like dan4me and myself is a perfect example of such analogy. i guess we were fortunate to come out of BK alive, well and extremely satisfied with our result. unfortunately, not everyone is as fortunate as us. one can only hope that enough research has been made prior to selecting a clinic and a surgeon. that's pretty much all one can do to prepared for. the rest really depend on how lucky you end up. you might love the result or you might just hate it. our result should be use only as a reference to what can be ahcieved, but you should never expect to achieved the exact result that me and dan4me had gotten from BK.
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HOLLY COW! You're results are amazing!!!!!!*
I'm a lot more assured for my mum after seeing that. Im seriously considering a nose job some time in the future now lol.
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after much consideration, i have decided to get both my zygoma revision and revision nose job done when i come to korea in august. i had originally scedule my nose for next year, but sudden change of plan had led me no choice but to get both procedure done together. i'm still going with my original intended clinic which is ID for zygoma and dr shin of Bk for my nose. i don't know if dr shin would allow me to have no revision done 3 months into my 2 jaws surgery. but i certainly hope he would be able to accomodate my request. if for whatever reason dr shin refuse to do my nose, then i would first seek out the advice of dr park. and if give me the green light for my nose, then i will consider ID for my nose as well.

i will be arriving in seoul on the 4th or 5th of august and depart near the end of the month. that should give me plenty of time to do both procedure either seperately or at the same clinic. i will consult with several other clinics if dr shin does refuse to take up my case (but i really hope he will) by the time i finish with both procedure, my website/blog would be ready to launched. and as with before, i will keep everyone updated on my result.
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Please keep us all posted regarding your two surgeries. Especially your rhinoplasty... :P

I'm actually looking into Wonjin and JK right now because they have a good reputation in Korea amongst the locals. Has anyone heard about these two? and how many clinics can one person consult in a single day? It seems that I am now looking at five or six places... and it's difficult to narrow down the choices.
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I haven't heard anything good/bad about them. But I would imagine Seoul University's hospital should be pretty good right? I mean, the top of the class would probably work there... Hmm. maybe I should consult there too. haha So many choices!!
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I will definitely keep you posted on my rhino.

I been to wonjin before last month. But never gotten around to consult with them due to time constrain. But when i was there, there weren't any people there. Just that one staff that was at the front desk. So not sure how reliable is their service. I might go back there again to consult for my nose. I doubt you might be able to consult with so many clinic in a single days. 3 clinic in a day would be pretty impressive. Unless you split them into a few days.
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That holy cow keeps jumping from post to post, thanks for the many exclamation marks! I hope you have taken lots of recent before photos, I wish I had taken more angles too late now oops. Looking forward to reading your blogs.
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The clinic that do perfect photoshopping for their pictures, are you referring to BK?
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What exactly goes on during a consultation that it takes so long? Is it that the clinics rarely have time to fit you in? or is it because the consultation itself takes so long?
I only want a consultation for my nose. Why will it be difficult to fit more than three clinics in?
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