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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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my first zygoma reduction were done in thailand. and i only had a lateral arch reduction not a 3D reduction. i have a wide face ask as a high cheekbone which i didn't like. while the lateral arch reduction did improve my frontal profile but from an angle, you can still see my wide cheek, and it is still evident from the front as well. so the zygoma reduction i'm going to have is a 3D zygoma reduction where the body and lateral arch of your cheek are cut and push in so that it give you that nice angular curve that i desire. this is not a simple shaving of the zygoma body as some surgeon in china would do. you need to remember that the body of the zygoma is a very very thin. not knowning the density of your bone could lead to over reduction and causing a hole to develop in the front of your cheekbone. due fo my previous zygoma reduction, my bone density is especially thin so i would need to be very careful when it comes to zygoma reduction. i have decided to have my zygoma reduction done by dr park of ID. i have already consulted with him in june and a plan of action is already in place. i just need to drop by next month to have the surgery. no need for further consultation.

when it comes to swelling, its very individualistic. i would say give it atleast 6 months for both major and minor swelling to subside. you will love relatively normal after about 4 weeks or so. between the third to 6th months, everything should be back to normal. never judge your result within the first 6 months of your surgery. as in any cosmetic surgery, you would look ugly before before you look beautiful. just get plenty of exercise like walking to get the blood flowing and drink plenty of water to prevent water retention which might make your swelling look bloated.

hope this help.
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Well, hopefully, the Chinese patients have some venue to learn about Opera's refund policy and don't run into any problems. And I totes understand where you're coming from about future problems... Your entire experience was sketch and the fact that they weren't willing to make any consideration doesn't bode well for their commitment to revise/treat/w.e any future problems related to procedures done under their roof...

Again, thanks for the heads up! I hope lots of forumers read about your experience and heed your advice!
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Hahaha cool! I'm totally down! :biggrin:

Do you know when you're going?
EightBelow, J (another forumer), and I will be in korea around Sept. 13 through 24. J will stay later because her surgeries require more post op care...

Feel free to PM me about your schedule! :smile:
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what? no, not only vip does it. vip does premaxillary implants (even though they call it paranasal implants)
some other clinics do either paranasals or premaxillary implants as well, but they often mix up the names of the implants
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thanks for your compliment. i really try very hard to juggle between replyin to the forum, replying to email, doing simulation for other, creating my website while still having a social life at the same time. what kept me going it my passion for the field and the like minded people i met along the way. most of my friends around me are quite narrow minded and could never understand or accept the fact that a straight guy like my self would be so willingly to undergo plastic surgery to change something which we were born with. some accuse me of changing god work. but i don't see it that way. i consider picking up where go left off. i'm a strong believer that god wants us to be happy even if that mean changing something about yourself that doesn't appeal to you. plastic surgery has done for me what no amount of money or flashy sport car can, and that is giving me the confident to face an image concious society. as much as i hate to say it, but we are still judge by our appearance and how people judge us now will have a direct affect on how we are judge in the future. plastic surgery has change my life like you would never imagine, which is why i embrace it, not shy away from it. i openly admit that i have plastic surgery. while some will look at me with a critical eyes, i'm surprise that the majority of the people that i spoke to are more accepting, some of them also wish to have something done them self. so you see, my passion for the field stem deeper than just replying to a couple of post or answering a couple of email. its that same passion that keep me coming back here to help others :smile:
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Awwww sounds so fun~! I wish I could go...
I hear Korea is beautiful in Spring...

And mother! what are you doing trying to get your daughter drunk!!

And virgin cocktails still cost a fortune. I imagine, its the establishments that are enjoying the savings. Not my partner... :/
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Hi, I emailed you for info of the doc. Did you receive my email? Thanks in advance!
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Hi blessed!

Me b my 4 other frd did our surgery at jewelry clinic. I done my rhino with them, I told them I want to correct my upturned nose appearance & do not want a straight high bridge but they still give me everything opposite! I wasted another 2k for flight & expenses n surgery cost to make another trip to seoul last 5th June, I seek for Dr Chung Eve aesthetic surgery clinic for help! Dr chung use my remaining stored fats to do forehead fat graft to balance my 3D side profile make it look more harmony.
I also did alar lift with Dr Chung to improve my droopy alar problem, eventually helps on my upturned nose appearance! Jewelry clinic still told me I don't need alar lift which I needed the most ! Now my silicone is causing skin thinning problem becoz implant too high. I'm have to wait till next mth to replace my high silicone to rib cartilage! It's totally depressing coz I wasted my time n money this 2 trip to Korea!

3 of my frd did eyelid surgery with them, 2 of them not satisfied because her eyelid. First one did eyelid n Rhinoplasty, her eyelid develop hypertropic scarring,her nose tip still look bulbous even though she paid for Nasal tip reduction & alar plasty.

Another one she wanted suture method end up dr give her incision method without informing her, her crease is having v obvious scar line. She also done fat graft n zygoma, her fat graft was told to be done on her lower eye sunken area end up dr over grafting her cheek n chin with her notice. Dr told her over Graft is to prevent absorption. Who knows her fats survive 70% making her look so chubby. Ridiculous wasting her money to do zygoma end up her face become rounder than before !

BECAREFUL ! If u want revision within 6mths due to unsatisfactory result, Jewelry Clinic Manager will make u sign Surgery Medical Report & state they won't responsible for any complication cause! That means u gonna live with the ugly face for 6 mths hell!
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I just had surgery done in Seoul a few weeks ago. I don't remember signing any form pertaining release for 6 month at the hospital I had my surgery (maybe I missed it). Is this kind of form normal? Looks like every hospital has different policy.

Did Jewelry ask you to pay for the 2nd revision on their work?

I don't know if Jewelry has a lot of doctors. But a Korean girl who work in plastic surgery clinics told me a lot of large hospitals here have many doctors. The consultation may be done by the principle, but the surgery is often done by the doctors who're either new there or less experienced. However, the principle usually oversees the operations. There are a few hospitals popular on this forum fall into that category. I guess if we trust large hospitals, we just need to trust the principle surgeon in charge. Nothing else we can do. Unless we go to small clinics with one or two known doctors.

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I have a question. I heard if you do V line or zygoma reduction, it would have a bad impact on you in the future because as you get older, your skin sags and because some of your bone is taken away from surgery, your skin will sag even more that a normal person without surgery.
Is this true?
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No, I don't get into fights often. But I do train for fighting and one of my love of sports is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. People do get bumped in the face with an elbow or knee unintentionally unfortunately. But just like any other sports, accidents do happens.

So that is the main reason why I ask...

Are you suggesting rib cartilage would be best? I was considering it, but I need all the flexibility I can afford from my ribs. And taking a chunk out wouldn't be good for me athletically. Plus I hear it take at least a year to recover.

I'm already dreading that I will have to take a year off at least before I can get back into my daily activities for the 2 Jaw.
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BK does do maxillary/paranasal implants with rib or silicone I believe. HKP had it done@ID w/silicone.

From my research what I have read this is a good alternative for people who feel have a wide, flat or concave faces. Helps builds the mid face for a more rounded beveled appearance. And will give a smoother contour projecting of the nose.
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