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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Cousin Kim sound like you'll be a cheap date. LOL. I don't drink much either haha. Auntie N might have to take care of me after 2. It will be nice to personally meet all of you.

Kim can't wait till the next family reunion. You have the coolest mum!!!
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Hi there,

Does any one have recommendation of surgeons who specialize in creating really sharp pointed noses like the korean actresses? My nose is normal looking but I would love to enhance it further. Do let me know....

Thank You!
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Hahaha I guess we can get plastered on one shot together in our next family reunion! :biggrin:

Isn't she? Letting me get drunk in public and even encouraging it... LOLs

I guess you all will have an amazing time come april!

I don't mean to be a creep, but it says that you're from NYC under your pictureless avatar. I'm meeting another forumer in August when I go up to visit. If you're down and she's down, we can have a little pregaming of our own! LOL
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Hmm... would the Oz clinic fall into this category? or Item? That is, are these clinics big hospitals that will have a less experienced doctor actually doing the surgery?

The thought of having my face done by a newbie surgeon is terrifying! :O
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I'm so proud of you hongkongphooey for sharing your pics .... i think it takes alot of guts and courage to put yourself out there to the public. i'm sure your gonna inspired alot of girls.

if i have to be honest about your pics i think you look so much better after the plastic surgery . Before you looked old and tired but after the surgery it turn the clock back 10 years and now you looked like really refreshed !
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I've been looking for my "ideal nose" since first posting on this forum, but so far haven't found it. There's been posts about Golden Ratio and similar measurement methods on the forum already, and I'd like to add something I found while searching today. The information is too overwhelming and math-sy for me to do my self-assessment, so I'll post it anyway if it helps someone. If you are able to find your ideal nose, please help me find mine too! Kthxbai. B)

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I got extra sinnech, do you need it?
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How much is it? When do we start consuming it? HOw do we consume it after the operation? Open the capsule and mix the powder to the beverage?
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Why would you not also consider Dr Hong since Dan4me has very good result too for face contouring under him? Could you share with me the reason coz I am seriously thinking of Dr Kim or Dr Hong for face since the tube is through mouth. But the concern for me is that I have not seen other testimonials besides Dan4me, but I have seen more from ID through HongKOngPooey and youtubes. How? I read somewhere that Dr Hong has invented a way to prevent face sagging in future. But I need more references to justify my decision..
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Do you like your new face contour? Can you smile naturally now even with the paranasal implant?

Thank you for sharing the pix, Hongkongpooey. You look so sophisticated..
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Hi... Bluebirdie

Jewelry clinic manager never want us to sign surgery medical report on our first visit for surgery. Only when I ask for revision due to unsatisfaction then she start wanting me to sign agreement ! This is to protect the company interest she said ! Wth! Revision is free but when it's comes to signing such agreement that state infection or complication dr will not responsible, who will want to continue this surgery hence its revision, if dr not happy or not skillful in revision anything happen Jewelry clinic will be free for responsiblities on me! If u were me will u sign ? Lol
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im not sure if this is supposed to be in this thread but i would be korea soon and im looking for good laser plastic surgery clinic in korea for whitening or radio frequency for slimmer v-line face. anybody have any recommendations? thanks in advance!! :biggrin:
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Awesome! If you don't tell us, we will think that the b&a pics belong to two different persons. Congrats on your new looks! Super hot and sexy like Maggie Q :woohoo:
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