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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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hi Shane77

cant wait to see your website, specially your picture before
is there a limit how they can change your nose, i dont like mine nose from the side
front (which they are creating for me in the simulation, id, grandsurgery,bk)
by the way only bk do the rib cartilage for the bridge ?
Can you tell me what your experience are from grandsurgery ?
are they good

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No hurry, Shane. Take your time to analyse. Dun want to stretch you coz you're just volunteering your service. Tks.:smile:
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U look SO PRETTY with longer hair!
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Well there is definitely limitation to how much changes can be made to your nose, it depend on various condition such as skin thickness and the structure of your nasal bone. I assume the simulation created for you were too subtle. Usually when creating simulation photo for patient, clinic doesn't want to create dramatic changes. But what a lot of these clinic fail to take into account is the conformity level. If you have prominent facial feature, say a large chin for example, a subtle changes to your nose will not make a significant differences in your profile. So when i create simulation photo, i have to take note the individual static landmark and create a feature that conform better with the rest of their face. Some time patients may required dramatic change and some time not. It very individualize.
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Ahh! I was planning to do that already! Great minds... LOL

As for your quesetion about other clinics in other areas, there are good clinics in other regions. I mean, considering the percentage of Koreans who undergo plastic surgery, not all of them can travel to Seoul. My mom was trying to convince me to go to a local surgeon in Jeonju where I have family, so I can stay with my grandmother... but I insisted Seoul, b/c let's not lie.. the best always go to the capital. It's not like the U.S. where the country is SO big that it's not always feasible.. it's like in CA, where the best always goes to LA/SF
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I remember a few weeks ago my uncle ask me if someone had plastic surgery to change their look, would it also change their DNA so that their children carry on with the new look? I think looking at this picture we all know the unfortunate truth to that question is LOL~ i say married the prettiest woman or the handsomest man you can find and pray to god that your baby end up looking like them instead of you LMAO
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No one ever get a an ear sore hearing how beautiful they look. So i doubt she tired of it :smile: she probably grinning from ear to ear after being showered left and right with compliments :smile:
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Still, i did promise that i would and i always keep my promise even if i am volunteering my services to you :smile:
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In regard to BK, yes there do use rib cartilages but only as a last resort. It would never be the first option suggested by dr shin. I'm not sure about other surgeon there but i personally had ask about rib cartilage for my bridge and he doesn't recommend it cause it will leave a 7 cm scar along you your rib area. Thats 7cm not mm. Dermis would be what dr shin recommend if you're concern about using silicone. It will leave a scar during harvesting but its much smaller then harvesting rib cartilages and the scare is conceal right at your tail bone. So its completely unnoticeable. I am considering dermis for the bridge of my nose since it seem like no one else here is using it. And it heard its suppose to be more natural, not hard like silicone or gortex or medpore.

Unfortunately i don't have information regarding grand. Just that there are overly price.
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Yep, my comment was tongue in cheek, hence the ROFLMFAO emoticon at the end :P.
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Hey Shane,

Busan might be another choice for ppl to do ps , I know some clinic that have main operation in seoul also have branch in busan. maybe it cater for ppl whom leave in busan and didn't want to spend extra time and money traveling for follow up in Seoul. Who know maybe they could be a little bit cheaper due to leaving of standard in busan ( I guess)

Hope the information help :smile:
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Great mind do think alike :smile: so you should be able to struck up a great deal with the clinic of your choice :smile:

I agree with you and what a lot of the individual here stated. So my plan is to create an individual column dedicated for plastic surgery in seoul and another column dedicated to other part of south korea as well as the rest of the world. I had received a ton of great advice from quite a number of people here which i will implement i into my site. Of course when the site is launch i hope to continue receiving plenty of feedback and suggestion that will help make the site even better. I incorporated a lot of feature to this site which i hope will make sharing plastic surgery experience more easier. I am really excited about the launch of this site and i hope it will benefit any interested having plastic surgery in seoul or else where for thAt matte :smile:
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Yes it help a lot ginger. Thats just confirm my action to create a separate column for clinic outside of seoul. I feel it wouldn't be right to do a registry about plastic surgery in korea without touching the other district of the south, even if there is only a few clinic that populated these area :smile:
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Im going to be there on the 4th along with a few other. Tag along if you around the neigbourhood ;)
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