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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Sorry, I forgot to mention it... I'll get into Seoul on the 13th and leave on the 24th :smile: So we'll be around the same dates!
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Yes, awesome! I also just looked at the area you're staying at. I'm staying in the Sinsadong area, so it doesn't seem to be a prob meeting up (halfway or somewhere!) I'll also have my phone on me 24/7 (minus operation time!) so I'm sure we'll be walking around the clinic area the same time on the 13th! Are you feeling excited? Are you having rhiniplasty done too?
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Please please update us of yr consultation at BK. I am leaning towards BK.

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> Kkim: I may reach earlier, maybe 4th, if I choose BK Hospital. They offer me 5 days at their guest house and could arrange a reasonable hotel.

I made a mistake under estimating the downtime which I believe I should arrive from 4 - 21/09. I am revising my flight tix but am encountering a PAINFUL penalty of USD180 which I am resolving nw.

If all goes well, I will meet u on the 13th either wih a bandaged nose or could still end up visiting clinics t'ger.

> Shane: my friend commented that the simulation of my profile is NICE! THANKS:smile:
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Ouch! I'm sorry... How long is the downtime for rhino? You'll be staying for three weeks!
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Don't get me wrong, you can ask for silicone, medpore or rib for your bridge as well. It's very expensive though, I was quoted around £8k for revision rhino.

I am 8 weeks post op, ID Clinic performed all my surgeries. I am not sure what size silicone was used but it must have been a big one as I naturally barely have a bridge! I've still got a long way to go to see my final shape, it still hurts now and also swollen but only I can see and feel that. Today is a strange day, my whole face feels tight.
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glad you like it. remember its only a simulation. no guarantee that the surgeon is able to create the same outcome. just as long as the surgeon has an idea of what you have in mind and what you expected.
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I know it can take months for the nose to take shape after surgery so not to worry. You had the worst over and done with and just have to be strong and patient. I think patient is the key and I'm having to prepare myself for the long duration post op in not being able to fully see the results. So well done so far! I also read other people who've had a nose job and said they had different feelings in their nose/face on a regular basis.

Does your nose look much different to before 8wks post op? Is it just slight or quite a big change. Are you happy so far?

Hang in there though! It sounds like the procedure went really well!
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Hi everyone,

I had a hard time making the final decision to have p.s. All the anxiousness, nervousness, concerns, and information about ps was really overwhelming, but thanks to the forumers here who have been extremely helpful (Dan4me, shane77, etc), I am finally calmed down and was ready to make the leap.
THEN, I found this video - post-op 3 weeks and I thought the swelling was much worse than I had anticipated. Can someone who has prior experience (KHP Sista, Shane, others, etc?) comment if this was the amount of swelling that is expected at week 3?
If I plan on doing eyes and nose and would like to have minimal swelling (i.e. not obvious that one already has ps) how long do I need to take off?
Please advise! This video completely scared me away, after I gathered the courage to make the decision!!
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Sorry here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOPtTqueI2o

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i just started packing for my trip to seoul this coming thursday. as many of you might know that i will be doing revisional nose and zygoma surgery this time around. this will officially procedures number 45 and 46 for me and would be the 4th time this years i've been in seoul. i am extremely excited about this trip. not only would i once again be meeting up some new friends there, but it also mark the end of any more major surgery to my face. what is to come after the nose and zygoma would be minor procedure such as fat graft, love band, skin treatment.

since my website isn't ready for launch yet, i will document every step of my journey in a form of an electronic diary using my IPAD. this will be the first time i'll be documenting my experience and the purpose is to use this experience to launch my site come september. people would be able to read my day to day journey from pre op to post op and all the way to full recovery. i will document my journey religiously as often as i can. i won;t be alone since i will have a few other from here doing their surgery as well. so its going to be a blast i'm sure.
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i have seen this video before. anyway, as she implied, its only been 3 week since she has the eyelid surgery. so a degree of swelling is still expected. but no one can say for sure how well your body is going to response to you having any kind of elective surgery. different people will response differently. take me for example. if you have seen any of my revisional eyelid which i had done at BK by dr shin, you will see that i have very minimal swelling after about 7 days. even the day of my op, i experience very minimal swelling. but that can't be said about every one. my friend who had her eyelid surgery weren't as fortunate. she still experiencing swelling 6 weeks after having her eyelid surgery. so everyone is different in my opinion. but base on my personal observation... people whith thinner eyelid skin tend to well up more campare to those with thinner eyelid skin. my friend had thin eyelid skin while i have a thicker one. i;m not sure if there is any scientific truth to that observation but it has been my observation anyway. while a skill surgeon can control the outcome of your result, but he can't control how much swelling you going to experience afterward. that's entirely up to your body. by the third weeks the majority of of your swelling should subside. but that doesn't mean you won't continue to experience minor swelling which could cause assymetry in your fold between your left and right eyelid. but typically it isn't all that obvious. so you should nothing to worry about. eyelid surgery is a very small procedure with a very low down time.
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Hahaha! I stayed here when I went. It's absolutely great! I highly recommend this place. There's 2 restaurants right below the building and a norebang in the basement just incase you get lazy...and don't want to venture far. I was iffy at first but I will stay there again. And the owner is great!! Location is awesome too. I don't know why more of us don't stay here...
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