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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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the only problem is trying to sort out the good from the bad ones can really be daunting. \

Sometimes i wonder if some of those plastic surgeons are even licensed in Korea ?

Can someone just opened up a plastic surgeon clinic in Korea and called themselves certified doctors ? hmm i wondered ???????

As of now im just researching the internet and going by peoples experienced and word of mouth ...
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Hi there - I went to Woffles Wu. He does charge alot but after I visited Korea for my V line surgery, I must say that WW's charges are somewhat justified. No, Korea did not mangle my surgery but I sorta felt 'man handled' in Korea.
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Hi there, I know what you mean, i went through the same thing. Yes, do go by word of mouth.. forum threads both here and in cozycot provide a lot of feedback.. Like never go to BK Dongyang (lol)..

The forums are a good way to start, they help you to narrow down surgeons. When you get there, visit the clinics, it becomes easier to decide (some clinics are very small and dodgy, some are large and move like clockwork. How comfortable you are with the surgeon is also impt and to me, you can see their potential dedication to you as a patient through your consult (do they pressure you, dismiss you, etc).
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Hi there everyone ~

Its been 15 days since my zygoma and V line surgery and I'm posting some information that hopefully, will be helpful to people considering the same surgery. All opinions expressed are purely my own; feel free to drop me a line for clarifications but I am by no means advertising for my doctors, passing off opinions as facts, etc.

Sorry if the post is long!!!

I went to Korea last mth (sept) and visited the following clinics:
1. ID hospital
2. IDEA surgery
3. JK plastic surgery
4. Dream surgery
5. Banobagi

I finally settled on Banobagi for the following reasons; Dr Oh was very polite and detailed in his consultation. He spent a great deal of time carefully explaining the procedures to me and the recovery period, etc. I do not regret going with him as my post op care was better than expected (some people have said that post op care is non existent in Korea, well, I got to see Dr Oh 4 times after my op, once immediately after my surgery, the next day before my discharge and twice during my follow up consults).

At 15 days, I can see the outline of my face, it is by far, appearing to be pretty much what I wanted ( i brought in a photo and was satisfied that Dr Oh took some time to study the photo and my face to see if its achievable).

On my last day, he told me to email him if I have any further concerns and if I am in Korea in approx 6 mths, to visit his clinic again just to see how my healing has progressed.

Ok, those were the pleasant parts, now onto the less pleasant parts of my story, recovery !!

Day 0 - woke up with my face completely bandaged up with tubes sticking out of my mouth and a mouth piece. Was lucid but groggy for the next 6-7 hrs. It was difficult to sleep as I couldnt breathe or lie sideways. And I constantly felt like throwing up due to the anaesthesia but couldn't cuz I could not move my jaw. And I was dizzy.

Day 1 - Discharge !!
The nurses removed the tubes from my mouth - no liquids or food for the next 6 hrs !! I got home in one piece but constantly felt sleepy. My face started to swell up and that's when you actually get depressed. Well, at least, that was how I felt.

I was advised to be on a liquid diet for one week

Day 2-6
I started to have noodle soup on Day 3 - this is the period you will lose alot of weight as you have no appetite and feel groggy all the time plus your face really swells up after the 2nd day and it is damn depressing, haha ! I consumed alot of pumpkin soup (not sure if it helped but my swelling started to go down at the end of Day 3). Started to brush my teeth after Day 3.

One thing to note about pain - the pain is a blunt pain, much like you're wearing braces on the first day (for the mandible). I experienced pain in my teeth though, more like sensitivity one gets when the dentist cleans your teeth.

Day 7 - first consult. Dr Oh said the surgery went well and my healing is on track. My right side is more swollen than my left profile. Its still pretty obvious that I went for some kind of surgery. They do not remove the stitches

Day 8-11
Life as I know it has started to return to normal. I can eat (in small bite sized portions). I still have not much of an appetite so i consume alot of jellies, Starbucks, bread. I've heard of girls who ate Korean BBQ some 8 days post surgery but at its best, i could only insert 2 fingers into my mouth at its max. Sleep is getting better. Swelling has minimized; people do not realize I did surgery until I speak.

Day 12-15
Stitches out. I still lack feeling in my lower lips and its only apparent I did sth to my face when I speak. They say that you can eat anything you want now apart from alcohol. I also have to wear a pressure garment daily for 4hrs, which kinda hurts cuz my face is still swelling.

Anyway, I hope this helps anyone considering this surgery !!
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Oh I'm sorry, you're note excluded. I should say "friends" instead of "gals." I'm in the same boat as you as far as setting the date. I'm thinking in a year. Traveling with friends who know the language is even better. I wish I have friends that know Korean. Where are you from vk82?
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hey i'm keen on going next march or april, can we tag along your korean friend :smile:
i hear they give discounts to koreans
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How are you "man-handled"? Please comment if you can. It's scary and worrying.
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firstly, i must say that that particular post was not meant to scare anyone. Anyway, everyone has different thresholds rite?

I just felt that surgeries in korea were very rushed affairs, due to the number of people doing them (hence the whole "assembly line" theory). For my surgery, they strapped me up to the bed and started to inject the anaesthesia. The nurse performing it couldn't find my vein so she kept jabbing the needle deeper and deeper. I screamed quite loudly but they didnt stop. Instead, two of the nurses came over to hold me down.

I guess my experience in SG was different. Then again, I paid like 3x the price so I guess they would treat you better ! :smile:
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Sounds all good with me ;) Only problem is if i could find the time to go do it. I haven't really set the exact date yet . I had planned on doing it 2 years from now depending on my work scheduled since i'm so busy.

If you don't have a Korean friend to go along you could always hired a english guide or english translator in Korea :smile::smile:
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LOL :P none offense taken Kltran. I completely understand how some girls can be uncomfortable around guys or even sharing rooms with another guy.

BTW i'm also from the states :smile:
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Caitlinlim - how old are you? I'm from Singapore and I'm really desperate to get my face done! Like what I mentioned in the other forum I wanna do it like end of feb so that I can recover for school in mid April
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