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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Oh! This is great to hear!!! How's the commute to the plastic surgery clinics? From Naver maps it doesn't seem too bad.. but from your experience?

And what did you get done? Were you able to go out and about? I don't plan to stay cooped up in a room for the entire duration of my stay... I want to go out, eat, and play! :biggrin:
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Before I took this photo, I didn't realise what my scars look like behind my ears. Do note that it is only 2 months post op and take into account that I am a slow healer (usually takes me twice as long to heal as the average person). You can clearly see the blood drain tube scar by my ear lobes and the other scar where ear cartilage was harvested for my nose tip is quite long but not noticeable as it's in the fold, I'd say a good 1 inch in length. I can't feel the blood tube scar but the ear cartilage scar still hurts a lot especially if I sleep on my side but it is bearable, just! I don't know if ID Hospital would put the tube under the hairline if you asked, they did not tell me about this tube and the first I knew about it was when I woke up after GA, I must admit I am quite annoyed about this scar and can only hope it will disappear in a few months.
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Gahhh! If you do jaw surgery you need to drain the blood via a tube? where does the blood go!!?!? :O SCARRRYYYYY
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I have the same problem. I can't see ANYTHING without my contacts/glasses. My only suggestion is to either do one or the other. I wanted to do both but I might just do rhino and wait for doing eyes. Unless you don't mind being blind for a week and do both.
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Yep you sure do. Any bone surgery will involve a blood drain. At ID it goes from behind your ear into a medical bag which is in your PJ pockets, of course you have a tube behind each ear not just one. At BK they put this in your gums in your mouth but I think there is a big needle attached to the end of the tube. It is removed the following day.

This is the tube I said hurts like **** when it is removed as there is no anaesthetic or numbing cream then they stitch you up immediately after removing both tubes. It is extremely painful. I've posted this on numerous occasions, do you not remember?
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Haha sucks dont it. Why could we be blessed with 20/20 vision haha!! I might just do rhino as thats top of my list and eyelid was more just because haha.

When are you planning on going??
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No... I totes remember. there was also that forumer who was scared to death about an ear tube... EWwWWWW. You have a pouch of BLOOD?!! IN YOUR PAJAMAS!??!! gaaahhhh!!!!

I've skimmed over previous posts... so this is the first time I actually knew what you guys were talking about... now that i doooo AHHH!!!!!
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I think it was Emisa that feared the pain of this tube, no one had mentioned it before so I put it in one of my blogs. You too will have blood tubes if you are having v line and or zygoma which I think you are from memory. The pouches in your PJ's will only a little bit of blood, mine had no more than half a tablespoons worth. You can't have bad blood re-circulating your system apparently. Try to find my blogs on this, I also advised the Egg girl about it recently (ish) so pack some numbing cream.
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When I had my eye surgery no way was I going to put contact lenses in, to be honest I think for me it would be virtually impossible due to swelling and tenderness, I think I would have managed it after 7 days though. As for rhino surgery, even now I shouldn't wear glasses and I'm 8 weeks post op.

I will be in Seoul next April too so I will be able to guide you about with your white stick if you like lol !!
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I haven't booked the ticket yet (i'm going to do so by tomorrow). I'm debating either going in early January or late February (most likely). I have to go to a big event in February, so I think I might go after the event because I don't want to look all banged up and have everyone question me. I don't think a month is enough time for all the swelling to go down. Booking Zoe :woot:

Let me know if you want to meet up and go shopping while we heal.
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i send my picture to cinderella,banobagi and still not have email of id
they suggest me do eyelid,epic and paranasal and fat grat,
do u know how is the procedure of fat graf only one times or treatment?
and for paranasal it for the bone surround the nose what it for ,for making nose rather small?

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This one massage shop called Lavana was famous for their aroma oil massage. You should definitely try it when you have a chance to visit Bangkok. ;)
So, do you have any surgery plan this year ? :smile:
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