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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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What a miss. Anyway have a safe journey:smile:

*Cant wait to see a perfect Shane;)
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Regen, ID, and maybe Banobagi if there's enough time. I was going to book the plane ticket yesterday--but I realized I needed to renew my passport before I do. :sad: I'm from the US and planning on flying Korean Air.

But yes, so far I'm going Feb 18-March 7. I'm seeing my boyfriend next week, it'll give me the chance to talk to him about it (and maybe see if he can go with me if he's okay with the surgery!)

Congrats on the marriage! :biggrin: I'm so happy for you!
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hi, did anyone did their cheekbone and jaw reduction at smallface or oz clinic? although ID seems more professional (i think mainly becos of their website and hospital) ID seems to have a lot of bad reviews at cozycot >.< i would like to try smallface though it seems like i will need a translator.
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From cozycot, I didn't get the impression that the Oz clinic was very good either... Read strawberrypixes's experience... I think she's the forumer who ended up regretting it. I hope this helps :smile:

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Yeah... they probably have more sugar than aloe. lol
You can just stick with pumpkin juice and drink lots of water as well. :smile:
And move around a lot ! being a couch potato does not make your swelling go away. :graucho:
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Nice meeting u yesterday! Thks for the sinnech n information. We actually chat for almost an hr! All the best to yr surgery. Update us yr experience whenever u cld. :biggrin:
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Its whacked!
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Dangitt. I kinda hoped that I had an excuse to drink a ton of aloe juice...

Everyone keeps on talking about pumpkin juice. what the heck is that? it sounds kind of gross... :/
I know that in Korean food culture we have Pumpkin porridge. Is that what y'all talking about? there's a lot of sugar in that too.. lols.
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Haha aahh major typo -__-" - yeah its 2013 .... but I dont even know if I am a fast healer... With my eyelid surgery I deswelled pretty fast and was where i am now within a month but im not sure if that is normal?

And thanks ^_^
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Haha yeah 2013 not 2012!! Oops my bad

But thanks for the reply :smile: ... I wanted to go in April and have wedding in August so that would only leave 4months... Grrr wish i could just have the surgery now >__<
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I booked the consultation and they scheduled me in for surgery the next day... I went in summer so it was fine... My sister she went for consult and they let her have surgery same day... So i think just depends on how busy you are!
I went for a week as well. After a week i was well enough to just wear glasses instead of sunglasses as most of the redness and swelling had gone down. I just wore light makeup no eye makeup though and seemed okay :smile:
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Haha, thats why I am seriously hoping for it to be the first time around!
So 5months seems a better option.. That means have to go in march or change wedding to september - oooof - weddings and surgery are stress ^_^""
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Ooo fingers crossed with your boyfriend! Dont worry if he is a bit off at first. Mine was but he came around in the end :smile:

Ah right, if I was gonna go in March itd be end of March :/ poops - well I havent booker anything yet so who knows! I will likely go ID, BK and grand... Prob end up using ID as I like their b+as the most and as I am doing bone surgery I knoe theyre good but we'll see. Might not even need bone surgery!!

And thanks for the congrats ^_^ quite exciting planning a wedding... Havent even tried on dresses yet though, very much looking forward to that :biggrin:
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That's a good point, I'll just email and ask. Thank you!:smile:

I've booked in to have consultations at ITEM, JK and Banobagi.
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Cheers for that! :smile:
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