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Paranasal? I still cant figure what is that as Dr Kim did mention that it is rhino.
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I'm doing v line with chin advance and nose revision. I don't need the med it's ok , anyway by the time you reach I should be 3 weeks pos op and don't think it will work wonders on me anymore.

Thanks for your well wishes!
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Hmmm ... You already decided ? Thought u going to see Dr Park tml? anyway will meet u at BK tml at 12. I'm all set to go with Dr Hong.
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paranasal augmentation is actually nasolabial folds-smiling lines from side of nose to corners of mouth? consultant in VIP recommended this to me too! I didn't know i have this... lol!!!
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If the airline allows, I like to reach Seoul on the 4 to 21/09. Long long stay so the accomodation will hurt my pocket.

Still waiting for reply from Zuji.... :sad:
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... I have apparent nasolabia fold but ... That means I will have both silicon implant from the nose to the mouth?!

OMG... Prolly a genio is the 3rd on my to-do list on this trip...
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oh for the procedure..i'm not very sure of it coz i couldn't find any materials on the internet. but what vip recommended to me is using my own rib cartilage as i intend to have rib cartilage rhino. i believe they will make an incision in my mouth and somehow put in the cartilage to fill up that fold?

prolly could get more info about this from shane or any other member who had this surg?
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Me too have smiling lines so this need paranasal augmentation??
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actually another forumer shared with me that smiling lines are natural as its caused when we smile. i think that unless our smiling lines are reallyyyyy very obvious, we could consider it?

vip recommended that to me coz of the reason below:-

'Her nasolabial folds are also depressed in, so for a better enhancement, I highly recommend her to have paranasal augmentation along with her rib cartilage graft rhinoplasty.

Paranasal augmentation is to fill in the depressed nasolabial folds so her nose can look more definite and have more youthful looking face.'

i have short, bulbous & wide alar base. hence, they recommended this to me coz it will sort of make my 'new nose' look more 'pops up'?

so i guess it all depends?
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LOL! VIP recommended me a genio too!!!! i was told i have receding chin! LOOOL!
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VIP recommended this to me as well as i have depressed mid section however I asked other clinics and almost all said I dont need it - maybe 1 or 2 others said but ID, BK, OZ, Grand didnt say I needed it... I think the one that did was VIP, Dr Wang in China and SeoulTouchups..
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prolly that was their way of upselling, i guess?

when i received that email from vip, it really starts to make me wonder.. probably i could have paranasal folds... just that i didnt realize-focus too much on my unsatisfying nose! hahaha! *confusing* :P

wow!~ you enquired quite a number of clinics! i've asked only VIP.
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Lol yeah Ive asked loads... VIP, bk, id, item, teuim, seoul touchups, oz, grand, shimmian, dr wang, tokai in thailand, some in the UK, mmm regen... Wonjin, ChungDamU, banobagi... Haha i think thats it!! This thread made me aware of so many! Before i only knew Bk oz and VIP :P

Narrowed down to three - BK, ID and Grand... Possibly chungdamu as well but will see how it goes!!
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Yeah VIP made me sound like a freak. Not to mention their astronomical charges.

Have you had any PS yet?
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