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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Need help! I dont know if its just me or if I am judt nit-picking at my face buuut i feel my eyelids are heavy again... Basically i had my eyea done when i was 16 and had non incisional eyelids done... Then when i was 19 i had revision as thr skin was uber droopy and i needed to use my eyebrows to lift open my eyes all the time otherwise id look mad or just angry etc
Well now i feel like its happening again but when i open my eyes it just feels natural now and not sure if i should bother with eye surgery? Like i noticed i have more skin thab normal in between my eyebrows... Like it feels heavy there too... Aahhh its hard to explain really.... But i have attached a picture. Below is when i completely relax my forehead and the second is what i normally look like...

Anyways, let me know what you think :smile:
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U have the same problem as my eyes - 1 fold is different from the other - and I did my primary eyelid abt 10 years ago. Though it was incision, I have no scars at all! I am definitely going another incisional eyelid (skinny as called by ID?) alongside with epi/lateral.

You may like to look at ID site. Would you be going for primary rhino too?
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I am reading this thread for a few times now and I am keeping reading it because it is very long :smile:

I am a man in the UE but with Chinese origines, and I want to do a rhinoplasty and a jaw reduction to get a v-line, but I still have some questions before my operation, which will be in about a few years at least.

First, do you know if I can do both operations together or if I need to wait between the two operations ?

Concerning rhinoplasty, it seems to be many methods in this thread, is there a better method than an other ? Because some seems to use rib bone, and other silicone. I would like to get a thinner and a little bit longer nose, which is wide now.

For the jaw reduction, some do the operation from inside the mouth, and other from behind the ear, still the same question : Is there a better way for safety and quality ?

For the currency, I am wondering why some of you don't try to open an account locally with HSBC for instance ? Is it impossible ? Do they accept the euro currency, or do they prefer any other else ? Is there a better place in Seoul to change the currency ?
And do you know the approximative cost of such an operation ? And how long I need to stay in Korea ? So maybe I will need to pay more for an hotel or an apartment ?

Is there a better period to do those operations ? Less crowded for instance ?

And last of all, I still don't know if I would do this operation in Seoul or for instance in Beijing or Shanghai, don't these cities have good clinics too ?

Thank you in advance for your answers !
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I think ur eyes a little bit droopy,which like I had,I prefer the below picture
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And I think u have a few dark circle below the eyes which that make the eyes look not fresh
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I don't think I lost that much in first week. Actually, I look fatter during the first week because of swelling. LOL
You will probably realize your weight loss after 1 month post op. :smile:
I think I saw you did your consultations now. Have you decided where to get your surgery ? :smile:
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I don't think so since gingercandy is at BK now to get her surgery. :smile:
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Never mind. I saw your post after answering your post. lol
good luck on your surgery !!! Keep me posted on recovery and everything !!
and try to have some fun in between :biggrin::biggrin:
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Wow. I am already excited to see your results. Keep us posted and good luck with your surgery !! :smile: I will cross my fingers for both you and gingercandy !!
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Cool! :smile:

Can I have opinions on something, I emailed BK, VIP and OZ and the pricing seems to be from one extreme to the other. The cheapest at about $1500 and the expensive one BK wanting to charge $3500-$5000 usd. It this normal pricing? or is it because they know Im a foreigner so they are charging premium prices?

Also, has anyone every done eyelid surgery at Banobagi or OZ ?
Oh.. also, has anyone done dimple surgery?? I really want them!!! :P
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Thanks dan4me. I'm sure everything will turn out great. Dr shin say he will do a god job for me if i am willing to share my before and after with him
And use use in future advertising :smile:
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Opp~ probably shouldn't say dr shin will only do a good job if i share my before and after picture. Wouldn't want to give the impression to anyone that there is term and stipulation involved in order for dr shin to produce an excellent outcome. He will give an excellent result regardless if i share my b/a pic or not, but if i do, he will go that extra mile to make me look great :smile: thats a fair trade off if you aak me~
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