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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi, I am vietnamese. I just joined the forum tonigh and don't have private messaging. I wanted to go to Seoul for nose devision sometime this year. Can anyone share your experience and perhaps we can arrange to go together? Please provide your email so we can discuss further. Thank you kindly.
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Check your email. :biggrin:
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Hi everyone!

I am back in action! Well not that I was bedridden the last few days, it's just that I didn't manage to get the password for the Internet on the patient ward. To those well wishes I appreciated very much. To Shane thank you for being there when they wheel me out! The first instant I woke up , I can only said OMG OMG ! It's done ! This is it! Have to be good ,I'm still crossing my finger. On the day before they send me off to the op room I see Dr hong for one more time to confirm the op he was going to perform , this time he draw on my face instead of on the paper lol .... So the v line , rhino , chin and buccal fat remove , reuse the fat for paranasal and below the cheek fat graft. Than I finally decided on the forehead fat graft which already agreed that no extra charges for that so when Dr Hong ask me to lift up my top to expose my tummy he was shaking his head because that the best fat for grafting however I don't have to spare. Then we decided on the saddleback on both tights ( bonus because I was just not happy with that small amount of fat and was thinking about lipo it off) hehehe ...... More good deal to come when he look at my eye and said it will look better to remove some fat on both eyelid ( which me and Shane had spoke about the day before but I was thinking to get it done next time) So my designer just put two dot on the eyelid and complete his project !!! I can't stressed how much I love this Dr ,he gave me the feeling he care how close to perfect not the money. Because the eyelid fat removeal was in prompt to we never discuss before but we both know it will do so much better with it gone. Thats another good will from him and not billing on that. Like everybody waking up from GA suck! But I think ppl at BK have a lot easier compare to ID just like what Shane said to let us sleep it off is a bliss , I ask water once but was not time to have them by the time I pass 4hours the nurse just came in with the water. Then the rest of night was sleep sleep sleep because my head was heavrily bandage with 2 tubes coming out. Second day in the morning Dr Hong came into the room hold my hand and said everything went well , so nice to see the big bright smile on his face :smile: after lunch I was send to clear up my stitches b4 they move me to patient room on the floor above... The nurses start with cleaning the gum and nose ........ Yes I see it coming .... They are fiddling with the drainage tubes now.... next moment one of the nurse hold me on the shoulder and ask me to be relax while other slowly pull out the tube. After the first come out I was telling myself don't like the feeling although is bearable and then came the second one. Not really painful feel like a pinch and it's over.

Swelling ( important topic on most of the patient mind)

Day 1 can't really time because the bandage was so thick.
Day 2 swell up quite a fair bit, I kind of expect it and just before op Dr said a lot of ppl get depress so he prep me and ask me to focus on the achievable result.
Day 3 swelling more than day two but I'm positive ..... Walk up and down the corridor constant icing the face. Two of the fourmer drop by to visit me and shane and she already said my eye look nice.
Day 4 I can tell the swell going down but still icing them , I even took my time washing
my hair ( although the nurse said I can only do it after stiches on the nose removed) I can't stand it anymore!! But I was really careful not to wet at all. Anna the consultant drop by in the afternoon to visit Shane and me , even she said that I'm doing good because there is not much bruised and the swell is not too bad.

Tomorrow I am going for my third follow up i think will get to see my nose Without the cas... So excitied !

Only complaint is liquid food suck! Yuck can't have them anymore !
Btw we are given a list with do and don't something interesting, we are tell to avoid protien reach drink or food because it might decay the stitches.

Thank for reading hope all those going to have surgery will benefit them!

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Everyday the pain threshold is different. And I wouldn't say it's pain, more of a discomfort, soreness. Etc. I am not prone to water retention so i have to drink plenty of water.
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Reading Gingercandy and Shane's experience, I feel like a part of your journey, I can't tell you how excited I feel. I'm going all "OMG OMG, the procedure's done, now I gotta wait for the cast and bandages and titches to come out!" and it's not even me who's had the procedure. I hope you both love your new look!
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Cough cough. Looking at Lil Kim's nose, I had a simulation done by a clinic and they gave me a nose like that and it was UPTURNED!:tdown: SO OUT OF PROPORTION for my face. Ughh.
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I will be in Korea from 8th Sept to 16th Sept, flying in from London, UK for double eyelid surgery and possibly non incisional rhinoplasty. Clinics that i have in mind are OZ clinic, Banobagi, IOU, Item and maybe BK. Too many recommendations, i am so confused. I would love to get together and meet everyone who will be there at the same time. I have booked a room in Hotel California Seoul but wouldn't mind changing to your hotel if you have also booked? I have updated the list but not sure if i have done it correctly. Can you please add me to your list if you don't see me? Getting nervous and the same excited :smile:
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Sitting is not really an issue. Its laying on my bad thats a pain in the .....well back. Its just a bit tender since quite a significant amount were harvested to augment my paranasal. Walking is no problem. Its getting out of bed once you settle in is where i feel the most tender. But each days brings new relief. So i'm hanging in there:smile:
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Ic. Well i am planning that next year with fat grafting. Me and spartan warrior planning to to do tthat next year. Dr shin din't recommend me to do it this time cause my face will swell up pretty bad after my zygoma reduction surgery. So i'm going to heed his advice this time.
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Glad we were able to inspire you :smile: this journey that we share together hasn't been easy but it is made more comfortable with some along side of you to share in the experience. Its always nice to have good company with you and i'm glad i had ginger candy to join me :smile:
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Going to do day three and four together since my swelling peak on the third days, so wasn't in the right mood to write anything. Well the third day were pretty much the same as the first and second day of surgery. My face is so swollen on one side that it swell shut my right eye. Had to keep applying ice pace to subdue the swelling and preventing it from getting worse. I was still wearing day one bandages on the third day, so all the bandages, tapes and gauges were pretty much worn out from just daily wear and tear. My face were so out of proportion due to the heavy swelling on one side of my face. So i made it a priority to have an ice pack on my face for as long as i am awake which wasn't easy since i go through cold pack faster then i can prep them. A couple of japanese patient from another room came and borrow a few of our ice pack. Seeing how how swollen their face is compare to our, we just couldn't say no. Its Time like this that you wish you could just stick your head inside a freezer. Thing weren't that gingerly either for my room mate ginger candy who spend most of the day in bed. The only up side about it was having dr shin paying me a visit. Seeing his face give me a sense of assurance that everything is going to be A ok. He spend a good 5 minute with me checking on my condition. He reassure me that everything went really well and that he is very please with the result. I didn't notice it when i had a gauge tape underneath my nose, but i had i had it removed, i can see one side of my alar were lift higher than the other. I brought this concern to dr shin and in his traditional jargon fashion explain to me the technical detail of its occurrence. I was too steam from the medication i took to pay much attention to his explanation. I just stood there and nodded the entire time. I feel so tempted though to take a sneak peak under the cast to have a look at my new nose. Oh how easy would that be. A couple of peel here and a couple lift there, and the cast would come right off. But i knew due to my swelling, the nose wouldn't right at this point in time. So i have to hold back any urges to do so. But its so hard to do since its just sitting there in the middle of your face tempting me to do it. But no way. Beside the cast is coming off in a few days anyway, but why ruin the big unveil. I weren't anticipating much Swelling to occur around the mid face. But i was so wrong to assume that. The upper part of my face is so swollen to the point that it swell my right eyes shut. Imagining waking up and not not being able to see through one side of it cause it has been swell shut. Really scary feeling. So on the fourth day when i went into my treatment, the nurse took notice on how much swelling i was experiencing in the right eye that they had to bring in a specialist to removed the stitches that the nurses couldn't do. But after the stitches has been removed, the swelling subsided a little. Another parting gesture were dr shin visit. He heard that i was having treatment today and he made it a priority to come and see me, even it were just for a few second. So two days in a roll i get to met meet with dr shin. Now thats what i call caring for your patient. After today treatment, i left with fresh bandages and what seem like a circular silicone dish removed from each side of my nostril, and a new butt patch. I was told to keep up with the ice pack treatment and do a lot of walking. Since the hall way of BK is no where as large as ID, walking the hall just doesn't make any sense to me. Plus i was really sick and tired of porridges, so i dawn on my black mask and head out in public for the first time since having my surgery. I look decent enough on the 4th day not to draw too much attention walking down the street of seoul. But occasionally i do catch a few glimpse and stare which is fine with me. To be honest, the swelling isn't as bad if you compare them to the second or first day. But i wouldn't say i look normal. Just decent enough for people to mind their own business. I walk all the way to the 7/11 store and all the back to the clinic without attracting too much attention. In fact. I went there twice. I figure its a good exercise then walking the hall of bk recovery room. I didn't buy a whole bunch of things as i thought i would. Just the essential. I figure that way it would give me a good reason to walk around and about. I guess thats pretty much i have to say about the last two days. Did meet up with vivi_33 and two other girl from the forum. So that was a nice throw in. Plus anna came up to our room to pay us a visit. Which was also pretty cool. Right now its 11:42 pm in the evening. Ginger candy is catching some Zzz. And i am still holding and i still have an ice ice pack glue to my face. So overall a pretty unexcited day in my opinion.

Be back with more update soon.
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Yes I see your details in the link, not to worry :smile: Where in London are you from? Maybe we can meet up before our trips lol. Will pm you!
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