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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Sorry the spelling not correct hope the best for her

And she also get smoothly with the swelling thing
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hi dan4me,

You look great! Ur complexsion is oso different...look fairer wor..:woohoo: U juz did V-line right?! Is it painful?
i hv lots of freckles on my face..try IPL but no use...can they remove?? Planning to go over in April/ May....
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Dear Shane,

I understand that you might be doing ur surgery today. All the best and hope everything turns out the way u want them to be. Be strong and recovery soon and show us ur pretty face.

9.5 million for nose and zygoma? Thats a lil pricey than ID no?
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Hi Dan4me,
I really like your nose job and cheekbone reduction, could you send me your picture from front and side view? Thanks!
Do u have any ideal image when u did rhinoplasty?

My cheekbone protrude side way too much ( which makes my face looks too big), so I wonder the cheekbone reduction is appropriate for me?

My email[email protected]
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To dan4me: actually u looked gd b4 e surgery and after e surgery u look like a kpop star! It must be nice to look like tt. Im happy for u :smile:

To shane77: u are really kind to ask ID abt the tubes behind the ears. Thanks! Btw did u declare ur $ at customs n pay 10% tax for ur surgery? pls take care of urself during ur post surgery! Gambate!

After seeing my virtual surgery photo from ID,i feel like robbin a bank now to pay for my expenses for an immediate surgery! Haha! Kidding. Bt how accurate is virtual surgery? Does anyone have any real experience on virtual surgery results vs exact results?
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Hi guys and girls

Just had my surgery this morning and damn am i exhausted. My face is so heavily bandage right now that you couldn't tell its me if you see me. Heck i couldn't tell its me. Overall my condition is quite stable. Arm is kinda sore and hurt quite a bit when i try to move it. *** is a little sore as well from where dermis were harvested. The good thing is no bandages were stuff up my nose, so i have no issue with breathing, although it is a little stuff up right now. There is a lot of weird clicking sound whenever i move my mouth. Its quite subtle so i shouldn't be too concern. Its hard to lay on my back to sleep cause the i would be putting pressure on the dermis site so i had to sleep side way which was a real hassle for me. Mobility right now is a bit restricted for me so had to take it slow. I have no draining tube coming out of my mouth or behind the ear, so that is a plus. But the best thing is... Not catheter :smile: nose is bleeding a bit but that is to be expected after rhinoplasty. Couldn't make out the shape of my nose under the cast same goes with the cheek. I guess i could only find out after there removed everything. I guess the worse part about the entire surgery were the first two hours when i weren't allow to drink and my mouth were so dry. But thats still better then what ID put me through. Its 6 hours with ID compare to just 2 hours with BK. and BK doesn't keep you awake for 6 hours after surgery, another plus point. I was able to close my eyes and go to sleep immediately after having my surgery. Which was kinda useless anyway since my body were so sore that i couldn't doze off. Haven't gotten a chance to see gingercandy today before or after my surgery. I hope she is feeling well.
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Yup, i wanted the quote in krw. But you could also pay in your local currencies as well. I got. Great rate from BK. i simply pay them with sgd so i won't lose out on the exchange. BK waiver the 10% charge.
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Thanks dan4me for your well wishes :smile: i be sure to pass in your well wishes to ginger candy when i see her tomorrow :smile:
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Wow good luck with your recovery! Glad to hear you didn't die at the operating table. I just read about that on a Korean plastic surgery never cafe... Scaryyy! :O

Keep us updated on your progress!
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Hi Shane,

Good for u and hope the best for ur result
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