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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Thanks bro, I am trying very hard to resist all temptation to removed the cast from my nose. Monday is going to be the big unveil. Keeping my finger cross that its going to look very nice :smile:
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Hey when are u guys planning to go to Seoul?
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It's basically a normal black cotton mask that you can buy from any pharmacy here in Seoul. I bought plenty of spare I case I ever lose them or the mask need replacing, it's pretty much a part of accessories when I go out. I would feel naked without it :smile:
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Well it's days number 5 since I did my surgery with dr shin of BK. nothing much to report today. I mean it was a typical day for me. Mostly sleep in through out the day. Ice pack is still my religion and I am praying hard every day for the swelling to go down.it seem like my pray has been answer today when I gaze into the mirror for the first time today. I can definitely see a drastic improvement in my overall contour. Usually when I look in the mirror I can see my cheek swell beyond my normal contour. But today I can see a slimming where my cheek line up within the contour of my forehead. My face is still far from looking normal or even presentable, but its an improvement for sure. I can now see vauguely after all my swelling has come down what my face is going to look like. Again, dr shin did not disappoint. He gave me exactly what I am looking for, a curvy linear line. My cheek bone from what I can tell is fully symmetrical. Thisnisnjust base on assumption. But still it look good. The dermis that were harvested to fill in the paranasal depression also seem to coming along nicely. No unevenness as some people describe dermis to cause. Dr shin really filled in the depression well and balance the amount between the left and right paranasal region. So unnatural compression when I smile. It does sore a bit but that mostly has to do with the cheek reduction. The nose however is still a mystery since I haven't had a good peek under the hood. But the profile, and the height if the nose look good. It is exactly the dimension that I wanted it. I realize that even when the cast comes off this Monday, my nose is still going to be swollen. So i have imagine what my nose is going to look like 3 to 6 months down the line when the cast come off. I can also tell my nose is slightly wider than before. But again, that's has mostly to do with mid facial swelling where the muscle is pullin against the grain of my nose. It's as is someone snarl a hook on each of my nostril and pull in the opposite direction. Overall I am pretty satisfied with the result I gotten out from dr shin. Even with my face all swollen and bloated right now, I can look beyond all that and see my new face in a different perspective. It's kinda like how you imagine yourself in a skinny tight dress or top less on a beach if you shed those last extra pound or added 10 pound of rock hard muscle to your skinny frame. I see myself under those perspective and I look gooooooddddd ~ LOL

As always, will keep everyone updated on my progress.
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I'm not really sure yet if wire has been to held the cheek bone in it's new place, but my previous zygoma reduction surgery, a lot of plate and screw were used. Dr shin told me that after my surgery that hen had to enter through the corner of my eyes to access my cheek bone cause traditional route just wouldn't cut it. So I won't know the exact detail until I speak with dr shin again and have a look at my X-ray. And by the way, surgeon don't use metal plate and screw, mostly there use aluminum which doesn't set off metal detector at at the airport.
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hi dan4me

I've been reading lots of compliments regarding your after surgery. And seeing your picture in your avatar, I also think you really are pretty. Would you kind enough and send me before and after pictures to [email protected]
I'm considering to have a nose job and a breast augmentation this coming september. Thank you.
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U r doing great! Try to distract yourself for just 2 more days? :biggrin:
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Hi all

I actually wrote under Asian Nose Job 3 but not much discussion there. any good suggestions for nose job in Seoul? I have super flat nose bridge and would like something be done. Was thinking of fillers as substitute as I am afraid of actual surgery but I understand the rhinoplasty is very common. however, I am visiting Seoul in 11 Oct.

I have contacted the following:

1. OZ - replied and only recommended nose/chin
2. Won Jin - replied, but disappointed.
3. Sonebk
4. Human Clinic
5. Samsung Aesthetic
6. Best Plastic Surgery
7. YnY aesthetic
8. Fox PS
9. JW Plastic - they charge US3000 saw it in the consultation

for no. 3 to 8, I just send them my enquiry. Has anyone heard of them? I saw the discussion of Won Jin in Asian Nose Job 2 so I wrote to them but the reply from the girl was hilarious and pricing was not consistent for CO2 fraxel laser. So from this it made me wonder their integrity. When I sent them my pictures, the girl asked me where I did my double eyelids, which I have never done anything at all!

As for OZ, the reply was very straight forward and fast and to the point after I sent my pictures to the doctor.

would appreciate if anyone can provide some feed back on all the above and any other good suggestions or recommendations.
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Like pororo, I too need advice and it seems like this thread's a bit more active than the Asian Nose Job threads. Got a bajillion questions and would be super grateful for any input! All this research and reading has added to my indecision... :/

This will be my first nose job and I was hoping someone could help me out by giving rough estimates or quotes for EITHER Gore-Tex with cartilage for the tip OR rib rhinoplasty, using rib cartilage for the bridge and the tip?

Right now, I'm looking at...

1) Dream
2) Grand
3) ChungDamU
4) VIP
5) Banobagi
6) BK
7) OZ
8) ID
9) Won Jin
10) Teuim

Which is an incredibly long list that I will have to sift through. Shimmian was on the list but I've crossed Dr Jung off since I found these links, adding to that some users on the Asian Nose Job threads saying that he seemed quite rushed during consultations which is never really a good sign.

LINKS: http://shimmianclinicrhinoplastywith...logspot.co.uk/

http://forums.cozycot.com/health/306...rgery-288.html (Scroll down to the very long post by ilovethelotus!)

Two more questions! Taking into account Chuseok and Lunar New Year and Christmas (+ the fact I haven't been to Korea in years), when would people say is the best time to fly off to Korea/when are the flights the cheapest?

Lastly, any advice on what materials to use for this as this will be a primary rhinoplasty for me... I know I have to make the decision at the end of the day but conflicted between Gore-Tex with cartilage for the tip V.S. rib cartilage for the entire nose?

I think it was back before he had his surgeries done, Kain seemed on the fence/okay with using Gore-Tex (or maybe that's just because he gives a balanced opinion). Though in the end, he went for rib. I have pm-ed him but was wondering if anyone else knew why he decided on rib? I'd like a natural look which is why silicone was crossed off my list + I'd like to minimise the likelihood of me having to get revisions done. Some argue that any foreign implant (silicone, gore-tex etc.) will have to be replaced after 10-20 years, which is a bummer, yes. ALSO, BK told me that shrinkage with the Gore-Tex implant "is not a big issue."

On the other hand, I've been told rib cartilage is quite firm and rigid. Would that mean that the nose wouldn't really move as a natural nose would? And what're the chances of it warping? As far as I know, it's variable but again, if it warps and causes the formation of a hump/bump, I'd likely have to get something done about it.

Thanks, guys! Sorry for the long post!
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this forum is quite long i tried to read it all myself
then you will understand thats a quite difficult choice to make
rib cartillage or silicone. You will have to know that some people say there is a possiblity
that your body reject silicone. Thats mean when you have it done and your body reject it you will have to walk with a flat nose for 6 month before you could do a revision
for rib cartillage. I thought the percentage was like 10% that people could reject it.
On the other hand rib cartillage is the price is higher then silicone.

to make a decission you have to contact the plastic surgery, you can ask for a simulations and ask about the prices. You will be shocked how much some are asking

pls give feedback at the forum if you want to, after you contacted the plastic surgeries
im also considering silicone or rib cartillage .............
i wanted rib cartillage but ther are just a few who provide its
like vip, bk and........for the rest i dont know
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I'm trying. There's really not much to distract me here other than watching television and youtube. The rest of the time i am pretty bored and flip through channel looking for a good movie or something :smile: but i will resist all temptation for one more day.
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Ginger candy and shane! Hold on! Alot forumers have been following your progress and cheering you on. :biggrin: endure~~~~
I envy you guys that can go for ops in a few mths time..
I'm still in uni.. have to use those $$ for sch.. Hais.
Got to wait till I'm working, pay off all my past sch bills then can save up for op..
Duno if till then Dr Hong still has gd eyes and hands to perform surgery or not. T_T
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