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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Shane77, everyone has different healing rate. Stay positive as u hv always been. Cheers!:woohoo::woohoo:
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Has anyone heard of Tea Tree Co Hotel? It is located at sinsa dong, gangnam gu. It has citibank ATM at the lobby. Is it near to the clinic? Lotsa good reviews at trip advisor.
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I don't think my bridge is too high ,anyway I have a ok bridge to start with but dr hong just want it to be more define so he used 3mm silicon for me. I think what I see will pretty much what I will get, the only thing that will change will be the size of the tip because there still a bit swelling there. Now they look fine to me but after the swelling I hope it will be a fair bit sharper otherwise I can also live with how it look now.
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Cool!! Now u could proudly hit the street n shop till u drop..btw, u r allowed to stay in their guesthouse for free? One week?
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The screw and plate used by surgeon are usually non rusting and has been approved for use for facial surgery. Some surgeon would used soluble type screw and plate but the problem with that is there is a chance that the soluble plate and screw may break before the bone has a chance to fully consolidate. You have the option to have the plate and screw removed after 6 months, but normally people just leave it in cause removing it required additional surgery which not a lot of people are too keen to go through again.
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:heart: Thanks shane for the comfort, I really do hope so. Once I saved the $$, I'll plunge right in ASAP! :biggrin:
Every one has different healing process. Dont worry much.. optimism helps. Just think "Im gonna look awesome like soon!!!! x99999999" :smile::smile:
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Shane do u know that dr hong also good for eyelid?
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I am not sure is dr hong famous in eye surgery but I can said that he had eye for detail, so last minutes before he send me to the op room he said he will remove the fats in my eyelid to completed the look. That was a great bonus because I need it but didn't ask the consultant about it because I am sure she will charge me a few hundred buck extra. I didnt ask dr hong too ! He just gave it to me! The moment I work up not aware of the others condition but I can tell my eyelid felt lighter when I open them ... And I am loving it. However please bear in mind mine was as simple as removing excess fat from the eyelid so thats not a good judgement to said that he is good in that field.
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hi gingerCandy,

I've been reading the posts lately, and it seems like that you had just a nose surgery done by dr. Hong. I've been thinking about the same procedure done this coming September. Would you tell me about dr. Hong a little bit? And if you have any advice please share =)
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Thats the spirit my dear:smile: while you're waiting for enough saving to do plastic, continue to read up on everything you can about the procedures that you wanted to do. Knowledge is power and the more you posses knowledge the better the choice you'll be able to make:smile:
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I can't say for sure if dr hong is good for eyes since my eyelid is the product of dr shin of BK. but as gingercandy point out that dr hong is an artist with a scalpel. So i'm pretty sure he is just as good with the eyes as he is with the face. it is my opinion that when it comes to the eyes and nose, its 10% skill and 90% art. The majority of the surgeon in korea perform eyelid surgery pretty much the same way as everyone else. But it take a surgeon with an eye for detail to create an aesthetically appealing feature to match the rest of your face. Dr shin share the same approach as dr hong i'm sure, but both may have a different artistic perspective of what look good on you. Which is why its essential that you get more than one opinion and not just relying on the opinion of one surgeon.
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7th day since my surgery and FINALLY the nose cast comes off...... Then it went back on again :sad:
Ii went for my treatment today and as there removed the splint from my nose, there notice that i still have plenty of swelling around my nose. So to ensure that the swelling doesn't get any worse, the nurse recommended that i have the cast place back on my nose for one more day. As disappointed as i was, i agree with the nurse..... Damn my nose is HUGE. At this time, dr shin walk in to check on the progress of another male patient who also had a nose job with dr shin and his nose look great when the cast came off. He then turn to me and look at my nose and said it turn out great. Before i even say a word, he assure me that the size is due to the swelling and that i should be very please with the result once the swelling comes down. He ask me to do a comparison photo of my pre and post op pic 3 months after. I do however love the new height of my nose as it matches the simulation that i created for my self. Dr shin use a simulation that i created and the one that the clinic created for me to used as reference during the surgery. I saw that same reference photo being pin up near the operating table as they prepared me for surgery. So i'm pretty sure dr shin gave me what i wanted. If you see the photo i took just before they place the cast back on, the projection of the tip is sharper than before. The picture is a little fuzzy but you can tell the tip is pointier then before. I will have the cast removed permanently tomorrow ( finger cross ) so i will continue to take daily picture of my nose to make sure the swelling improved day by day.
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