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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Thats great. Does that mean we'll be seeing you on their website or in their catalogues then?

Anyways, all the best. I should be shooting you those pictures for you to simulate for me sometime soon. Just waiting for my brother to upload all his pictures off the camera first.
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I think so. Not really sure. But i think it will orient around dr shin alone since he did the majority of my procedures. But it really doesn't matter if there use my pic in to represent dr shin or BK, as long as the end result turn out great :smile:
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when are you having the surgery? Do you want me get one box from Emisa?
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Hi guys, I'm a Singaporean chinese guy and I'm greatly blessed by this forum since some time back, and since then I've been gathering courage and $KA-CHING$ to go for PS and do what I've always wanted to do. I only live once anyway.

Therefore, after so long, I've finally plucked up my courage and made up my mind to go for surgery coming January 2013

What do I need to do now?? Planning to go for zygoma, mandible/vline and also rhino at ID or smallface as I'm looking for a more drastic change.
Anyone know if I should book my plane ticket now and make all the neccessary arrangements? It's only like 4 months away.

Do let me know if anyone wants to go together that period so that we can plan together and support one another. I'm your friendly next door kind of guy so don't worry.
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Hi everyone. I've been reading in this for a while. You guys seems to talking about v-line, two jaw etc..
But I'm curious that if South Korea, especially ID Hispital, is the place to go for a face lift. Anyone pls suggest.
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Yes thanks babe ,we need a lot of positive energy :smile: keep it up ... Lol
Update you guy when we r done, if I'm not up and about I am sure Shane will be!
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Yup, we need a lot of well wishes. by the time tuesday roll around, it would've been my 48th procedures in counting :smile: would be 49 and 50 next year once i had my love band and fat graft:smile: wish me luck :smile:
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WOW! that's a lot!!! lol!!! you'll be doing jaw or?

i've enquired a few clinics-vip, regen & JW- for rib rhino. But i like VIP's B&A's pics more. Hence, quite affirmative to go ahead with VIP. :smile:
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LOL!!! Their charges are very high as compare to the others. I'm leaning towards VIP coz of their B&A pics for rib rhino... But i'm wondering should I gave other clinics a chance too... :/

No, i did not have any PS yet! This would be my primary rhinoplasty and I'm firm to go ahead with rib cart. instead. :smile: How about u?
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i prefer the 2nd pic too. But i guess, it would be better you ask for doctor's opinion about this problem you had instead.
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have you asked them for an virtual simulation
they suggested the same to me
but when i saw the simulation i was quite shocked
the nose was biiiiiig
so better ask for a simulation
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they quoted me this
Rib cartillage rhinoplasty US$11,000 .............
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I am heading either to BK or ID for primary rhino n prolly genio (my main concern).

Well if I have the $, I would opt for rib too. Kain looks incredibly GOOD in his album. I rem he went to VIP...
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im not the person with the most experience but i followed this forum for
a few months
so this is mine opnion
many persons had rhinoplasty and a jaw reduction toghether without a problem
it should only be a problem if you are doing it together with your nose
because its difficult to breath out your nose and mouth because they are both
swelled. But still im chosing to do it together, i really dont want to go back and have to go for a second operation.
rib bone, and other silicone personally i think rib is better its your own material
so it will have less change it will be rejected. But the price is a lot higher.
currency some off them wants us dollar instead off won dont know why
vip want us dollar
bk wants us dollar
grand wants won
remember the periods when it is less hot is a better time for recovering
im also chinese but i do not have so much faith in the chinese clinique 's
before you go to seoul do all the research before
like contacting them for a virtual simulation the price etc
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