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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Yes, consult first and surgery the next day. Where r u fm?:smile:
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Hi Dan4me,

I'm interested in your b&a pics. I'm new to the forum so I don't have pm yet. Please email me at dj(dot)chee@yahoo(dot)com. Also, can you tell me what you had done, where, and cost. Thank you!
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Were your emails replied by Nicole from Banobagi? Weird you should say that coz Banobagi have been punctual and efficient in emailing me. I've been emailing her back and forth like 10 times the last 3 weeks and she's always replied within 24 hours. Try emailing her!
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Hi Dan4me,
I new in this forum and interested about PS in korea. I have been reading almost all the texts in this forum and also seen some good and bad reviews frm Bk... May I know whats the pain level scale for rhinoplasty, for example (1-10) ?
Can I have yours b4 n after photos? My email wongdenise23@gmail.com! Thanks!
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Yeah, I'm from America and wait, what do you mean by foreigners getting ripped off? : / haha I'm confused...
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No, she said her name is Hebe taking over An's job. I just e-mailed enbanobagi@gmail.com and she was the person I got. I don't think I can request Nicole? Is your e-mail different than mine?
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Sent it. let me know what you think. :smile:
I did nose surgery (silicone for bridge, septal cartilage for nose tip, and hump removal), cheekbone reduction, and v-line surgery (square jaw reduction and chin implant) by Dr. Hong at BK.
Nose - 4500USD
cheekbone - 5000 USD
v-line - 10000 USD
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Aww. thanks for acknowledging my patience. LOL Nah, I'm just kidding.
I'm happy to help whoever needs help :graucho:
Sent it. check your email !
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I would say about 4... for me. It was not painful, but rather uncomfortable since it was difficult to breathe through my nose that my throat kept getting dry from breathing through my mouth.I sent my pictures to your email.
About the reviews for BK, well I really don't know what to say about that, but what I experienced at BK was not as bizarre and crazy as some of the review said. It was just a normal ps clinic like any other clinics out there. They were professional and friendly. I had nothing to complain about their service and my result, but at the end, it is up to you to decide where to go and whom to receive surgery. :smile:
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