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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I just had zygoma reduction nose revision done by dr shin. And so far i like what i see. Mind you that i am still swollen. So i can't be sure until a few months later when the swelling goes away and i have a good look at the overall result. I had my V line at ID. And i am quite satisfied with the result. Dr shin is equally skilled with facial contouring as dr hong. Its just a matter of preference. I'm sure you can have dr shin do your eyes and dr. Hong do you your line, but it is not recommended to have more than one surgeon performing your surgery. Its best of you can have one surgeon perform all your procedures.
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Well think positively and everything will be good and fine!

I admired guys who go PS and also especially folks who go, did it and admit it regardless men or women. going under the knife is no joking matter so its the courage.

Just like Shane, I salute him! and of course GingerCandy too. I feel the pain they are going through now with the swelling...

To me, at least you made an effort in trying to look good and feel good and not emo get upset. doing something is better than not making the effort at all.

I intend to get it in 11 Oct and staying for 12 days. I already booked my air tickets and accommodation and worst I booked a hotel that is 1hr away from Gangnam area! :nogood:

whoevers going, we could try to meet up. but I am pretty set in going to S-One PS due to the doctor's track record.
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YEAH! that's right! I also read the reviews of ArteSense from RealSelf.com!!!

They were all talking about the nodules forming in their faces after injecting the ArteSense filler!!!

The korean website in Naver said that goretex is better than silicone or your own cartilage but goretex is alright.

Just like the explanation I got from Human PS, the doctor cited the side effects but he said they are fully aware of it and it will be minimised.

I just got my reply from S-One PS! and still trying to digest what the doctor said! will provide full report on Human PS and S-One PS after trying to compare what both doctors said. I had sent them my pictures front and side views.

jacqueline spent S$130k on PS so I guessed she must be filthy rich! LOLS! i am not rich, just a poor O O auntie. I figured I want to look decent so decided on a nose plasty. her pictures looks nice but I saw her in the interview from online. its different.

I don't want her face. I only wanted a bit of corrections and aging remedy. :P
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how do you know that your body rejects silicone and gore tex ??
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I so envy her. Wah... fly business class and was in a Beauty Pageant for Miss Singapore International Beauty Pageant 2012.

now sponsored by ITEM for her PS.

I guess some people just have all the luck... unlike me when I was around her age...

When I was young after working 1-2 years at a job, the Director of Sales & Marketing of a Hotel told me:"You are not pretty enough to do sales. You are best doing sales over the phone where they don't see you." "the 2 young, pretty Sales Manager can't do coordination or drafting contracts as well as you but they can bring in the sales because they have the grace and look pretty." "your patience will help them in coordination in follow up for the sales and drafting of contracts to the clients." "You can only be the Sales Co-ordinator and answer the phone."

that's how harsh the world is... if I had her before looks I don't think I need to succumb to such sarcasm.
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More like a woman's intuition and knowledge of my own body and it's inner workings (okay, that sounded a bit dorky, but you know your own body better than anyone).

Long story short, I used to have a navel piercing and within 6 months, it was naturally pushed out. Piercing migration, rejection, or infection is all the same thing: the piercing was a "foreign object" - much like goretex and silicone and the body tries to rid itself of it.

Plus, I barely have a bridge and over time (with either Goretex or Silicone), I would come to guess that it would either:
A. Shift
B. Pushed out through the tip
C. Fall off. :P
D. Wind up looking like Michael Jackson
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I agree that Jacqueline seems nice. She shared her surgery experience and tips on her blog. Take a look.
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Hi all,

Sorry i haven't provide any update on my recovery. Been a little occupied meeting with my korean friends. So far, everything is as it should be. The swelling is coming down surely but gradually. My nose are more define as each day passes. I was a little concern that the bridge weren't high enough, but dr shin assure me that when the swelling subsided, the bridge will become higher. I have no reason to doubt his judgement since he's been dead on about everything else in the past. I am still on the ice every day to keep the swelling at a minimal, and walking long distance to help with the circulation. Will be visiting hushu clinic in a few days for skin consultation.
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I did :smile:
I think yes he is specialized in facial contouring. I did nose, cheekbone reduction, and v-line surgery from him this year :smile:
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Wow, that is amazing !! I can't wait to see your post op pictures !!!!
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Hi Shane

Can u provide picture if u don't mind and have time,thanks
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Dear dan4me, I want to ask about stay in seoul after surgery.I'm planning to stay about 10days, Did bk provide hospital room after the surgery or I should move directly to guest house or hotel? And if I bring my friend to accompany, could she stay in guest house also? Should I book the hotel before I come to seoul? Thank you
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to shouislove

sorry for some reason I do not know why i could not reply your post but here is my reply:

NO such thing as cannot see for a week! the moment i came out of surgery, I could see every thing PERFECT! I have not seen anything so clear in my life since I was 7 years old! mind you I am very very very old now.

I did not expect completely super clear or super duper good eye sight. I was even willing to live with 200 degrees for each side. only when needed then wear glasses. but since then, I did it in March 2011, I have not worn glasses with degree! even though the degree in my eyes "adjusted" itself, from super duper clear to slightly blurry for more than 100m away, which is something like 50-80 degrees of short sightedness. I do not need glasses at all now. working on computers, reading, and daily activities are all fine. only thing is that I have not tried going to gym because I don't have and cannot afford gym membership now. I am poor so cannot pay for gym membership

yes I still wear glasses, WITHOUT the LENS and just that hollow frame, like in korean dramas and to look "studious" and also to cover/hide my flat nose bridge. most people do not realised that I am not wearing glasses but just the hollow frame until I point it out to them. hee!

I cannot give you any advise since your degree is something like 225 degree short sighted... but I am sure there are folks who go to him with this. you have to get tested by his team of handsome looking assistants and see the doctor for more information.

Oh! NOT PAIN AT ALL! I hate pain.

where are you from?
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