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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey boys and gals!

Ok my report one day late cos the whole of ytd was chasing ( if u know what I mean) my Korean drama. Went for my follow up ytd , finally the cast on my nose was off ,the nose look ok but I think in time to come it will be more define, my nose was not big before now it look full and Dr Hong said a more define nose give me more youthful look. I don't know about other hospital but I must said I'm impressed with BK doctor ,day 1 after op Dr Hong came in the morning to cheers me up, first follow up was really nothing just cleaning the stitches but second follow up was to remove all the bandages and nose cast ( yes BIG DEAL!!) after the nurse done with me they ask me to wait for Dr Hong to come up because he wanted to see my progress personally :smile: So there came my good old man sit me down get me to hold up the mirror and big smile on his face. He said there isn't much swelling on my jaw because i wear the compression well,just my cheek need more icing ,nose doing good too! no major bruise which was anticipated. I think if I'm a student I score most 'A' He said I will look pretty and ask me to go out for walk because he understand staying in these days for the face to recover might make one feel depress!

Since my Doctor give me a green light , I head out today just walk around the mall and this surely help by the time I get back I can tell the swelling in going down south, oh forgot to mention after the bandages was taken off I start eating bread and sushi and I can brush my teeth too! If measure by fingers ...... I can now stick two fingers into my mouth. Just before I wrote this I ask Shane how much swelling have gone down on me and we both agreed it's already 70 percent gone. I thank my lucky star that's watching over me and the only concern now it the final result is as close as what I have imagine and no further complication. My finger still crossed.

Never formally thanks Shane , well even though he just next to me now but I want ppl to know having someone supportive and hold your hand the moment you wake up form the op is priceless.

Shane thank you very much!
You are doing well too I can tell your swelling going off too!
Three cheers for us !
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I'm heading over to Item Clinic on the 17th Sept. Will leave on the 26th Sept. Where will you be staying at? So far I have not found anyone heading there at the same time as me, and frankly, I'm really lost and scared.

And does anyone know if Item clinic's Dr Kim Jin-Sung is good? He came over to Singapore for a consultation last week and although I've attended, everything seemed so rushed.

And so far on this thread, nobody has mentioned anything about Item Clinic. Heard that the surgeons from Item Clinic are formally from BK plastic surgery centre.

Any advice?
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Day number 6 since my cheek bone reduction, revision rhino a d dermis implant surgery that i had with dr shin of BK. woke up today with a nearly clog up nose. Had to breathe pretty hard or through the mouth just to get some air in me. I knew it was due to dry nasal congestion. Try not to let it bother me so much but was really getting annoy by it. So took in a couple nasal spray which i got from ID for my 2 jaws surgery. Fiddle around with a couple of Q tip as well. Eventually Manage to free up the airway. As for the swelling, i started take notice that some of the swelling has begin to migrate to the lower part of my face. Thats a great sign that the swelling is beginning to subside. Unfortunately didn't do as much walking around as i like. Ginger candy went out and walk around at the coex mall, which help with her swelling. I am still using ice pack every second of every minute and every hours. Its the only thing that help with the swelling. The compression head bandages did very little to help my swelling. So i stop using it. Overall my face is starting to take shape. The curvy linear line is getting more and more obvious everyday and tomorrow my nose cast comes off. So finally will have full view of my new nose very soon. I simply can't wait. I know i'm just going to love it as much as my eyes and the new contour of my face. Keeping my finger cross for that.
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Howdy Shane. Hopes alls good with u.

I decide to fly to Seoul on 27/08. Would u still be in Seoul by then 'cos Im hoping meet some forum members.

Cheers :smile:
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Hiya, if you check the link above you'll see a few of us going. I'm also going to item clinic for a consultation with doctor Kim :smile: on the 13th and I'll have my rhinoplasty on the 14th. I've heard very good reviews about dr Kim as well as item clinic in general. However I do think it's down to the consultations so I suggest you have several consultations booked. When I'm there I'm happy to meet up with you and let you know my thoughts on dr Kim and the consultation. I'm leaving on the 27th. Pm me for any more info :smile:
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Hi ginger candy,my two thumb up for u

Just can't wait for ur b/a picture,hope the best for u ,and as 70 percent swelling is gone,u r fast consider it only 6 days from ur ops
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Thanks ! I'm surprise myself and I'm counting my blessing.
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Gingercandy, do u find the nose bridge between yr eyes high? If yes, did dr hong mention tt it will go down over time?
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Unfortunately i am leaving on the 26th of august. If you want to meet up, it would have to be before i depart :smile:
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You may want to go back a few post and read one member terrible experience with bando eye clinic. I haven't had anything done there before so i reserve any negative comment about this clinic, but for your sake i encourage you to read back at this thread to see what other has to say about the clinic.
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Thanks for your encouragement. My healing is coming along nicely but pale in comparison to ginger candy who is having a field day with her recovery process. Its amazing how fast her swelling has come down. I can only hope that my swelling doesn't get worse then when it first started :smile: you hang in there your self my dear. Education comes first before anything else. Dr hong is a terrific surgeon despite what you may heard from other. So i have no doubt that time will only excel on his current knowledge and skill as a plastic surgeon. Dr hong did an amazing job with ginger candy and i'm sure he will do an equally beautiful job on you when ever you ready to take that plunge.
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did anyone here asked the surgeons about the screws and plates used in facial contouring? i mean, nothing last forever rite? will the metal implants corrode over time or have side effects when you get older? i wonder why some doctors use metal implants to fix the bones while some do not. shane, do u have any idea?
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