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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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thanks for your compliment. i still got plenty of recovery ahead of me, so i won't get ahead of my self and say that i am fully heal :smile: my butt is still a little sore from where dermis was harvested, but its not something that would get in the way of my daily life. i hit the gym today and ran 5 miles on the threadmill without any pain at all. i still use the ice religiously and only miss a day when i was thousand of miles up in a plane on my way back home. the ice bring a lot of relief to facial tightness and help tremedously with the swelling. so thus far, the result has been pleasing. my face is noticably smaller my zygomatic reduction and i love the new curve and height of my nose.

regarding the little hump on my nose, actually that was one of my main concern as well after the latex splint came off. i notice a very prominent hump which got me worried. i did ask dr shin about it and he assure me that it was due to the swelling. my revision rhinoplasty involve a nasal osteotomy which in layman term is breaking the bone in my nose to make is more narrow. thus compare to some one who have just had a normal rhinoplasty, my swelling is going to exceed that of their. you may have refer to my earlier post about using dermis for the bridge of my nose. actually in the end i decided that dermis would have more benefit to fix my paranasal depression as oppose to increase the height of my bridge. so instead i went with a standard silicone implant. there are many reason why i decided on silicone instead of dermis for the bridge of my nose, but i won't elaborate them here. the main focus were the top of my nose, which cartilage were use, but it weren't my own. since i just had 2 jaws surgery,i am advice against harvesting my own septal cartilage for the purposes. instead i was given the choice between, rib cartilage or cadaver septal cartilages (dead men tissue). i'm not big on ribby so i went with cadaver cartilage instead.

the hump were never an issue before the surgery. it only occur after the surgery. right now the tip of my nose is still very much swollen and hard, which is to be expected for the next month or two. but compare the hump between day one and now, there is a huge improvement which bring plenty of comfort to me knowing that itsindeed just severe case of swelling just as dr shin said it is. the swelling is improving every day as i continue to use the ice pack. and i can tell the swelling is coming down but inserting my pinky finger up my nostril, not to pick my nose for to gauge the depth i'm able to insert the pinky up there. a few weeks ago i barely could stick anything up there. but now that the swelling have subsided abit, its a lot easier to get the finger up there... i know it sound a little gross. but i make sure that hygene were my top priority when conducting such an ekky test :smile: i wash my hand twice with soap, click my finger nail and sanitize my hand with plenty of hand sanitizer.

i am confident that over time the hump will go away, and leave behind a very well define nose that i'm going to just head over heed in love with :smile:
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ic.... well i personally prefer something more invasive and permanent. but then every one has a different tolerence. if i remember your picture that you sent me and the simulation that i created for you, i would definetely suggest a chin implant with lipo around the face and jaw. interesting you have no plan to do your nose cause a chin implant without a nose job may might not give you a good proportion. i'm not really sure what the surgeon at BK or ID suggest to you, but i hope its what you wanted. interesting you prefer less invasive treatement cause i had a friend who went to jewelry who couldn't get any invassive procedure because he was alllergic to GA and end up with pretty much the same thing (with the exception of the chin) as it was recommended for you.

anyway, please keep me updated on your decision. Emisa just had her procedure done at ID today. so if you ever in the area, make sure you drop by the recovery room and say hi to her :smile:
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i wouldn't say that i'm brave, just gotten so use to it that its like going into a dentist office for a root canal. i still get a bit nervous when i have to go under the knife for any kind of surgeries:smile:

but i wish you luck in yours and make sure to keep us updated on your decision and result :smile:
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Primary rhino n eyes are a must. Primary rhino is straight forward n silicon is the "one" recommended by both clinics.

Eyes. Its a diff diagnosis by both clinics. ID (Dr Kim Junesung) suggests browlift with epi & lateral. He n Joanne said my crease is adequate so a browlift n widening of my eyes will give a satisfying result. BK accedes to my request of incision with epi & lateral.

Just the diff methods of slimming my face thats holding me back in deciding which clinic. I agree that a chin implant is a good idea. But Joanne didnt recommend me lipo at all as she said the diff is very small along the jawline. BK did recommend Acculift along with 4-point fat graft (forehead, cheeks, nasolabia and chin area) to achieve the ideal "S" profile. Interesting...

Price: difference of USD3500 between them (wow!)

I didnt manage to see Emisa. She hasnt replied me yet but I believe she will see my message today. Otherwise I will go to the guesthouse today n see if she's still there.
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Hey LondonChick, I'll be there around 10 sept. there are a few more forumers going at aroun that period. Do u wanna meet up?
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Hi there, how much is BK charging you for acculift + fat graft?
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I will give u an est:

Acculift USD2500
Fat graft USD3500 irregard where u want to inject on your face. If they extract enough fats, they will store it for 3 mths just in case ... for whatever. BK confirmed that revision fat graft within 3 mths is free cos its just injection. But not flight tix n accomodation :smile:
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that is a hard decision. usually if i think i need anything, i just arrange an appoitment with dr shin and he'll be able to tell me honestly what i need and don't need :smile: have you spoken to dr shin yet beside just dr kim? be honest with you, i'm not a huge fan of dr kim of BK. attitude aside, he seem to have a knack of recommending a lot of procedures for his patients and he seem to have his own approach and never keen on listening to his patient needs, which is why he only spend 5 minute with you during consultation. i bet he took one good look at you and think he know what you need. the very least dr shin gave me half an hour of consultation. but ofcourse i have to keep feeding him question other wise it might also be a short consult as well. i suggest you talk to dr shin and see what he suggest, even if you have no plan to have him do the surgery, atleast get his opinion on what you need. share with him what dr kim and the surgeon at ID told you and get his take on why you might need certain thing and why you may not need others. this is for your own benefit. tell dr shin that i recommended you to go see him and that i told you that he would be able to give you an honest answer. that is ofcourse if you're comfortable with that idea. other wise, just go through the note given to you by each surgeon and evaluate how the recommended may benefit you.
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I didnt get to meet Dr Shin DESPITE I requested twice. The consultants didnt seem to hear my request.

Yeah Dr Kim... Since he's "famous" for his curt reply, I also sat thru' 5 mins with him, nodding and smiling back:greengrin::greengrin: Geez he really talks lil' leaving the consultant to do the talk.

Since u advised me to see Dr Shin "using" yr name, I will be more than happy to go back BK to schedule an appointment.

PS If ID offers up to 3 - 5 days at their guesthouse, I will defnitely choose them. How to move ard with my luggage in n out of the guesthouse after 2-day rest?!
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I'm certain that you will LOVE your new nose! Thank you for explaining about the hump on your nose. I'm also going to to an osteotomy to narrow my nose bone too. But I have heard through several people who've had an osteotomy that they had a lump or two post operation, so you are definitely not alone on that one. I'm just glad that you can see an difference already and that it has gone down. I think for some people it can take a lot longer... This is one of my concerns too after having the osteotomy. I'm not having silicone but just using septal cartilage for my tip - as that is the main problem (and I already have a bridge so I don't need to do anything to heighten my bridge). It seems that people who have had an osteotomy will come across this problem of a lump occurring on their nose post op. But what can you do? I guess nothing, if an osteotomy is what you're definitely having!

I hope that if I end up seeing a lump on my nose that it will go away as quickly as yours. Is there some steps that you can advise me after the surgery that will help with the deswelling. I've bought some herbal medication and creams and I'll be aware of what I'll eat post op, but is there anything which you recommend that will help decrease that lump? I also love running.. How may weeks post op do you think it will it be ok to jog a couple of miles? Did it also help with icing the nose? I heard that by massaging the lump it should go away too.

Many thanks!
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Yes that would be great! :smile: I arrive on the 12th. Pm me your email if you wanna chat more or send pics :smile:
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I'm gona be in seoul around the same time as you too! Jan 7-23. I have to stay longer since I plan on doing V-line, rhinoplasty, and maybe lateral canthroplasty.

With eyes and nose, you only need to stay about a week for recovery. I'm not sure about the price range, but I think it'll be cheaper than implants because it's just reduction.
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speedy recover gingercandy! :smile:
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Anyone know which clinic is known for facial contouring. I really want cheek reduction. However I am completely clueless about everything from price to recovery. Please help me guyss!! Thank you :smile:
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Hi I am also planning on doing cheek bone reduction around the same time. But I have not yet decided which clinic to go to. Would you mind sharing your info with
me and researching together..lol.. I dont know where to start research.>< .hehe thanks
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