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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I think my doc is doing a great job in combatting my inflammation. No swelling visible for outside only thing is scare tissues inside need constant clean up. Dr Hong also gave me two very strong antibiotic jap and tml will get another. I'm in good hand anyway still thank you for your concern.
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the price seem pretty reasonable in my opinion. but its hard to say that for sure. the reason why i prefer you go see anna is because she is the head english consultant. so she has more authority when it comes to negotiating the price. i'm not saying you gotten a bad deal, just that you probably could get a better deal if you had spoken to anna instead. but none the less, you gotten yourself a great surgeon on dr shin. even if you didn't recieved the best price, at least you you gotten one of the best surgeon in BK (my opinion) on your case. hopefully you feel the same way when i say that the little more you pay will be well worth the result that you going to get. i still would've prefer you spoke with anna instead of another consultant, but oh well. at least the consultant you dealing with spend more than 5 minute with during your consultation. when is your surgery?
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i would say for the first week or so, take it easy. epecially if you still have some form of external stitches or dressing on you. you could of course take long walk to get the blood pumping, but i wouldn't suggest anything more than that. the reason for that is if you have any external stitches or dressing, the last thing you want to do is get it wet. that is why most clinic forbid their patient from washing their faces or taking shower for the first 4 to 7 days in fear that they may accidently soak their wound. if your suture site gets too moist, then the healing rate decreases causing the expose wound which may lead to infection. now you wouldn't want that to happen now would you? especially if you just had a rhinoplasty, you have to take extra precaution when you're outdoor cause taking in too much outdoor air may not be good for the nose. which is why whenever i am out and about in seoul, i wore a mask just to prevent any pathogen or bacteria going up my nostril. if you hust had rhinoplasty, it is advice that you remain indoor as much as you can until all the stitches are removed from your nose. having said all of that, the street of gangnam weren't really design for jogging cause the side pavement is slanted upward making an uneven surface. the only flat surface is the road which is occupied by motor viehicles. i've been to seoul 4 time and stayed in the gangnam district on all 4 occasion and not once i've seen joggers treking the street of gangnam. the onyl runner i see are working folks rushing back to work after lunch :smile: if you itching to put on your running shoe, then i suggest you go down to a local gym instead. atleast you'll be in good company :smile:

hope this help.
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hey guys, I'm going to korea in a month to get facial conturing, forehead fat graft, zygmoa 3d, jaw and chin shaping, possible chin genoplasty. So far i like them all, i probably will go to grand however, i don't see a lot of stories on them, are they that good? i like small face and id, wonjin looks pretty good to. so far it may be grand, so comments please xo
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Hi, I'm studying in the U.S. and I am going to Korea in this late December. I am getting double eyelid surgery with medial epicanthoplasty or maybe (lateral canthoplasty). I'm really desperate and I don't know any Korean. Can you guys please please please tell which clinic is the best for eyelid surgeries? Since I'm a student I really would like to go for a cheaper/ reasonable priced clinics. Please suggest me lists and names of clinics????
Thank you soo much.
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Hey guys!

Wow this forum has been so informative! I really appreciate everyone's feedback on their plastic surgery! I have plans to come to Seoul later this year for V line surgery. I am looking for drastic results. I have a wide jaw and long chin so I definitely don't want a subtle change. I want to go to either Regen, Small Face, or ID... out of these 3 which clinic would give the most drastic results? My goal is to have narrow jaw and a shorter, pointy chin. Any advice is welcomed :smile:
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Hey Shane... first I wanna say that you look great! You have had two jaw surgery with ID right? Do you mind sharing how much were you charged and did you have to get braces after? I was thinking maybe I could be a candidate for two jaw but I have had braces already and I don't want to mess up the smile I have already. Is it possible they can still do two jaw without changing the smile I have? Thanks in advance for your input :smile:
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Anna.... I hope to meet her today.

U have a point Shane. Maybe we can't compromise the results and $ should be secondary in this case. I was impressed by how precise Dr Shin pointed out the dimensions of my face (and Dr Kim Junesung did too) and I shall leave the rest in his hands.

Surgery is scheduled at 11am later. Wat bugs me now is their guesthouse units are located in the basement instead! I wonder if I would be housed in a windowless B1 or B2....
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LOL! Its true that I dont see any joggers at all ... Or maybe once only.

The pavement is more designed for roadside parking instead of walking. I am still struggling with the traffic as I notice the drivers here speed a lot n a lot of blind corners.
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excellent! that's
so awesome! yeah I'll wait
for ur contact details
so we have an easier way of communicating but yeah at the moment it seems like I will be going solo - but I really wan a buddy! to
with! hahaha
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Gingercandy, despite of the ordeal, u still look good. I tot of dropping this short MSG to just share w what I think. Too lazy and a little down in sharing my experience. Hopefully I will be better tHis afternoon after checking back into the hotel. Will share a bit of my experience to the fellow forumers.
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All the best to you, eight below!:biggrin:. Thank u and issac for the text msges. managed to distract me abit.
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I appreciate yr concern, Shane. Sweet of u!:smile:
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Today, I need distraction....

Yeah the hotel is much better. Hope u recover well n hit the town soon :smile:
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It's okay to take Midol. However, I would avoid it. It can increase your heart rate and BP, which can complicate the surgery. I don't think it will affect your BP and HR that much but it's best to avoid it. You wouldn't be cramping once under anesthesia. You can take it once out of it if needed.

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