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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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just use the limo bus from the airport to sinsa dong. when you reach sinsa station, you can grab a cab to get to your hotel, or you can just walk to either hotel since its not that far away. but i would still suggest a cab since the closest hotel (yongdong) takes atleast 10 minute on foot. so if you have a lot of luggages with you, it will be a real hassle. its should cost you more than 5,000 KRW from sinsa station to any of these 3 hotel. from the airport to sinsa dong using limo bus will cost around 10,000 KRW. so altogether you'll be paying around 15,000 KRW plus/minus, thats a little bit more expensive than taking a subway but a hell of a lot cheaper than a cab.
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Thanks shane!! You are like the answer king of this forum!!

I seen you are planning on going next year - dya know when abouts you are going?
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Hi, when are u going to Korea? I'll be there at 10 sept.
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**Phew** Ok great, cheers guys!
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Cheers Shane! Yeah I think I'll give the running a miss til I get back. Will bring my trainers with me anyway and just walk lots!

Can you tell me if Dr Shin for BK speaks pretty good English, as in I wouldn't need a translator with me? I have a few hours free the day I arrive in Seoul so I was thinking of fitting in another consultation with him as there's no harm. I'll then be having four consultations in total

The way you describe him makes me think that he appears not to be pushy but very understanding to your needs and takes his time during the consultation. Also should I email the main bk website or is there someone (his assistant or nurse) that I can email directly?

Thank you in advance!
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Just rolled into the patients room on the 13th floor. Dun like it as its not clean as it should be n sharing room with another patient is a headache. No tissue, no soap in the bathroom. Very bad...

Its kinda horrifying to see my gauze always soaked wet with blood. Its not tat painful but rather its the sore n stitches one has to be careful.
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Take care EightBelow!! U can get through this!!
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OMG! Congrats! I hope everything went well!! :smile:
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Chin up , you will get well soon! Flighting.
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Sure! I'll be going on the 24 sep. :biggrin:
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I was reading china forums and people are complaining that ID standard has dropped alot this past two years. some even say ID let newbie operates on you while u were under GA.

but over here people are praising him. I droppedbid an email and they told me ther are able to offer me a discount if I choose other doctors and not dr Park.

I am planning vline and zygoma...does vline in ID consist of long cut and chin reshaping to make it sharper? I read hongkong post and she mentjoned 3-4mm was shaved from her jaw bones. thats very little.....if only 3mm is shaved, the effect should be very minor right? I need a manor change....

anyone can advise how much ID charge for vline and zygoma reduction with dr park? I am planning to go to grand, cinderella,jewelry, banobagi, id, smallface for consultation. Will 14million won be enough for these two surgeries? I heard banobagi is way expensive than id..anyone knows how much more expensive?
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Hey Shane!

Thanks so much for your response. I definitely see what you're saying. It does make more sense to get braces after two jaw. Honestly I really don't want to have to risk in getting braces again so hopefully I don't have to get two jaw. Thanks again for your input!
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All the very best of luck to you for your recovery and final results. God bless.
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Something has been bothering me, and google has given up on me or maybe it's the other way round, but having gone through a couple of hundred B/A pictures of rhinoplasty patients on different websites, I can't help but notice that a majority of them end up having their nostrils kinda over exposed post surgery. Is it because of the tip being more upturned? Is their no other way of correcting a slightly droopy tip than over exposing your nostrils from frontal view?
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