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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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thank, i try to help out people here as much as i can. but i wouldn't call my self the answer king :smile: yeah i will most like go next year, but i might even plan a trip early october but its not confirm yet. but i am definetely going back next year, most likely around jan or march. but again, not confirm either.
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Today is the official day where I start my pre-surgery supplements! With 1 more week to go, I'm not sure if reality is hitting me yet at full-force. It just feels surreal...

I'm taking:
Vitamin C
Arnica montana

Here's to hoping that I have a speedy healing process~
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yeah, its advice to bring a trainer with you even if you have no intention to jog. the street of gangnam is really rough. so you better off leaving the high heel at home :smile: dr shin speak decent english, but it carry with it a very heavy korean accent. you have to really pay attention to every words that comes out of his mouth which is easy cause not only is he soft spoken, but he talk slow enough for you understand. but incase you don't understand him, the consultant will be there right by your side through out the entire session. so you don't need to hire a translator for the purpose. its definetely worth seeing dr shin, even if you have no intention of having surgery done by him. but i strongly strongly suggest that you prepare a list of questions that you want to ask when you consult with him. dr shin is the type that will always answer any questions or doubt that you may have, but if the questions stop flowing, thus will end the consultation. you not going to get a lot of pep talk out of dr shin. he will give you your time and answer all your questions, but once it is done, he will move on to the next waiting patient. don't percieve this as being rude. he is just a busy surgeon. i wouldn't be surprise if you see him in surgical scrub when you're having your consultation with him :smile:

you can email BK directly to scedule your appointment. make sure you ask for anna, the head english consultant. she is the one that you want to talk to prior to your consultation with dr shin. she is very meticulous when it comes to jotting down detail. so go crazy on her. tell her the procedures that you wish to consult dr shin about. if you wish to skip through the normal channel of arranging an appointment, i can help you make the arrangement with anna through KAKAO talk. i can't share her personal contact information with you as per her request. but i can help you make the nesseasry appointment with her, that is if you want. you don't have to arrange it through me. you could easily email BK through their website and set something up.

hope this help.
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hang in there my dear. there is a reason why it is called a recovery room. you won't get too much luxury while you're there. just focus your attention on resting and healing. i didn't like the recovery room that much either when i was there. but i bear with it until there move me to the guest house. the guest house is no more luxurious then the recovery room, so prepare some basic ameneties before you move to the guest house.

nose bleed is normal after a nose job. so don't be too concern about it. just make sure to take your medication at the recommended time and keep replacing your gel pack as soon as it get warm. there should have plenty of gel pack stock up in your recovery room, but maybe not in the guest house. i have to warn you though, the frezzer section of the fridge in the guest house is really small. you might only be able to fit 3 or 4 gel pack in there and its not very cold. i strongly suggest you make an ice pack instead.

happy recovery my dear.
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my pleasure. keep your finger cross that 2 jaws isn't an option for you cause i'm telling you, its not the most pleasent experience :smile:
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Hey! Good luck to ur surgery. U in Korea now? What kinda procedures you are having? What's bromelain and arnica montana? Lol. I'll be in Seoul in 2 weeks time hopefully u will still be there.
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Hi Shane, I've booked my flight finally. Arriving in Seoul at 415pm. Do you think BK or ID can send pick up service to get me to the consultation? I read from the forum one of our forumers got free picked up service by BK even though she told them she will consult other clinics. Can you pls help me to contact Anna and ID consultant? I'm kinda lost I haven't find myself a place to stay yet. Trying to get someone to bunk with me to save on the cost.

I've checked Highland Hotel website they don't have a reservation page I can only email them, which I did. Waiting for their reply for time being.

Recently heard so many rumours of how ID service and quality gone down that's sad..

How's ur recovery? Your smile and your cheek? It's been three weeks now can't tell much from ur photos though.. I might have a shoot coming up end of sept but I guess I won't be able to do that cause I'm afraid might not be able to recover by then and my expression might look funny...

Is coex mall nearby? Do they have a supermarket that we can buy groceries and raw food to cook? Or is there any market around the area? Should I change to KRW before I go to Korea or I can change there?

Thanks Shane uve been helpful...
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BK doesn't offer free pick up from the airport, even if you decide to have the surgery at their clinic. ID might, but you'll need to put a certain amount of deposit with them before they would pick you up from the airport. that is not really advicale since by paying a deposit, you losing at leverage that you may have when negoiating the price. my suggestion is simply take the limo bus from the airport to sinsa and from there, hail a cab to your hotel. you don't really need either Bk or ID to escort you all the way from the airport to the hotel. i can certainly assist you to arrange an appointment with ID and BK. but i would need to know the date of your arrival and the time you wish to have the consultation with them. i will KAKAO talk anna and joanne to arrange your appointment for you once i know the date and time you wish to have the consultation.

i really doubt you going to get a reply from highland since most of their speak only korean. i suggest that you simply drop by highland and book a room in person. there usually have plenty of room to spare. if you want, i can ask my friend from korea to help you book a room at highland, just incase if there are no response from highland through email.

i'm not sure about ID service going down. but i'm not sure about their quality. thus far i haven't heard any complaint about bad result coming out of ID. maybe their post op care may not be up to par, but to me that doesn't mean the result i gotten from ID is the same. i had my 2 jaws done there and i love it. but i guess we all have different view and perception of what good service and quality is :smile:

my cheek and smile is doing fine. like you said, its only been 3 weeks, so there won't be a dramatic difference. but since i own my cheek and smile, i can say for sure that it is coming along nicely. i will post a picture of it later once i taken some more photo of my face. are you a working model?

coex is at samsung area which is near yeoksam. you would need to grab a cab or subway to get there. there is a hyundai supermarket near ID you can visit. there is also an subway entrace, exit number 5 at apgujong station if i'm not mistaken. whether you bring KRW would depend on the rate. i suggest you change some KRW at your country and change the rest at COEX mall casino. you get a better rate. some clinic will accept your local currencies, provided that your currencies is recognize by the bank in seoul. ite better to pay in your currencies, especially in BK. there give a rate from the internet which is a very high rate.

hope this help
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Hi,the most important the ps is done ,hang inn dear,u are brave girl,hope the ops turn well

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@.@ how come? When i went to Grand for a lipo n breast consultation, they told me that there is no English interpreter... Mayb they r too busy to be bothered by just one customer... And Regen was the same ...

So in the end, I had them done at theLine clinic ...

Btw, could you pls tell me how to get in contact with their online interpreter? Thx
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Sure. just give me your email address ! :smile:
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You don't need a translator since BK already has english staffs in case if Dr. Shin does not speak english although I don't know if he does or not
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