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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi Chloe, why would u say that ur experience with ID is disappointing? What kinda surgeries uve done with them? Pls share with me cause I'm planning to go consultation with Bk and Id I'll be there in 2 weeks times. Is Regen anywhere nearby to ID and bk? Dr Seo is good?
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Wow thank you so much for ur info!! Very helpful! And I'm glad that ur eyes turned out the way u like (; But where is teuimps? It's nearby to bk and iD? How much u paid for the surgeries?im gong Korea in two weeks times will try to survey around.
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Hi angel, congratulations! U made it. (:
I thought u will go later than me but uve already done now. U staying at the apartment at Coex that u told me? Kind sharing me with the fees for ur operation? Why would u choose idea clinic? Is it the price or the service? Cause I didn't hear much about that clinic though but I'm glad that u liked their service hopefully ur nose will turn out the way u like.

Fat grafting is painful the area where the fats are grafted will be painful for about a month. A friend of mine did the same. She did fat grafting for breast augmentation.
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Ow eightbelow, hang in there. My fingers cross for u and pray that it nose will turn out exactly how u like them. U had ur surgery done with Dr Shin? U only did ur nose? I'm nervous too I'll be there soon...

How long u gonna be there for?
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Hi Chloe, thanks for ur quick respond. Yes I'll be in Korea in 2 weeks time bought my airtix and booked the hotel. So u did ur zygoma and jaw with dr Seo? And I read that grand charges higher than the others I'm afraid I dont have enough...Do u mind to share with me how much u paid for? Is angular jaw same as vline or mini vline?

I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. Glad that ur surgery is a success (; I hope mine will turn out the way I want too... Nervous...
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Ahhhh!!! Silly me I forgot to include the date of arrival. I'll be in Korea on 10sept about 415pm to 430pm. Can I still make it for the consultation? Is their pick up service expensive? Or it'll be much cheaper if I were to take the bus and cab? Is the airport far from the clinic? I'm just afraid I'll be lost in the foreign land haha!

Yes I'm a model, mostly for commercials not those high fashion type.. I read about HKphooey posts last time that she had silicon for her paransal and she couldn't smile properly. That's my real concern that's why I keep asking u about ur smile and all haha.

Highland hotel replied me with very simple email said they will reserve a room for me haha. But Shane can I trouble u to contact Anna and Joanne? I hope to have consultation on the day of my arrival to save times.

What kinda currency do they accept? I have sg dollars, Malaysia ringgit and US dollars. Maybe I'll change about 300USD to krw before I go and hopefully change the rest in the casino, don't wanna get owned... Lol.
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I think you can also factor in the age too. And your daily activities & F&B consumption have also their share in the swelling down time.

I think if someone work out regularly, the swelling will go down more easily. On the other hand, a person who smokes & drinks alcohol a lot will take more time to reduce the swelling
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Right now I only have about 10k usd... :sad: can't go far. I believe vline is expensive... Dan4me told me she her price is also around there. Does grand provides stay for u? How many days u stayed in their hospital? And where did u stay after that
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Glad that your swelling has gone down slowly. We're pray for you, infection is no joke and i definitely hope your condition would be clear soon. *HUGS*

Be strong!!
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Yes I'll give an update on my eyes progress. :smile:

Actually you can go out shopping if you want. But just remember, that you have some wounds on your eyes.. so... if I were you, I wouldn't go out and expose my wounds to the risk of infection. I could be wrong though :smile: as I walked back to the hotel after the surgery. And that night, there was a little bleeding on my right eye. But still you can't be too careful when it concerns your eyes :smile: so I chose to be on the safe side.

The other thing is Teuimps put a thick bandages on my nose (from left forehead across to right cheek and vice versa). I think it's to protect my eyes from accidentally being bumped by my hands or anything. Plus both eyes were very swollen. So, people would certainly stare at me if I go out like that. Even in a city where ps is ubiquitos.

First of, they injected sedation. And during that phase, I think they also injected LA onto my eyes. so I didn't feel a thing when they cut my eyelid open.
Dr. Kwon asked my to open/close my eyes many many times. Literally countless :smile: sometimes he asked me to open very wide. It is essential to be awake in order to be able to open/close your eyes during this kind of procedures.

If I'm not wrong, the silicon gel you mentioned is a scar gel. You can apply it in 2 weeks after the surgery. You need to buy it at a pharmacy as the clinic doesn't sell those nor give out any medicine (prohibited by the Korean law).

Teuimps only gave me anti biotic cream to apply 3x/day until the stitches were taken out.

I'll try to answer your questions based on my experience..hopefully I can help :smile:
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you may be arriving at seoul at that time, but you must take into account the immigration and how long its going to take for you to check out. not to mention the transit from the airport to sinsa will take about an hour give and take depending on traffic. so i guess by the time you reach sinsa after everything considered, you're looking at around 6 - 6.30 pm. that might just be a little too rush to my liking, especially if you have plenty of luggages to haul around. plus both both BK and ID knock off work at around 7pm. so my suggestion would be to set the appointment the following day instead, that way you won't be in such a rush and either anna and joanne can accomodate you longer during the consultation. i suggest to set the appointment 2 hours apart from one another. that will give you plenty of time to wrap up one consultation and move on to the next with plenty of time to spare.

BK pick up service is 80,000 KRW which is about USD$ 80.00. (80,000 KRW) if you take the limo bus to sinsa station and walk to highland which is about 15 minute, then it will cost you about USD$ 10.00 (10,000 KRW) but i suggest you take a cab from sinsa station especially if you have a lot of luggages with you. the cab will cost you an additional USD$ 5.00 (5,000 KRW) which bring your total to around USD$ 15.00 (15,000 KRW) you can also take the subway, but for a newbie like your self who have never been to seoul, it might be kinda confusing. so i prefer you take the limo bus. from the airport to BK or ID is quite far away. atleast an hour depending on the traffic. you might reach there faster if you take a cab since limo stop does make make several stop in between your destination. but you will never get lost in seoul trust me :smile:

quite honestly with you, i am not a fan of paranasal implant. its either fat or dermis. i personally choose to have dermis since it is permanent compare to the fat graft and it doesn't resrict expression when you smile. i have no issue with smiling although its still a little tight due to swelling.

you sure you want to have the consultation on the day of your arrival? you sure you be able to make it? if you can ofcourse i can arrange the appointment for you, but i doubt you will be able visit both clinic on the same day. remember, both clinic close at 7pm.

all three currencies that you mention they will be able to accept. to get the best rate, i suggest that you hold on to the currencies that you have pay for your surgery with it. you get a much better rate especially at BK paying with your own currencies.
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Hi ton,how much for all procedure??how long??

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Hi there.. yes I'm very satisfied :biggrin:

I got full incisional double eyelid (they call it excisional) and ptosis correction (KRW2.5mil), and magic epi (KRW1.2mil). to a total of KRW 3.7 mil. It's the same price they quoted on their website. They are quite stern to hold up to their price. Only able to knock out KRW 0.1 mil :sad:

Most clinics that I went for consultations (BK, Regen, ID, Teuimps) quoted KRW2.5mil for the DE+ptosis correction :smile:
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U do primary eyelid or revisional eyelid?.
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You're very welcome :smile:
Yes I like the progress on my eyes :biggrin:
Teuimps is in Apgujeong area very close to Highland hotel maybe around 3min walk.
Quite far from BK and pretty close to ID
This is their website: http://english.teuimps.co.kr/english/main/main.html

I paid KRW3.6mil for my procedures.
Do survey around for at least 3 clinics before you make your decision. But not too many though coz it will confuse you more in your decision making hehe.
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