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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Believe me they hold on to their confirmation, eventhough it looks simple :smile: coz they did that for me ;)
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Lol. Cool, thanks guys! I've made an appointment to see Anna first and then Dr Shin, so thanks for offering to help Shane! I'll make sure to clean my ears prior to seeing Dr Shin so I can catch every word he says! ;)
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Hey hey,
I am doing better everyday, the team in BK was excellent , very caring , they are doing all they could to heal me although I have to stomach four antibiotic jap for the last few days. I meet one of the forumer while at BK waiting for treatment she actually think my nose look really nice now and I do agree too! So like Dr Hong said he put a lot of attention on creating the tip so even now that the silicon is remove the nose will still look good ( bear in mind that my bridge was ok height to work with) now ppl can't tell l have swelling because the scare tissue swell up inside the nose and no longer at the bridge.

Have a nice weekend !
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great to hear that my dear. hopefully your consultation with anna and dr shin turn out great. i'm sure you will be intrique by dr shin meticulous attention to detail :smile:
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great to hear that you on your way back. hope everything turn out great the way you wanted. make sure to keep all of us updated on your result :smile:
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you look like a superstar - and yes i rly like ur nose now XD

thanks for always cheering me up, when im a depressed and angry child lol!
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Hi Dan4me,

Could you share with me your b4 & after pics? I'm very keen on zygoma and mandible. What's the diff between vline and mandible reduction?
Is the process painful? How long did it take for you to be able to speak properly?
Thanks in advance!
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Definitely! I look forward to meeting him and Anna!

Can I also ask, how easy is it to catch cabs in that area? I may be rushing to get to my next appointment so I might hail for a cab if I'm short of time.

Thank you!!
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if you refering to sinsa, then its relatively easy. but some taxi driver will be very reluctant to take to some places if there don't know or understand where you want to go. this is where lack of knowledge of the local language can be a real burden. too many cab driver in seoul rely too much on the use of GPS. so before you hail a cab, make sure you have the full address in korean handy. you could probably show them address in english, but to ensure the cab driver will take you to your destination, its best to have the address in korean. don't be too upset if the first cab you hail refuse to take you to where you want to go, reason being either its rush hour at the time or its just not along the way where they are heading. don't get too discourage. keep trying. eventually you will hail a cab that is willing to take you where you want to go :smile:
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I thought the same thing in that they might not understand my English or the address written on paper so I've got the clinics addresses in Korean too so they will understand. In just glad that the taxis run frequently so it's not a problem hailing one! :smile:

Thank you for helping. Not just myself but everyone else. I'm sure everyone appreciates your frequent updates and always thorough advise. Wishing you a well and continued speedy recovery and I'll keep you updated :smile:
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