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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Where are you going for consultation? I will be here till 7 sept can't partner with you but can have coffee and catch up.
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Happy for you :smile: I drop those yucky porridge on the fourth day, even though it mean to take one hour to eat my meal I rather do that than porridge everyday.

P.s ( the porridge doesn't taste that bad just that we get sick and tired of it)
It is not the porridge fault just our taste bud problem! Lol
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How many days do they give u the guesthouse?
I'm anxious to see your result :smile: hang in there ;)
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Hiya! I'm leaving on the 12th and leaving on the 27th do yeah pm me your email as it'll be nice to meet up too :smile:
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This will be the last comparative photo i will be posting for a while until the end of this month. I just want to share this picture to show the difference my before and after surgery. Apologize for the grainy looking after shot since it was taken with the front cam of my iPhone. So far so good. Noticeably difference is the area treated (nose, cheek and paranasal) still experiencing about 30% facial swelling, 70% swelling on the nose. Any feedback would be appreciated :smile:
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7 days. Its in the basement so am not keen even if they offer me 2 wks. B2 is kinda damp mouldy (cos I see mould on the wallpaper) and I wonder if its detrimental to recovery. So am sitting at B1 most of the time as its more airy.

Anyway, Emisa is looking cute with the plump up face :smile:
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Can anyone share your experience with zygoma and mandible/Vline?
What are the side effects? How long does it take to recover? Do you have speech problem within the 1st month?
Do you experience sagging skin a few years later after the surgery?
Thanks in advance! :smile:
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Hi there again!

I'll share my experience with double eyelid surgery for those interested in doing it themselves~

For me, I only went to consult Teuim PS cause the pictures on their website was pretty much what I was looking for...

Walked in on a weekday early May but Dr. Kwon was not there, so they booked me the next day.

Lee (I forgot her full korean name :sad: ) was my consultant and the sweeeetestttt girl ever! I'm from Canada and she talked to me about how she wanted to move there in the future, etc :biggrin: She also held my hand when I was getting my nose filler (that hurt!) :love:

Anyway Dr. Kwon came in and while his english isn't very good, I found it enough to get my message across. But I brought lots of pictures, and used pretty basic words ("medium size!!!")

Got kind of worried at times since all he did was nod...LOL but he seemed very confident as to knowing what kind of fold would look the best on me. I had first requested something smaller, but then he said a bigger fold would look better.

Didn't get to talk to him for that long I think...perhaps 20 minutes? Dr. Kim came in after (I also got a filler injection on my nose and he's the one who does that) and his english was fluent, no problems there.

So what I ended up getting was: full incisional double eyelid surgery, ptosis correction, magic epi, and filler on the nose. I'll double check on the price they gave me, can't remember atm..

For the shots on the eyes, I was out for those (they injected the sleeping drug through the IV drip) and I had the weirdest dream ever. Thought the surgery was done when I woke up...but when I asked a nurse just curtly replied "no. 5 minutes". Man the dream definitely felt longer than just 5 minutes...

Dr. Kwon asked me to open my eyes a lot, and I guess he was at good ease cause he started singing along to the song playing in the background...LOL

The take-home bag included an ice/hot pack, some ointment for the eyes, q-tips/cloth, and pain killers.

Slight stinging right after the surgery, but only a dull buzz for the days after. Stitches removed on the 7th day.

My fold came out to be very very natural, most of my friends haven't been able to tell (with the exception of korean friends LOL). Nothing dramatic, but it actually made a HUGE difference to my eyes. I don't look like I'm always glaring anymore, and I feel confident to go outside without putting on eyeliner. Might be slightly small for people looking for dolly eyes, but I'm very satisfied ;)
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I wish to see more reviews on grand cinderella.. i'm going to cinderella but i wish there zygoma surgery didn't use screws like small face. i wonder if grand has orthodontic doctors swell?.. dr.seo seem pretty good though
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Dear members,I am a newbie here. My nose got injured five years ago when I was playing basketball. Anyway, it broke and after recovering, my nose became a little bit curved to the right. I want to have a surgery to get it back to the right place. Any suggestion of a suitable doctor or clinic in Korea? I don't want a bridge but just put it back to the original spot. I am in Perth and I am a girl.

Any help would be appreciated! !

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Hi Oceanbelle, im going later this month, around 28. How good if u can join me :smile:
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Sorry, didnt answer ur Qn. Yea, im going alone. And thinking of Grand or Teuim. Will do the shortlist again among these clinic grand,teuim,banobagi,dream,real. So far have some setback while considering others.
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Wow, so exciting!! You are gg there in less than a mth!!
I can only take leave sometime in Nov..
I'm trying to find some kakis going with me so that it will be more fun!
What do you intend to do? :smile:
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