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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Don't know where to dump this important info. Can't find the post requesting info on how to hire translators.
Hey if any of you are looking at how to hire translators - I found this site that is in English they cater for foreigners going to Seoul including transport, hotels and even advice of which clinics are famous for which procedure. Great help for someone like me.
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I went to dongdaemun to do shopping. Met a pretty lady owner. She obviously had jobs done but not sure abt face contouring. We chatted up n She asked me which clinics I'll be consulting. I mentioned BK, ID n Grand. (she shacked her head, n said no no for BK n Grand). I m not sure if it means no, dun go, or dun know abt this clinic. She encouraged me to go ID coz she said "famous for face" n gestured the contour.

So, I hv been hearing positive reviews fm that lady, Vivi, HKP, iloveegg n imbatman abt ID. Leaning towards them.
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My eyes are still swollen... so I havent gone out meet my friends.. hehehe...

Glad you found some good companies ... otherwise I couldn't imagine how miserable it is in your place right now :smile:

Hope your recuperation going along great!
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Hehehe... yea it makes sense they charged you more.. how'd u find the hot towel under the back of your head? It really soothed me :biggrin:

Yess.... my eyes are progressing little by little giving a more defined look everyday... though it's still swollen... but I'm gobbling up lotsa aloe vera juice everyday and vit C :biggrin:

I'll start applying scar cream in a couple days :smile:

Thanks :smile: my family hasn't got used to the way my eyes look now.. hehhee... well ... it takes some time to change my old eyes image in their minds :smile:

So... have a great time there.. I miss those BBQ pork & bulgogi... yumm.. :biggrin:
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Oow.. he had a crush on you heheheh... see I told you were attractive... hehehe now after the surgery you will attract even more guys :biggrin:
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Zoe (translator) brought me to BK on Monday. Our appt was 10.30am. We did not get to see Dr Hong till around 12noon. Waited for a while to see Anna too, n luckily gingercandy came in to look for me. Waiting is a waste of time n worse is when they do not even tell u how soon n just left u in the room.

Dr Hong told me I m still pretty, what do I need? (note that this part has affected my after surgery psychology). He looked closer n realized tt I need to do revised rhino. I brought up the cheekbone, n he said no. He will only do mandible trimming for me. He showed me example of how minor surgery is able to enhance ones look thru a b&a picture. I showed him the nose I wanted, he pushed them away. So, dr hong..love him, or hate him, it depends on yr personality. He doesn't seem to like to take your instruction or opinion. Typical artist like what gingercandy said? He is an ethical doc who will only give what is needed. Consultation with him is helpful coz he will tell u what u need overall. Unlike in other clinics, when 2 docs do different things n can't give u an overall opinion.

Unfortunately, my mind was quite set on cheekbone. We almost leave right after coz Anna was busy and kept us waiting again. It was 1pm and our a ppt with Grand was 1pm. I was really hungry..

Quotation: mandible @ US$4500, Revised rhino w alar @ us$6050, Fat graft face @ US$3k
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Darn, they did not give me a hot towel. A freak doesn't deserve it? They think..
Quite true..they looked at the old u for few decades. That old look needs time to be erased.
Oh yes, I love those too. Can u imagine tt I m facing these tantalizing dishes, or the pics n can't take them. :shucks:
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Likewise for yr case too. U will be busy entertaining soon! :biggrin:
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Today it's such an eye opening experience. In Singapore, during Halloween, Ull see crowds of pple in different dressing incl those with blood, bandages etc. Chloe brought her Beijing new found friend to meet for dinner. Picture this: all of us hv mask, plasters n heavy nose bandages. Her friend has additional head bandage, then 2 more of her friends met thru guesthouse stopped by n we chatted. They had plasters on, and the other had plasters, bandage n blood tube in patient uniform. Quite a sight. Like Halloween party!!:P:lol:

Chloe must be having a good time in the creepy guesthouse.
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Right after, BK, we rushed to Grand. Thank goodness that Zoe is bringing me there. Otherwise, I wld be wasting my time again to figure out. We stopped by a confectionary shop just downstairs of Grand. She called to inform them that we'll go up in 5 mins. Shared a sandwich n off we go.

Clinic has a few patients incl Korean waiting. The consultant is a friendly Korean. She told us there's doctor who specialized only in revised rhino. Impressive. Met with Dr Bae. Zoe translated for me throughout the session with both dr and consultant. Unlike Dr Hong, u tell him what u want n asked for his opinion. Besides, he only specializes in certain areas, so u can't really get much out of him except nose. I might consider them if not for ID coz the ladies working there look better than BK. IMO.

Quotation: 5.5mill
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Dear all,

As i will be arriving in Seoul in a couple of weeks. And i have done abit of my homework before my departure. But before leaving, I would love to seek your opinions in regards to the pricing and the skills of the doctors of the clinics.

At the moment, im actually have shortlisted Banobagi,Grand and teuim for my Double eyelid, revision of rhinoplasty and maybe chin implant. (i did comsider BK, and ID but these 2 gave me a verybad impression about the professionalism, so this is why I am abit reluctant).

So far the quotation that i have got among those 3 clinics, Banobagi is the most expensive one. And follow by Grand.

Have anyone of u experience with these clinics with any of the above procedures? And if I do all 3, how much u guys think they will give me discount? And how about the tax, will they waiver?

Your input is really much appreicated!!:graucho:
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Since our appt w ID is at 4pm, we told the Grand consultant tt we will go for the face contouring consultation either later or another time. Face contouring n nose surgeries r at different building though just diagonally opposite. I gathered we will hv to go thru the same round of consultation process before we cld get the quote, hence it will take another hr or so. We walked thru the short cuts (guided by Zoe) n managed to reach there on time. So, there was the usual consultation, followed by ct scan, dray, photo taking, back to meet Dr Park and Dr Kim. Dr park asked why I wanted to do facecontouring. Oh dear, is that another sign? Or a STD question? I explained tt I wanted to look real good in photo, so he suggested cutting n pushing it in. Then asked why mandible, again I said I wanted to look good in photo, he said there's nothing much to cut, so he will trim. I asked him what abt cutting the muscles too, n he said ok, it cld be done. See, in the whole process when looking back, I feel tt I hv been pushing the possible surgeries to him, in std of the other way round.

I shared with him my fear of drainage tube, n he assured tt he will only do so if needed.

By the way, I was also completely in awe with the looks of most girls. They looked naturally pretty! I m almost sold. Zoe told me that there was a time when no. Of them went to dr Kim to do rhino. One of them happened to come out fm a room. She looked like a Korean actress n nose looked really nice. So, I asked Zoe to quote her name when I was doing consult with dr Kim junesung.

He used ruler to measure chin to nose tip, liked using a golden ratio reference? He too is friendly, humble n patient. I made up my mind then n hence lost my negotiation ability. It's like when u fall in love, an objection is no longer one. With the real girls testimonials, I cld see these as real possibilities. Something that is achievable n yet natural. At the back of my mind, I just wanna know if I cld do surgery the next day morning. I was also hungry n tired.

Mind u. I was a top price negotiator in electronics field for years before. I was unable to deal with the price coz I really wanted to book the surgery since its near the end of the day. Cldnt think properly since I only survived with had sandwich the whole day till evening. Zoe was involved in the negotiation half a time.

Quotation: cheekbone @ 5.5k, mandible @ 5.5k, revised rhino @ 5k, fat graft@
2k = 18k - reduced to 17k
The consultant gave a look like, no more nego, final price! Coz fm a long list of things tt I wanna do, we cut to the above few. In process there were some negotiations too. Ok, I hv agreed with the offer. But Zoe said she is going to talk to her formal boss to see what cld be done. She came back w a final piece of 16.5k. I can't thank her enough coz she negotiated as if she is the one paying. Lolz.

Shane, I know this was a sensitive issue between u n HKP. But I would like to share my personal experience just so u cld bring the knowledge n share with others when I m not active in the forum anymore. I believe there cld be a misunderstanding since u were also fed with info fm other forumers.
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Hahahaha....maybe she was too nervous that she forgot the hot towel.. :lol:

You should try Gamjatang (pork bone soup).. waaa... this is so yummy... and you should eat the meat with your hands too... finger lickin good.. :lol:
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Be patient girl.. remember no alcohol after surgery... :biggrin:
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