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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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emisa ur up late!

yea checkup is very fast at BK!

howre you doing/recovering? gingercandy tells me youre already a pretty girl before surgery ;) well grab lunch or dinner maybe on thursday, you should join us then!
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Can't wait, shouislove. Never get to see u in BK guesthouse. Let's redo the sex in the city with gingercandy n eighbelow. I will make sure to take my breakfast n juices fast. Looking fwd to meet another 2 celebrities (though I already met Ginger but she must be looking even better than she already is) under Dr Hong's knife besides dan4me.
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Yes totally agreed we may have plastic surgery but I am sure nobody want to look like we come form the same factory cookie cutter doll. Yes last chance to get together is on thurs and eat our heart out!
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hey emisa, thanks for the updates and tips!!
Didn't know they're having typhoon in Korea take care ya!! What are u having for it meal now? U did zygoma and mandible right? Don't think u can chew on solid food yet..

U had ur rhino done with dr lee? I thought dr Kim is the famous one in ID for nose? So I guess I will see u next Monday? Other than room 212 any room that's decent? Hahah!

Do u need anything? I can help u to get before I come.
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Has anybody been to grand to see dr.seo, i heard you have to pay more for him and he deals with the celebrities or dr.ryu sang wook, i watched a lot of vids on him aswell. i'm stuck between grand and regen, regen seems good but on transformational shows the changed subtle, theres no doubt that grands before after looks amazing. I just don't like that sr.seo is not ortho or maxxifacial surgeon he works with them to for 2-jaw surgery. I don't even know if i need 2 jaw surgery, i'm getting v-lin, zygmoa, genoplasty and fat grafting. Any info or experiences would help xoxo
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Thank you! :biggrin: Team September is ready to go already!

I will Kakao you when I land - see you after surgery (you have to go to family gathering for the weekend still?)

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Heeey! I'm here! Let's meet up today before you fly out!!!
I'm going to BK for a consult at 10 am... but hit me up via email! I'll be checking it constantly!
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Yeah, I'm leaving Seoul on Sunday and will be back in a few days.. Don't know when... I'll probably know after I schedule my surgery. But I'll definitely try to run into you on Saturday! keep in touch via kakao! :smile:
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That's right! An artist won't do the same painting twice. :cool: how do we meet on Thursday? Do I go to BK? Which floor? 7th? Let me know the time. U r leaving on 7 Sep?
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U r welcome, Angel. :smile: when I return for review that day, it rained very heavily again. So, 3 important occasions were greeted with such weather. Strange..

I am eating mostly noodles, porridge, soft bread n trimshake fm pharmanex (they hv very healthy n good carbs with protein). Can't chew tough meat unless u get someone to cut into small pieces n chew a little then swallow.

My rhino was done by Dr Kim. I only met him after the stitches comes out. Dr Lee checked on my gum stitches only.

I was scheduled to leave Seoul on Sunday, but might hv to extend coz they cld only remove my stitches next tues.

Deluxe room is like a regular hotel room size, whereas the STD room tt I m staying now is even smaller. I prefer STD coz I m forced to leave the room as often as I cld so I could walk out e swell. Besides, I m alone, so no need for bigger space. Price difference is only 11000krw. I liked that their flooring is timber strip n they mopped everyday. It feels cleaner than the 3 or 4 star hotel carpet I believe.

So sweet of u..but dun think I need anything. Intact, I m trying to consume everything I brought so I cld get more space for my shopping which is going to resume today!
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I am so pleased I helped with your journey, you seem to remember everything I blogged, it makes me feel great. The tube thing, yeah I think if you didn't mention it you defo would have got it stuck somewhere.

And not having water for 6 hours really does make your mouth feel like Ghandi's flip flops, I tried to warn everyone about this too but you are right, until you experience this long and very painful 6 hours, it is impossible to even imagine the misery. I can still remember this feeling, probably will for many years.

Please continue with my constant advice about not have nose and jaw surgery together if you can help it, it really is scary not being able to breathe and scared to sleep in case you stop breathing!

Ooh ooh reading your blogs really bring back memories. I see you have the same hotel and the same room too, I can picture you sitting there cleaning your wounds just like I did 3 months ago. I bet the fridge is still crap lol.

If you want to move to another hotel like I did, move to Star Hotel in Yeoksam and book room 903 it's really nice and the hotel is outside the metro station so easy to get anywhere in Seoul but the most handy thing is the hotel is also right next to the airport limo bus stop.
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Hey Daughter

I see you are there now. I am trying to catch up with all the hundreds of pages I have missed! There's been a lot of partying to be had in the UK the Olympics, Paralympics, lots of music festivals and concerts and my last one is Sunday with Lady Gaga then life will be back to normal so hopefully I can fully catch up with some of your journeys.

I hope your plans are coming together and remember it doesn't matter what you look like, a Mother will always think her daughter is perfect!

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Woohoo!!! Our godmother is back!! Only if our godfather, shane is back in time for the reunion. Actually u hv been really responsive to my emails to help me, n now I m even more glad that we cld chat in this thread.

Thank you for the detailed blog. I read again before I set off to Seoul n another time after the surgery just so to recap what to expect. I hv emailed to Zoe regarding the questions. Will try to get a ppt with the drs this Friday.

Dun think I m going to move coz the luggage is heavy for me to move around, besides, I m leaving soon. But will take note of this suggestion incase I pack light next time.:P

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Pshhh you must be joking. my passport picture? l look like a monster. lol
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