mclarenlfc Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Hello hongkongphooey, do you mind sending me your before and after picture, im currently considering ID, probably will be heading there in a month or two please send me your pictures to .... thanks tons!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fallenangel2011 Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Please do. the more the merrier! i will get in touch when i reach Seoul on Saturday. All the best, hope everything goes as planned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fallenangel2011 Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 I have just installed Kakao too My ID is LC6175. Hope to meet you soon...woohoo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fallenangel2011 Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Hey Angel82, i have added you as kakao friend, hope thats ok. My ID is LC6175. I will be in Seoul this Saturday, doing my round of consultations on Monday. Hope to meet you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angel82 Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Sure fallen! Let's talk in kakao. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ilovechocolate Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Anyone has contact to other english translators in Seoul?? wrote to Zoe but she is fully booked on September Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angel906 Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 pm you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ilovechocolate Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 havent got ur message yet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gingercandy Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Hey emisa ! GC here forget to pay you for lunch! Let's catch up back in sin with serene and I buy you lunch ok. Sorry cant join you for shopping cos was invited to Dr Hong Place for Dinner. Will see you at home Happy shopping , buy more pretty clothes and stay hot! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emisa Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Day 7 Swell moved to the lower cheek. Lip swelled only by half a size. Now I understood how some forumers mentioned drastic improvement cld happen overnight. Day 8 Zoe came to the hotel to pick me up, even though I already knew the way. Guess she was trying to fulfill her duty as committed. She gave me a container of mung bean soup dessert that she cooked!! Wow! Real sweet of her..n it tasted yummy. The much anticipated moment finally. The nurse started removing the stitches starting from ears, side burn, n lastly nose. I might hv mentioned a no. Of times abt Zoe. Pardon me..I was really trying to share w pple who has as low pain threshold as me. Most post op care staff speaks little to none English. I got Zoe to translate tt I was extremely afraid of pain and please be gentler. Nurse smiled and asked Zoe to assure me that she will take note. Zoe held my hand n stayed with me when the nurse did the removal. She was like a commentator explaining what nurse was doing and how many more stitches to go. That helped a lot.I was so scared tt I squeezed her hand with my utmost strength.Geez, come to think of it, the whole thing is not painful except the nose stitches which hurts only a little. Dr Park came in to check my mouth stitches and he said very clean n good. He seemed please with the face condition too. Smiling n nodding. When I asked him about the swelling n how fast they could subside, he said I was too ambitious. As of now, my face has become a U. I kinda like the shape except the swollen part at the jowl n under my chin. Dr Kim then came in after Dr Park left. I was given mirror to look at my nose. First reactioN was, gosh, he really deliver what I asked him. To reduce the previous bridge and make it as natural as possible. Dun need to be pointy tip. The result is as natural as it cld get. But....(to be continued tmr) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emisa Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Ginger!! To Dr Hong's place for dinner!?! R u his goddaughter now? Lol. So privileged. Wow!! What food did he treat u to? Yes, let's catch up with Serene in Singapore. I would like to learn how to hv a hot bod like both. I enjoyed the lunch with you n Chloe. Luckily Chloe is still around or I'll be bored here. Hv a safe trip! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emisa Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Huh? That will be called unwanted attention since I am married. Lolz. Catch up when u come to Singapore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emisa Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Forumers who pmed me, I remember the info you ladies requested. Will post tmr. I want to make sure I do not miss out anything coz I am too sleepy now. Good night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kkim120 Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Hi y'all! Some of you guys may remember (or more likely, none... T_T) I had like 15 clinics that I wanted to consult... but when it came down to actually go around to do the consultations, I only made it to three: BK, Grand, and JW. So, here is my review of the consultations and extraneous notes. BK Clinic Even though I came 30 minutes late (what can I say, I got lost), I only waited about 20-30 minutes before going into the consultation room. I spoke with Regina the English consultant at BK for a long time... She was very kind and gentle, and suggested that I get tiplasty with alarplasty with no implant. Because Dr. Hong was finishing up surgery, I spoke with Regina for probably over an hour, but we were having such a great time, I didn't realize the time slipping away... When I finally got to see Dr. Hong, he gave me this speech about how there are beautiful parts and beautiful proportions, and eventually recommended only tiplasty because I strongly opposed to any artificial implants. He was sad about that... He said that a 1-2mm implant would have incredible results, but I said no... He also suggested I get a forehead implant because my forehead is on the flat side. To which I also said no. So, BK was $4000 USD for just TiplastyGrand Even though I showed up on time I ended up waiting quite a bit... There is not much to say here other than that the English consultant said that I needed a silicone implant. Otherwise my nose line would not be smooth... So before I even saw the doctor (because Grand wasn't really a serious consideration) I told her that I changed my mind and rushed to my Migo consultation, but I was too late to make. I had to reschedule my consultation cause the doctors were fully booked with surgery and other consultations.JW Clinic I heard about JW clinic from another forumer here, kikichan, but also on a Korean Naver Cafe ( I really liked the English consultant here too, Chung Yumi, and even though I showed up 3 hours late to my consultation (I'm totally jetlagged), they immediately squeezed me in between two surgeries, and I consulted with Dr. Suh. Yumi though that I may be bored, so she kept me company for an hour and half, until I told her I wanted to go somewhere (the BK Guesthouse to meet Eightbelow), and when I came back, she entertained me some more. I really like what they do at JW because you don't consult with the consultants. They help you fill out your paperwork and take you to the rooms and sit in on your consultation, but they don't recommend surgeries to you. Her explanation was that because they are not doctors/surgeons and don't know everything, the consultations are only with the doctor. I really liked this about JW. I also liked that my consultation with Dr. Suh was probably a little over 20 minutes. Dr. Hong's consultation was less than 10 minutes and most of that was talking about his idea of beauty. So... Dr. Suh also only recommended tiplasty with no alarplasty or osteotomy. He said that although alarplasty would be a good choice, it would make my nose prettier, because my face is actually on the wide side, having a narrow nose base would make my face look larger. So in terms of proportions, it would not be the best choice. So JW quoted me 2.5million KRW for tiplastyWhy I chose JW: Of course, the price is a huge part of why I chose JW. But there is also the fact that Dr. Suh has worked on ONLY rhinoplasties for 15 years. Dr. Hong is also good, and has done facial contouring and nose for 20 years. But that extreme specialization is one of the things that greatly impressed me. Also, at JW, if you want to do multiple surgeries, you see a different surgeon for each one. For example, when I was considering zygoma, I would have met with Dr. Suh and the facial contouring doctor. They also have an exclusive eye doctor, fat graft doctor, and some other category as well... JW also does not do any international/overseas marketing, but they have tons of international patients via word of mouth. The day I went in, it was all local Koreans, but when I tried to schedule my surgery on the 12th, there were 4 vietnamese women who had booked surgeries all day and on the 13th and 14th six singaporean women were flying in for surgery... Lastly, the post op care sounded amazing! They offer shampooings every other day, medicine is included in the price (but not the 10% tax), laser deswelling treatments, and because Yumi felt sorry for me (cause I'm so young and in Seoul by myself doing surgery) she also upgraded me to receive a free limo ride to the airport at the end of my stay. Which is great for me! Both Dr. Hong and Suh seemed very gentle, earnest, and honest. But Dr. Suh was slightly more kind in his consultation and not as patronizing as Dr. Hong. I mean, I understand I'm a young'un and he knows my Korean is not that great, but I did like Dr. Suh better. The price just hammered the final nail into the coffin. ~Extraneous notes~Scheduling Surgery My surgery is on Thursday the 13th at 10am. I asked for the second surgery of the day, but Yumi told me that the first one is the best because the doctor's concentration is at its highest. So for those of you wondering about when is the best to schedule surgery, please consider that... English Consultants Both Regine at BK and Yumi at JW are REALLY SWEET! I have plans to go out and hang with both of them (on separate occasions) during my recovery. ^^ Oh, and when I told Regine about my decision, she said that she could have probably brought the price down to $3500 USD, but not to 2.5 million KRW and match JW's price. If you are considering a consultation with a clinic that has an English consultant, I don't think you will need to have a translator. They are very good at speaking English and explaining everything. Fall Promotions Since it's off-season, a lot of ps clinics are offering fall promotions. I don't know if they will all tell you up-front about them if you are a foreigner so you should probably ask. BK Guesthouse Cleaning Lady So, when I went to meet Eightbelow at the BK Guesthouse, she wasn't in and the Korean cleaning ahjummah told me it would be alright if I waited... I ended up talking to her for over an hour about plastic surgery (LOL), despite my elementary level Korean. Since she's seen so many PS patients she has seen both good and bad results at BK. But Dr. Hong seems to be most highly recommended by the patients who have received treatment there. She also told me never to go for bone surgery because there have been patients who had to come back for revision after less than one year due to sagging. Also that when you age, the facial bones hurt and have problems faster... These are just her two cents on ps. Of course, she isn't a doctor, but I thought it would be good to share. It's not meant to deter any of you who want to have facial contouring, but since I was considering zygoma reduction... I think it's something good to know. Best Rhinoplasty in Korea It seems i end up talking to strangers a lot, because I also ended up talking to a lady on the subway who was going for her rhino check up (she had hers at JW). If you're on line 3, I think it's inevitable that you see some ps patients... And she told me that the top places for rhino in Korea were (in no particular order): VIP, JW, BK, and ID. Yumi also told me there are a lot of plastic surgery clinics that are not very good but spend a lot of money on marketing to foreign patients, so to be very careful (this was before I decided to do JW). Even though I begged, she wouldn't tell me which, so if anyone has seen a recent Plastic Surgery blacklist, you should post it here My Zygoma Reduction In addition to becoming suddenly terrified of all elective surgery now that I'm finally here... and not having the money for it... BK told me that Zygoma can't actually reduce the width of your face. if you have protruding cheekbones, then of course Zygoma can hep. But my round face doesn't have prominently protruding cheekbones. It's just wide like a football field. D: So... heads up to y'all who want a narrower face. Bringing Money to Korea A lot of you are planning to bring cash to convert, or the hospitals accept USD, or whatever... But you should also look into international banks in your country. I made a Citi gold account because there are absolutely no fees to use my card abroad. I had to pay $30 for the month, but basically I'm not charged any fees, the conversion rates are higher than what an in-person money exchange would be, and I don't have to worry about carrying all that cash. Also, there are Citi ATMs ALL OVER SEOUL, so no worries on that front either Getting from ICN to Seoul There is an express train that takes you from ICN to Seoul Station. From Seoul Station, you can take just about any line to get where you need to go. The express train is really comfortable and pretty fast. After you get to Seoul Station it's pretty simple to get around via subway.. There are workers who are there to help you on all subway stations, so yeah... Even if you don't speak Korean, they will literally walk you to the correct platform. Contact Me If you want to hang out with me, then please get in touch! I do speak Korean so if you're apprehensive about anything, perhaps I can help I'm fluent enough to be able to consult all of the doctors in Korean without a translator present and by the end, I was speaking in Korean with the consultants as well.. LOL. I have kakaotalk, so feel free to message me your ID if you want to get in touch! Wow. this was stupendously long. I hope this helps all of you guys out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angel82 Posted September 6, 2012 Share Posted September 6, 2012 Ahhhh!!!! How??? Let me how did u nose and face go!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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