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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Thanks, Angel. I brought everything I know that could help with the healings. Guess I lice to the Singapore kiasu trait.

I can't lose weight here coz I hv been walking and trying food at different places. Today, I even finished a mushroom beef burger except onions.

Just started shopping again today. During healing period, I hv walking only around the vincinty, like, across the street to sinsa, n those small lanes, behind highland, or street towards sinsa station. Sick of it now..:P

I will be extending till Tuesday. So whatsapp me when u reach?
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Hey! Zoe said she will email you now to get the picture and more information from you directly. She will also arrange to meet Dr Kim on Friday. She is awesome. ;)
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Day 4, 5, 6

So, I was on my own without my favorite nurse. Very determined to expedite my healing due to time constraint, I started to establish a routine.

1. Wake up at 7am, take breakfast n walk for an hour.
2. Walk after lunch if it's not too hot.
3. Walk out in the evening for lunch.
4. Walk out just to get mouth wash daily. I bought only one bottle each time which would only last me for the day.
5. Walk to get 2l of mineral water daily. With complimentary bottle frm hotel I should finish 2.5l at least daily.

Supplements to aid healing
Soft bread (took a while to chew into small pieces)
Vietnamese noodle soup (started on day 4). Phobay boss at sinsa small lane is nice, he helped to cut beef into smaller pieces and gave a big big pack of bean sprout, thinking I need vegetable after surgery. I was happy to accept. BUTTTTTT, I realized I cldnt even down one, without chewing hard and half swallowing it. In the end, I gave up the beef and bean sprout. Soup is yummy!! Things we took for granted. Price for vanity..

I bought a chicken sandwich on the 4th day, only to realized I could only eat the side of bread without the cheese, can't chew the chicken, sliced tomato took a while to finish.

My face did not blot like balloon, pumpkin or football. Some described face like it's gonna explode. There's major swelling innmy case but not like the above even during the 3rd n 4th day as DR Park n most pple anticipated. The irritating part is swelling lips. Numbness of lips coz much embarrassment when eating and hence I never eat in the cafe or restaurant during this period. Except an occasion when eight below n her PS comrade r around, so they cld be my mirror.

Lip could swell double the size during this period and very dry. Yr throat shld be better n much less phlegm by now.

My face condition remains constant throughout these 3 days.

Set a routine and stay focus.
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Ok , I will see you tml at 7th floor but I am not able to be in touch with 8below so maybe you can watsapp her or kakao her. I think I will be BK around 11.15 so see you there.
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Eightbelow replied my whatsapp. She is ok to meet. So, we shall meet at 12?see u!
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Love ur updates!!! Well done! And love reading how u described everything... Hehee!! Made me laugh but at the same time imagine myself in your shoes...
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I am arriving to Seoul on 10thSep maybe we can meet up..What is Kakao???
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well i been talking to cinderella aswell, i love Cinderella's look but i read one post where the girl did not like her zygoma surgery, she said it made her face look fat and they weren't symmetrical, but the dr. said it would take a few month. i'm still interested in cinderella, id, grand(dr.seo) and id. I'm leaning towards grand but would like to see more post on zygmoa and face work from cinderella
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I'll be arriving on the 10th too. Kakao is an app like Line and whatsapp. Add me at kakao 33111
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Hey shane, thanks for your post. I'm torn between grand( dr.seo), ID, cinderella and maybe regen. I like grand, because dr.seo is well knows and does amazing work and so does his associates, i got to talk to him and i like what he rec. I also love ID, only thing i want a surgeon that an all over surgeons seems like ID is only good in 2-jaw and v-line.. what i read from forums is cinderella is good but pricey i love before and afters but i need zygmoa and i read this girls thought her face looked to flat after going to them and one was not asymmetrical, mind you she was still swollen. I don't know who to pick, any advice? i know that you favour ID, so please don't be biased
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Oh! Can I join you two? I'm in Seoul right now doing consultations!
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Mother! I've missed you!!!
I thought you abandoned me on the forums ;'(.. But I understand. Mother has to party it out... Especially given the conditions of your exciting environment.

So far, I only consulted with BK. I was too tired to really see anyone else..
But I really liked Regine/Regina? (I forgot her name). She's the English consultant. Really sweet and earnest. Dr. Hong was nice too. He suggested I get a forehead implant... Which I won't be going for... Maybe next time when I've saved up enough money and courage.

Now that the surgery is near, I have NO plans to do zygoma. LOL. When it was a distant thing, I felt like I could do ANYTHING. Now? Nope! Terrified to do anything. But there is also the fact that zygoma reduction can't help my heart-shaped face... Apparently, even if I had it done, it wouldn't make my face any narrower. Which is a relief, considering I don't want to do any serious surgeries anymore. It seems, a lot people come to Korea and end up doing more than what they initially planned, but it seems I'm the opposite. LOL. YAY save monies!

BK recommended tiplasty for me. No osteotomy/alarplasty. Dr. Hong said that he would love to put a 1-2mm implant on the bridge of my nose, but I don't want any implants... so I said no.

I'll be consulting JK, Migo, Grand, and one more (I forgot) tomorrow, so I'll write about that once it's done!
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