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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hello Aladian,

I wouldnt mind at all. First off, I have never done PS yet, but I have been reaching out to clinics in Korea and the US to do rhinoplasty and potentially eyelid surgery.

I was looking into Korea and the options I had were among many. There are so many clinics and good ones that it was difficult to choose and correspond with as all of them offered something different and suggested different things I should do to my face.

I found Dr Kim through researching Dream and liked the idea that he was in the U.S- not as long of a flight for me, and in case there was anything wrong it would be an easy flight to go back.

That being said, my hesitations are that I hear he is great with eyes but I have not heard much about his noses. What I like is that he speaks fluent english, he was patient during our Skype call, and seemed very caring to every detail I was asking. He was also the first to suggest to me things I should not do which showed that he wasnt just a money grab. His cost was a little bit more than Korea however I save on flight and time.

Overall I can't speak for his work (which is most important) because I have not had any yet and dont know anyone who has. I only read online forums and have not found one bad review yet...Hope that was helpful in making your decision.
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Hi hi,

I'm planning to go Korea for eyelid surgery from end Nov 11 for about 10 days. Anyone keen to share a room with me? I'm looking for a lady room mate. I'm planning to stay at Hotel La Casa (Kangnam Gu) Pls pm me if you wish to team up. I'm from Singapore. Thanks!!
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Dear Resona, Tq for your reply and sharing :flowers:... what is this >>> clinickorea@gmail.com?

May i know how long Dr Kim Woo Jung spend time w u for explanation? B4 u decide go to Regen what is ur 2nd choice for eyelid surgeon? Can i have a look on ur eyelid b4 & aft if u ok...

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Hi, have you booked your tkt and accomodation? :smile:
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you are leaving just as i've arriving. keep post of your experiences in korea.
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i would have loved to have gotten an email reply from them to even set up an appointment. glad they made you feel comfortable!
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Hi there,

The assistant at Regen didn't give me any indication of price in fact they just said its hard to give a firm price and to just come in to see them. I have found Wonjin really great on service! Great english and professional. I asked about Nose, eye and breasts.
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I'm so sorry to hear that.
Do think twice if u want a revision again in the same clinic, u might be another Guinea pig for the young docs there.
If you need help u can email them at : itemclinic@gmail.com
or u can call their foreign patients enquiry mobile no. : +65 93848984
u can find more surgery information at this website: www.itemclinic.com
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@Seikei: My ptosis is on my right eye. Over the years, I have been using my forehead muscle to lift my right eyelid... hence, my right eyebrow is slightly higher. Given the asymmetry, Dr Kim had to operate on both eyelids.

Not sure what you mean by scarring, but the right eyelid is definitely more swollen than the left side after the operation. Dr Kim said this is normal as more work was done there. They will even out once the swelling subsides.

@novemberrain: That is Zoe's email. I cant recall how long was my consultation... it was long enuf, i think more important for me, was the doctor's correct diagnosis, proposed treatment as well as satisfactory answers to any queries I had.

I didn't have a 2nd choice eyelid surgeon... I would rather not do the surgery if I can't find a doctor whom I can trust to perform my operation.
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Hi Jang, u also think might be the young doc who done my eyelid surgery right? that y nobody wake me up during the surgery... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: can i sue them? before my surgery i already confirm many time i ONLY want doc KIM even he is not frendly!!! U did ur eyelid at itemclinic or u just recommend to me? Item famous in what surgery? Anyway thx ~

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@Resona, ptosis and levator muscle is the same thing? Dr Kim did ask me to do but i don't feel mys got any problem with my eye opening & i worry aft do it my eye cant close fully... doing ptosis have any side effect? between, what is love band? lateral epi is magi epi? Thx ~
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